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dguiwh2334's Blog


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So we had skids for the weekend and we were over at bf's parents for the day. Well bm calls and said that she wants us to drop skids to her at 8pm cause her and her bf are going out to dinner. Well bf and I keep sd4 sunday nights cause she has preschool monday morning. Well sd4 has been sick all week and weekend, and we wanted her in bed early due to the fact she has to be up early for school. Well we get to bm's and I wanted sd4 to stay in the car (seeing as how she was asleep and its 5 degrees out) nope.. In she runs to see bm.


dguiwh2334's picture

So Urban Dictionary defines..Baby Mama Drama: When a woman gives her baby' father pure hell, begging for money, saying he cant see his kids, calling when she need something, wont work, if she does work she thinks the father should pay for all the kids expenses. always starting drama, and ghetto to the bone.

2. Baby MaMa Drama: When a guy has a child with one woman and tries to develop a relationship with another, while still dealing with the baby's mother on a relational/sexual level. His excuses to his new partner;


dguiwh2334's picture

So literally every time we pick up the skids, the girls have brand new outfits.. And this morning their school was cancelled and SHOCKER sd's have brand new clothes on. Now don't get me wrong, I'm glad scanky bm gets the kids clothes, but is it really necessary to buy them new clothes EVERY day?!?! Perhaps this is why bm NEVER has money to buy food and feed them?! Like last wknd we picked the kiddos up late (around 9 pm) so we get home around 10 pm and all 3 skids say " I'm hungry!!" Well did you guys eat dinner? "No, we haven't ate since our school lunch". NICE.

Been a few months, here's my update :)

dguiwh2334's picture

Hello everyone, its been a long time but I've been hard at work and life! I hope your all doing well and I can't wait to catch up! Well BF and I are still together and doing much much better, but I will say it was not easy! After many long talks and several fights.. Things have actually changed quite a bit. BF no longer talks with bm unless its at pick up and drop off or confirming dates with skids.

hahaha! just keeps getting better and better!!

dguiwh2334's picture

So BF and I just had skids for... 7 days, they were with bm one night, and now we will have them again from today till thursday.. Well yesterday we dropped skids off to bm, when we got there, she wasn't there.. I had sent her a message tellin her what time we would be there when she was sayin how much she missed her babies!!! Well we wait out in the hot ass sun for bm to get there.. She pulls up with her boyfriend and gets out.. And she has her back in a greasy ponytail, and a long tshirt on that says "BADASS" and....

This is WONDERFUL!!!!

dguiwh2334's picture

So BFs phone is shut off for a week cause he has to pay for BMs mess.. She bought a new phone before her contract was up, and now he owes cause she switched contracts.. ANYWAYS, BF has been without a phone since Thursday and won't have one till friday.. The sweetest thing??? BM can't blow up his phone Smile its WONDERFUL!!!!! So now she is texting me about dumb shit lol..

Floating in and Out....

dguiwh2334's picture

Hey everyone.. I've been watching the website, just not much time to write.. New job, and always busy. And I've been sick for over a month. I hope all is well, I miss everyone and wish I could get on more. End of this month I'm off for a week tho, so I will catch up Smile As for me, things have been great! We currently have skids for a week, and its been great. Ss9 is still all lovey towards me! We went to the beach over the wknd with skids, and ss9 said he loved me again..
