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So... Pee Pee is back in town..

mrsparks's picture

Apparently SS found it acceptable to PEE on the couch while watching tv, now I don't mean a little bit I mean a full fledged piss..Now I was unaware of all of this, as I was hiding and watching my dvr'd shows in the bedroom..
I hear DH saying something to SS downstairs but could care less because, I'm upstairs, and well they're downstairs not bothering me..

I leave after my shows to pick up my daughter at her friends and DH tells me that SS peed on the couch because he fell asleep..

Well see.. that's really funny because my son told me that SS was wide awake watching tv and what I heard DH saying downstairs was.. "You know better, why did you do that!"

So I LOVE that DH lied to me to protect SS but..he really shouldn't have,because my son is my offspring and tells Mommy EVERYTHING.. 'NUF SAID! I know he lied because he knew I would be pissed and he's right.. I just hate sitting on a couch that's been saturated with pee.. Am I wrong?


EvilDiva's picture

ruined at this point? Can you get it cleaned to reduce odors?

Are you going to confront your H about the lie?

This is a hard road we have chosen, isn't it? I wish I had some sage advice, but I really don't.

I do not believe you are wrong for being upset. I would be livid as well. Sad

Evil Diva

Nymh's picture

I'd try to institute a new rule, SS can't sit on the couch until he learns to control himself. It's not going to hurt him to sit on the floor. If he pees on the floor, SS has to clean it up (or at least help, I understand he's young).

But honestly, the lying thing would really bother me. Have you confronted your DH about what your son said? You can't be expected to help SS learn how to control himself if you are not fully aware of the problem.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

mrsparks's picture

pit him against my son who is the one that told be the truth about what "really" happened, I'm going to let DH know I know what happened when I get the best chance and the next time, as I'm sure there will be one, Pee Pee can wear the pants all day and I'll bring in the slip & slide for him to sit on-It's just so frustrating, and I have been wanting new furniture, although nothing was wrong with what we had until last night Soo... there's no better time than the present right ? On a normal day SS would have had his ass whooped by yours truly but by the time I came downstairs to pick up my daughter, SS was already tucked in "safely" by DH.. coincidence? I think not.. Also SS still wears pull-ups at night- I made DH buy my son a new mattress after SS saturated my son's bed a month ago and that was after no liquid after six, peeing before bed etc- I don't want to put pull-ups on SS all day, because that's like giving him a license to pee in them every chance he gets with no re-course.. The more I'm talking about it the more "pissed" I'm getting!

sparky's picture

I would not buy a new sofa now because the same thing is going to happen again and then you will have a new one ruined. I would demand that your H get that stinking thing out of the house and if he doesnt call Goodwill or Salvation army to pick it up. Let those people sit on the floor for a while so they will start processing the information.

mrsparks's picture

Maybe I'll put the couch and SS in the garage until the couch is out of my house, I "HATE" the smell of pee!!!!!

Sunflower's picture

I would go down to walmart and buy a bissel steam cleaner with an upholstery attachment. I had the same thing happen with my younger SS. It will clean and take away the smell and is easy to use. They are great to have around the house and you can even use it in the car. This will cost alot less than a new couch.As for SS I would make him sit on the floor or on one of thos kiddie plastic lawn chairs until he learns to control it.