This is WONDERFUL!!!!
So BFs phone is shut off for a week cause he has to pay for BMs mess.. She bought a new phone before her contract was up, and now he owes cause she switched contracts.. ANYWAYS, BF has been without a phone since Thursday and won't have one till friday.. The sweetest thing??? BM can't blow up his phone its WONDERFUL!!!!! So now she is texting me about dumb shit lol.. "Um does bf know about ss9s game??" UM YES dumbass, I live with him and attended his first game, I told him what time it is... BM is so pitiful.. And sidenote, we've had skids alllllll week and wknd and I'm ready to pull my hair out today
and I'm back to work tomorrow, so no break for me.... How was everyone elses weekend??
- dguiwh2334's blog
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What does BM's phone have to
What does BM's phone have to do with your BF's phone?
BM used to be on BFs plan..
BM used to be on BFs plan.. Before the D was filed.. Then when he moved out BM started paying him the money for her phone... Cause if BF cut her contract when he left he would have had to pay 350 bucks.. So he was gonna wait till the contract was over.. Well during that time BM figured she needed a new phone, and charged it to BFs account, then didn't like that phone, so upgraded to another.. Then a month or so after she decided to give him her phone and get her own plan
once again, BM is a dumb bitch... So now BF has to pay all that bullshit on his account before they turn his phone back on...
that put me at the top lol... They go back to BM for tonight, then we have them again for 3 days, I swear to god we should be getting child support cause BM never has them!!!!
And steperg, thank you!! It was a good time with the skids, just very long.. I've been sick for almost 2 months and I'm exhausted.. I'm started to become the evil step monster.. I just yelled at sd4 cause I was in the shower and she decided it would be fun to get a popsicle out of the freezer, eat half of it, and leave the rest to melt all over my coffee table
Okay, let me get this right.
Okay, let me get this right. Your BF pays for BMs cell phone??????????? WTF? :?
How about letting BM wallow in her own cesspool rather that your BF bailing her out?
Best regards,
No... BF USED to pay for her
No... BF USED to pay for her cell phone. When they were together... Before he had her switch plans the scank charged a new phone to his account.