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dguiwh2334's picture

So we had skids for the weekend and we were over at bf's parents for the day. Well bm calls and said that she wants us to drop skids to her at 8pm cause her and her bf are going out to dinner. Well bf and I keep sd4 sunday nights cause she has preschool monday morning. Well sd4 has been sick all week and weekend, and we wanted her in bed early due to the fact she has to be up early for school. Well we get to bm's and I wanted sd4 to stay in the car (seeing as how she was asleep and its 5 degrees out) nope.. In she runs to see bm. Well bf took her inside (altho he isn't supposed to go in bm's house anymore) well of course as usual bm finds ever chance to keep bf inside and make sd4 upset. So after 10 flippin mins bf comes out with sd4's outfit for school and a bunch of papers, I said "what's all that?" He says "sd4 has a school project that is due tomorrow". Are you friggin kidding me?! Bm gives us her hw at 8pm on a sunday night?? When we have a 40 min drive home and its already her bed time?? Wtf?? And bf was wondering today why ss has a D in english.. UMMM cause bm doesn't do their damn hw!!!! So now we are home and its 9 and sd4 is at the table doing her hw.. Coughing anf half asleep.. I'm sooooo friggin pissed right now I want to scream and knock bm out!


oneoffour's picture

Put the girl to bed. 4 yrs old and no homework completed will not keep her out of Yale.

Send a note tomorrow to her teacher saying that she was sick all weekend and the homework was only handed to you last night from her mother.

Put that poor baby into bed.

I agree though, the mother is a dumbarse.

dguiwh2334's picture

I'm not doing shit. I'm so irritated. BF is in the dining room with sd still doing the hw and ran her a bath, she has "picture day" tomorrow. I hate that dumb bitch so much!!! So if bf wants to further enable her friggin stupidity... So be it. I'm not doing a damn thing.