So last night BF and I were on the couch talking about BM.. Now that the D is final.. Well BF has a car he was leasing, and BM has been driving it, while BF has the other.. Well the lease is up in a couple weeks.. BF was gonna try to buy his car so BM could take the one we currently have and he would take his back.. Well turns out since BM went and F*ed up his credit, he can't get financed..grrr.. So here's the best part.. He tells me last night that we will shave to SHARE our car (technically his cuz I have my own) with BM!!! Are you flippin kidding me?! I was like..can't this bitch get a job and get her own damn car?!!! Well BF works like 3 miles from our house.. He was like "its only for about a month till I get some money for a down payment, I can walk" I was like, NOOOO...that's ridiculous! As long as he doesn't change shifts at work, I could take him to work in the AM before I go.. But he was like "when BM has the kids she will have the car, when we have them we will have the car" NO! BM is an hour away, we are not sharing a car!! Bullshit! I said I do not want the stress with her, dealing with that shit, and I also said if that was the case, I would have to follow you in my car, cause she would be keeping it each time at drop off! Waste of gas, for two cars?! No flippin way!! UGH I wish this BM would get off her lazy friggin ass and get a damn job!!! Be a friggin adult for once in her life!! So then BFs mom calls, and asks how we are doing.. He says good, except financially cause of BM.. His mom says everytime I see BM she has a new shirt on, so she must be doing fine! GRR.. His mom was saying how lazy BM is and can't believe she isn't working! Its like everyone thinks BM is a lazy whore bag EXCEPT BM!!!! AHHHHH
- dguiwh2334's blog
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Can't he just buy her a
Can't he just buy her a hoopdy to get around in for a while until she can buy a car herself? Look around for a $2,000 set of wheels. Yeah, the tires might be flat and the doors might be missing but hey, it's more than she'll have once the leased car is gone. LOL!
a Hoopdy!! hahahahaha I
a Hoopdy!! hahahahaha I haven't heard this term in forever!
When my DH was in the
When my DH was in the hospital for colon surgery I wanted BM to keep the twins for 5 days (over thanksgiving holiday). She said she would if she got grocery money ($150) and wasn't 100% sure b.c. her vehicle wasn't running right. I laughing said - maybe she can use yours while your in the hospital. DH said, that's an idea I didn't think of, I'll remember that if need be. WTH? I was joking, she gets $800 month child support. Long story short - both boys went there 1 night (Thanksgiving) rest of time I had one, one stayed with a friend 3 nites. He never did give her the grocery money but had agreed to it. Nice, wonderful ex husband to her while me (SM) has all the responsibility.
Oh my god! No effing way!!!
Oh my god! No effing way!!! She can go to one of those buy here pay here places and buy a rent-a-wreck! I am sorry but that's total bullshiiiiiiit. I'd be totally freaking out on his a$$.
I thought the same thing. I
I thought the same thing. I can't believe that there might be someone out there so dumb. Really.......
Beaccountable, this is NOT
Beaccountable, this is NOT made up.. Oh how I wish it was!!! Granted when BM has the kids, she should have a car, cause I know BF doesn't want them on a bus or something.. But WTF?! I don't think he realized the amount of stress here!! AND BF works! NOT BM! So the bitch doesn't even need a car to go to work everyday, me and BF do!! This is nuts! I was so mad, yes like" are you serious? Your gonna walk to work?" I said, what if its pouring down rain? He said he could get a ride from a friend... WTF?! Where is BMs family and friends? Or are they all dumb whores like her with NO JOB?! I cannot believe this! There is NO WAY we are sharing a car.. As I sad for example if we had to go drop the kids to her, BF would have to drive out, and I would have to follow him in my car, in order to leave the one car with the money hungry whorebag!!! Are you kidding?! And I would so have him tell this bitch where to go, but BF (much like the other dads) isn't gonna leave his kids with BM and no car! If something were to come up, yada yada yada... SO????
NO NO NO NO! Not ok.
NO NO NO NO! Not ok. Divorces cover property. What did it say about the cars?
Crayon, that's exactly how I
Crayon, that's exactly how I feel!! And I just said last night when we were talking (before he said this) that I can't wait to watch her fall on her ass! I said she won't have any extra money.. The CP and A will just barely pay all her bills! And we both agreed and were laughing.. Even this; his mom when she called n was talking shit about BM, BF was all agravated about BM being "so friggin lazy n not getting a job" and going on and on about stuff that BM has been doing to piss him off.. How I do more then BM does!! Hello! But your thinking about sharing a car with the lazy bitch for a month till you can afford to get one?! This bitch needs to fend for herself! I'm younger then her and have my own house, my own car and work full time to pay MY OWN shit!! Why can't she??? This is what urks me?! He says he is sooo tired oif giving her money and once the CS and A kick in he isn't giving her a dime..! Why again are we gonns struggle to benefit her nasty ass??
