Throughout my own experience and that of friends, and posters on here, we all know that BMs will always try to ruin our relationships, they will use their kids as a pawn, turn the kids against us.. "The ev
il step parents", and in most cases our DH's will have a hard time being mean to the BM or sticking up for themselves. Nobody really knows how hard WE have it. I for one know that all though I always try to hold my head high above BMs bullshit and drama, and manipulative games, every now and then I have s strong urge to strangle her. I know now that urge will probably always be there as long as she is. And I thought that BM would never get to the point of turning skids on me, but she has.. Well she is trying, its nice when the skids get to our house and start telling me all the things mommy has said about DG during the week.. UGH its exhausting.. But I just keep my cool and remind the skids that " I love you and not everything people say is true, all you need to remember is how I feel for you, and how you feel about me". Its working so far, but god do I hate BMs immature bullshit.
- dguiwh2334's blog
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Crayon - you forgot his
Crayon - you forgot his references to his "bbbeeeeaaaauuutttiiiffffuulll wife"!
I'm still a bit flipped out
I'm still a bit flipped out over the fact that only today have I yet to realize that DH has never really said one cross word about his ex-wife, daughter or the damage they have caused both of us and how it has been directed at me for quite a long time.
Why can't he say anything "true" about either of them, especially his ex-wife of all people?
Yup, Dh and Bm are still
Yup, Dh and Bm are still "good friends". Ummmmmm...friends don't do what she did to him! And, DH refuses to say anything bad about BM, too. It's amazing....all she did was whore around on him and then took off and left him and the kids. I just don't see the whole "mother of the year" deal, but...whatever...
the bm i deal with was trying
the bm i deal with was trying and skids would repeat, so i finally turned the tables and asked skids, "are you TRYING to create resentment and drama?" skids, "no" me "then leave what you and mom discuss at home, i don't care what she thinks about me nor do i want to know" they tried a few times after that, but ignoring the subject made them talk less and less about it
I guess I'm lucky my BM is a
I guess I'm lucky my BM is a slut from a one-night stand who is old, unattractive and just a general looser with airs of grandeur who needed a DNA test to tell her who her kid's dad is. }:)
And, yes, she tries to make our lives awful. I haven't figured out if it's intentional or if she's just that messed up in the head - it's probably the latter.
She goes from one side to the other side and is such a liar that she can't even recall things she's told me, or separate things that I told her. She actually tried to tell me stuff about my own life like she knew it. Mind you, I've had maybe 4 conversations with the woman total, and only 2 of those lasting more than, say, 5 minutes. :jawdrop:
I imagine she would try to fake some CPS crap like Crayon's BM or something else that crazy if she thought she could get away with it.
Crazy people!
Wow, yep I'm not the only
Wow, yep I'm not the only one.. Crayon, my life seems oh to familiar!! BM tries to ruin everything! She shows up drunk at BFs grandfathers funeral! No joke!!! Wearing jeans and a skin tight tank top at that! It was awful, and BF was pissed.. For about one day. Yet on the other hand me, and all of BFs family are still pissed off. I swear, when BM does something BF will be pissed for one day, horrific things that make BF and I fight for days on end, yet he forgives her the next day, it kills me. The scank bitch who f*ed everyone in sight, dragged out their D for over a year and took everything, keeps the kids from us when she doesn't win and break us up.. I swear if I count all the times BM has tried to break us up... I don't even think I could count that high! And she is so disgusting, last weekend BFs friend went with me to pick up one of the skids from her house (the friend hadn't seen BM in 2 yrs) first words that came out of her mouth after seeing BM were "she looks like a strung out crack head!!!" Yep.. She is anorexic and looks like she does lines all day on top of being a drunken whore.. SN, she gets a butt load of $ for cs and alimoney, on top of her working full time income.. Well last month she called BF asking when we was depositing the cs payment cause she didn't have her rent!!!??!!! Seriously?? BM gets about $5 a month with all income, and she didn't have her rent! UGH
Doncon29, I love the last
Doncon29, I love the last part of your story by the way
you go girl!! BM talks shit all day till she is in front of me.. The reason her and I no longer communicate or see eachother at all is because she was running her mouth to BF thru texts, I told him to say something. He didn't want to "start a fight with her" haha, OK. So I took my phone and let the bitch know what I thought of her 
Correction, BM gets about
Correction, BM gets about $5,000 a month, not $5 LOL
Yep! BM was on a whole "skids
Yep! BM was on a whole "skids are NOT allowed to be DG" skit. It was ridiculous, but of course there comes a time when bm needs DG to watch the kids!! This was branched from me and bm's fight.. Bm actually told skids that I said mean things to her and hurt her feelings, so skids weren't allowed to be alone with me LMAO!!! What an idiot. Well that following weekend I was going to the store and sd4 and sd6 wanted to come along.. Before leaving sd4 walks into my bedroom and says " DG, mommy says that your mean to us". What?? So I get in the car and ask the girls.. "Do you think I'm mean to you?" Sd6 says "no!! Sd4 said you were when mommy came in our room last night and asked if DG is mean to us!" I said wow sd4 that really makes me sad cause I think I love you and do an awful lot for you." Sd4 then puts her head down and says she is sad.. Why I ask? "Cause mommy told me you were mean, and if ur mean to us to ask daddy to call her." WOW.. After talking with them we got home and sat down to paint and sd6 then says "why aren't we allowed to be alone with you when daddy isn't home anymore?" Idk honey. "Mommy says its cause you said mean things to her and hurt her feelings." (Sigh) I respond " well mommy hurt my feelings as well and things that go on btwn me and you MOMMY are btwn us and not to be discussed with children, and I love you and miss you when you are gone." Things are fine but they keep telling me everything she says!
Yippers! BM is more stanky
BM is more stanky that a pile of donkey turds on a hot day in Oklahoma! :sick:
BM smokes her weed and thanks mother earth for da beautiful rain showers. :?
BM is a waste of cellulite. :O
BM needs a personality transplant.
BM fell out of a stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down.
SM is happy that BM loses her free money in 149 days