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Big week this week...

mermaid33's picture

SD12 is graduating 6th grade on Thursday. BM promised SD12 that she will be there. She better not call and ask me to come pick her up. She is out of her mind. She is the parent it is her responsibility to get there. A little tiny part of me hopes that she does not come. I feel like if she is there I am going to feel out of place. She is just so loud and obnoxious and will make it a point to make sure that everyone knows that she is the real mother. GAAA But I know that what is best for SD is that her mother is there. I am excited about the day though. We went dress shopping on Saturday and I dyed her hair. We had a lot of fun. Then the day of it will be me who does her hair and make up. So I know that I have a place in this all it just sucks that her mother is never around and then one she is she acts like she was there through it all. I also know that she is not my bio daughter so I should not have feelings of entitlement to her but I just cant help it. I work so hard and do so much for her like any mother would for their child. My SD calls me mom because she wants to. I never forced myself into this role she put me there. But I do know and have to realize more often though is that I am not her real mother.


violetforest's picture

stop lowering yourself, be the constant,expect respect and a daughter mother relationship with your sd. It is interesting to me how as adults we have the ability to love more than one child, why not give our children the same credit. "why couldn't they love more than one parent". Relationships do need to be developed but if you draw a limit that she will learn not to cross that boundary setting a limit on the relationship. If you let her set the boundaries than that will allow your relationship to become all that it can be.