Well BM has shit for credit,
Well BM has shit for credit, so everything was in BFs name.. BM had a car, and during the marriage BF asked BM to at least get a part time job if she wanted her brand new car, which she said she would..ooohh big suprise she never did! Well last year BF turned it in on her! Haha.. And then moved out.. Well he told BM she could drive his lease.. And he got his bros car to borrow.. Soo.. Now that lease is up, BF was gonna buy it, but can't get financed.. So instead of BM actually getting off her fuckin ass and doing one damn thing for herself, WE have to figure it out?!?! UGh the more I read all ur responses the more pissed I am!! But I know BF isn't gonna leave the kids with her if she doesn't have a car, then if I say that he is gonna look at me like I'm a bitch who doesn't care about his kids well being... Right?? So help me, how do I address this??!!
Well maybe BM will now learn
Well maybe BM will now learn that there are CONSEQUENSES for ones actions. Effed up her credit and can't get a car loan? How 'bout getting her @ss on a bus?
I would never share my car with BM, I can see how she treats her child could only imagine what she would do to my car.
So help me, how do I address
So help me, how do I address this??!!
Calmly and clearly communicate the fact that he is now divorced from her and what she does with the kids while she has them is her concern not his. If she is hurting them thats a diff story but not having a car to drive around in is not hurting them. She needs to get a job and get a car like the rest of us. Here is what I said to my BF
You are divorced from BM right? Yes. "You have two options, you can do what she asks and make her happy, If you do what she asks I will be very unhappy. I just want you to remember you LIVE with me. Whats your choice?
slash the tires then nobody
slash the tires then nobody but you has a ride...... ok, not the best advice, but i would be so pissed if i were you.... i'm dumbfounded that this is real.... where in the divorce decree did it state share vehicles....
You know what it is great
You know what it is great advice. You wanna play games and try and keep two women happy to hate each other this is what happens. Since you chose to share a car with her guess what my choice is? Take the spark plugs out and slash the tires now neither one of you have a car. Dont tell him you did it just do it and play dumb.
Oh hell freaking NO. Your BF
Oh hell freaking NO. Your BF needs a whack in the head if he thinks this is acceptable
I know!!! Its bullshit!! But
I know!!! Its bullshit!! But as I said, what do I say to him?? I made it clear I did not agree.. But I know the only reason he is thinking of doing it, is for the kids.. He doesn't want them stranded ya know.. Ok, I get that... But why the flip does my BF have to walk to work or get a ride so the dumb bitch can have the car??!! What does BM do? Um.. Tan..and be a whore?? Does she need transportation to do those things?!
My question for husband would
My question for husband would be why do you two have to carry the burden of responsiblity for the kids not being stranded? It totally upsets me as my DH uses this technique often and it works until I stop and think why the hell am I to carry the burden for BM's irresponsible behavior.
Gia your not saying I'm the
Gia your not saying I'm the dumb one right? I hope not, cause I'm just trying to get some advice on this.. I'm not accusing, its just hard to know who ur speaking of via internet
No hon, your DH is...
No hon, your DH is...
dguiwh2334, my BF pays BM car
dguiwh2334, my BF pays BM car payment ....and insurance...that is what they decided she should get when they split up as opposed to getting part of the house. They were only common law so I don't even know if she was entitled to anything and the house is in another persons name so I really think the whole deal is absolutely stupid on his part. I think it was more of a deal that he "paid her off" so she would leave her daughter with him. I can almost understand the car deal but the insurance is ridiculous.
Hang in there girl...I know it is craziness the hold these women have on these men...they think that they still owe them something.I don't know. I give up trying to understand.
Storiesbysteve, jojo68 and
Storiesbysteve, jojo68 and LMR120... THANK YOU! Steve, I understand, and as I said my BF is a good man, and he wouldn't be able to tell BM to F off and find a car, I would him too, but I don't see him doing that.. I see him and I arguing and getting nowhere..ugh.. Jojo68, I have given up trying to understand as well.. Idk why he cares so much and has to be the nice guy when she fucked hm over and continues too, I point out the fact that she uses him over and over...time and time again, and it doesn't sink in! I want to pound it into his head sometimes!!! He would die if I said we were gonna share my car with my ex husband (I don't have one but still lol) and LMR120, that sounds like a good idea, but he knows I'm crazy, I would be the first accused lol...
Steve, believe me you, its
Steve, believe me you, its NOTHING sexual (barf) he in no way, shapr or form wants BM back!! I am not at all worried about that! And yes, I do understand he is a good man.. But I want him to understand that this "car problem" is no longer his concern.. He and BM are not in a relationship anymore, kids or no kids.. BM has a "boyfriend" shouldn't he be helping her? So Steve, as a man, how can come about expressing this to my BF without him taking it the wrong way?
Are you sure your dh doesn't
Are you sure your dh doesn't still have some feelings for her...? Or maybe like he still has obligations to her? I have read a few of your previous blogs but not all... when dh and I first got together (it had only been a few months since they had seperated and they had been together 7 yrs) when she would drop off sd she would always try to have convos with him outside about getting back together and texting him all the time no boundaries whatsoever. Part of him was scared that since they didn't have a court order yet that she would withhold sd and I and think another part of him still missed her and still felt like he owed her it pissed me off like no other. I would flip a lid if dh said we had to share a car with bm
???????????? Have BF tell
???????????? Have BF tell BM to fix her own damned transportation problem.
