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BM and an Ex wife...

mermaid33's picture

Hey there everyone,
So BM is not a threat to me. She is just a plain loser that my husband was never interested in. We dont talk to her or anything. I dont spend much time worring about her either. I spend a lot I mean why to much time thinking about his ex wife.

DH and his ex wife never had any kids together. She had a daughter and he had a daughter. She got pregnate by another man when they were married and he raised her daughter until she was 4. He thinks of her as his own. I guess this summer he wants the kid8 to come to our house. She lives 2 states away. I am not excited. I dont want her at my house. She is just like her mother. I dont see my husband when I look at her, all I see is her mother. I hate her mother. He wants me to play like we are some big happy family with a child that is not even his. I dont think so.


Gestalt's picture

If your husband has accepted this child as his own then it would probably be best if you looked at it that way too. Just because you do not like what this child is, doesn't mean he should love her less. And what would that say about him as a man if he willy nilly disregarded his child because of a new woman? Would anyone really want to be involved with a man with that type of character?

pat's picture

I am speechless. I understand you hate his ex, but, if he loves this child since birth , then you should do all you can to make him happy if that makes him happy. He is your other half, and you should try to do best by him. Ex spouses are a ex for a reason, kids are victims.

stepmom2one's picture

I am sorry you feel this way.

I don't think you have to play "happy family". Treat as a guest in your home, that is what I do with my SD. I love my SD for who she is, even if that is not the person I would like her to be. I treat her as I would a neighbors child or neice....and let her parent (my DH) deal with the hard stuff, like punishments.

Take it one day at a time.

mermaid33's picture

I think I should have wrote this a little different. The kid8 moved with her mother like 3 years ago. We have not been apart of her life until recently. But when I do see this little girl she tell me "my mommy says you're a little bitch." I dont hate this kid and I do want my DH to be aprt of her life but I dont want to be a part of her life. While she it at my house that is fine. Is it wrong if I dissappear the week she is here?

stepmom2one's picture

I see. No of course not. Make yourself some appts., set up a adult girls shopping trip, keep yourself busy.

I stick to my same comments above, but there is nothing wrong with keeping distance in order to keep peace.

Synaesthete's picture

Eight year olds don't know what those words mean. Not fully, anyway. I know that it doesn't make it ANY less frustrating to have anyone speak to you that way in your own home, but for what it's worth she doesn't have the capacity to understand what she's saying or the effect it has on people or why her mother would say something like that. What upsets me more is the fact that the mother says those things to her little girl.

I guess I don't have any good advice; just that I'm sorry it's a difficult situation for you. Sad

nycSM's picture


iwishyouwould's picture

I'm not going to touch this one on a moral or emotional level, but i will on a legal level. In my state, if a kid is concieved in the confines of a marriage (even if it isnt one of the partners biological kids) and there is either no father listed on the birth certificate or the non-bio fathers name is listed, then the courts consider that to be his kid. I think there are even some members on here who found out later the kid wasnt theirs but since they had raised the kid since birth, the courts held them accountable.