I can't even believe this is an issue.
Best regards.
Rags, thank you for giving me
Rags, thank you for giving me back peace of mind. When I read what storiesbysteve has to say, I always disagree and since there aren't many males around, I tend to think that is how all of you think. Mechanical thing, my a$$ (nothing personal steve, lol)... Dr. Laura seems like she got her psychology degree from google.... Gee that woman is so stupid.
Interestingly Dr Laura does
Interestingly Dr Laura does not have a Phych degree. Her PH.D is in Biology. She is a licenced therapist though. I used to lister to her during commute time years ago. Other than her perspective on stepparents (you are just the parents spouse and should not be involved with the kid (ish) ) I agree with much of what she has to say.
Steve, I agree that men are
I agree that men are fixers. I just would not invest anything in fixing this transportation problem for an X where it my X experiencing the problem. I would go get my kid and tell the X that when they were able to care and transport the kid to have them contact my lawyer to begin the process of getting visitation if and when I felt they were capable of safely visiting with my child or a judge told me I had to facilitate my X spending time with my child.
As for Dr Laura .... I actually listen to her fairly regularly when my commute time over laps her show. I like much of what she has to say. With the exception of her opinion on single parents not remarrying until their kids are grown and her opinion that Sparents are nothing more than the spouse to the parent.
No disagreement from me on your perspective on this Steve. I get a lot of value out of your inputs.
Best regards.
Here's what you need, Find
Here's what you need, Find that Biach another Man... One with a car, don't worry what he looks like, just as long as he's got a job and some wheels....Maybe once she's she has her own dude, she'll leave your dude the hell alone, if only for a few days...(One would hope
....I hate BM's......
I got home last night from work, walk in..skids are all excited to show me how they "cleaned up the house for me" lol.. BF says, when you have a min I gotta talk to you (he didn't look too happy, funny cause 1st thing that came to mind was "oh shit BM saw ST site LOL") Anyways (may be long) I sit down and BF says "someone isn't happy today" and shows me his phone as he begins to read me texts btwn him and crazy BM.. So their argument started cause BM asked if BF paid anything on her cable bill! So Bf says" yes I paid 100 towards it, I'm trying here, I have other bills" BM says "Oh, so ur helping GF with her bills?!" BF says, "we live together, its none of ur business where our money goes" So BM is gettin pissed.. BF then asks BM if she has found a friggin job yet since its been a year! BM says" No" ... BF made a comment that the economy must be REAL BAD then (LOL) this pissed BM off, so then BM starts talking shit about ME (what's new) and says my job is one any woman in their twenties can get! (I'm a manager n work 40 plus hrs a wk) hahah, ok bitch! So she then goes on to say, "fuck the judgement for the divorce! (Mind u we are waiting for the finalization till her fuckin bankruptcy is final) She says she wants to go to mediation to split shit and get what money he owes her! And she says "and you can pay for that too!!!!" OMG at this point my blood is boiling!! And I say " Bf I'm gonna tell you right now if you let that bitch use our car I'm gonna be pissed!! After all the shit she pulls and demands more money from you and tells you what your gonna pay, no fuckin way!" I was so livid, as was BF, he said we are NOT sharing the car with her.. SO THEN the bitch is sayin that she is sure BF won't let her use the car cause I keep him on a tight leash! Hahahahah!! And BM then says (cause BF isn't replying) "oh, ur GF must be home, tell the SLUT I said hi" AHHHH!! My blood pressure flew thru the roof!!! So point being, I made it VERY clear we are NOT sharing a car with that bitch! BF is sooo pissed at BM, he is still fuming today (which doesn't happen) He went off on her last night, standing up for ME!! Thank god, its about time! So.. My friend works at a car dealership and she is gettin us a car for cheap, and we are giving BM the car SHE wants, which is a 400 dollar a month car payment!! HAHA, the bitch can have it! Maybe she can get a job for once and pay for it!!!!!
Losthope, no, it wasn't like
Losthope, no, it wasn't like that.. He was suggesting what we may have to do.. Which I didn't go for.. BF sometimes isn't one for thinking things thru before the ideas fall from his mouth
And Metalmom, BM does have a BF!! With a vehicle!! It doesn't matter, she will always try to get btwn me and BF cause WE are happy and she can't stand it!! She is miserable! I just can't wait till her kids see her for who and what she really is!!!!
Oh if it were up to me, there
Oh if it were up to me, there would be NO communication whatsoever... I'm shocked that he is till pissed at her today, but happy.. When she kept sending texts last night, I told him to NOT reply. And he did not.. BM acts like a girl in HS with her drama.. Its funny cause she always has her smart ass comments about me cause I'm younger.. Like calling me "a little girl" haha, right.. This little girl works a full time job, has her own home and her own car, and pays for all my own things!! And BM is a friggin loser that can't pay for shit.. I would never be the ex wife that has to ask my ex hubby for money! I would feel like a friggin loser, pathetic!
When I got divorced, I rode
When I got divorced, I rode my bike for 2 months because my ex husband had the truck in the settlement.
I lost 15 pounds and haven't looked back.
Maybe BM should do the same?