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Need someone to clue me in on the missing members. Where is everyone???

misfit's picture

I've missed A LOT. I've been away for a few weeks. Could someone briefly explain what happened?! I know there was some angry/argumentative posting going on but that's nothing new. Then the site went down for updates and maintenance? Now there are posters missing!?!

BitchBitchBarbie? MiddleMom? StepAside? BMJen? OneHappyGirl? Selkie?

I'm so lost..where is everyone!?

Also, hello to all the new members Smile


StepMadre's picture

Well, as far as I know things were settling down by the time they closed the site for renovation (BTW, thanks guys, looks great!) and so people haven't posted for a while because they couldn't!
Thank you, thank you, thank you God and ST Webmasters and Admins for having the site back up! I almost went crazy without all my ladies on here and I hope you all had good days during our ST hiatus. Can't wait to read all the updates! Smile

Storm76's picture

Yeah, I'm not sure where everyone's gone - I guess some may have found an alternative(!) forum to post on whilst ST was down, and some might not be checking back everyday to see if it's up again.

I missed most of the drama (probably cos I'm in a different time zone) but I know feelings were running high - perhaps the enforced break from ST made some people realise that for them it wasn't what they needed right now.

Nice to see some familiar names back though Biggrin

misfit's picture

Thanks for your responses.

Things are sounding strange and quiet and I'm very confused. Of course everyone is entitled to come and go as they please but I'm talking about long time members. Things just fell apart?!

I hope everyone is doing okay and if you're out there, post!! I'm missing the dynamics.

stormabruin's picture

Quite a few members mentioned leaving for some time due to the arguments & hurt feelings. Others mentioned that they were gonna stop posting & just be lurkers for awhile.

HennyPen's picture

Smile Yaaay! Ms.Freeze! glad to see you came back!! I for one, am glad to see you back. And I miss the old members too.

good to see you stopped back buy
HennyPen/formerly Jajita

Admin's picture

Ms. Freeze,

I really wish this site provided enough revenue to allow me to quite my day job and provide this site my undivided attention it so desperately needs. Unfortunately it doesn't. Not even close. Not that it's of anyone's business except Dawn and mine, but I feel compelled to explain since it seems to be a supporting theme of some members complaints, this site barely generates enough revenue from advertisements to pay for the hosting costs. We're talking two or three digits a month here people. We have yet to realize any real profit from this site. That really has never been the primary purpose of this site (although it would be really nice if we could actually make a little money for all the personal time we put into this site).

So, until it does generate enough revenue, there are only so many hours in the day, of which I maybe get one or two, to address anything related to this site. That's just a fact that I can't change anytime soon.

It's unfortunate that some users have chosen to leave, or at least not participate in this site because they feel that they've been treated unfairly. I don't completely disagree that they may have been treated unfairly. We're still addressing membership behavior.

No request for privacy or regulation has gone ignored. We've taken note of every one of them. They've either been prioritized or an explanation as to why we can't implement them (or why they don't make sense) has been give. No, I haven't responded to everyone's suggestions but that wasn't intentional. In most cases we've already thought of the same ideas, etc.

Those sites that do "background" checks are full of it. It's impossible to prove that someone is a stepparent. Period. LOL, you're a fool if you think otherwise. I could claim to be a 20 year old woman from England and get an account on any one of those sites. Those "checks" they put in place just force people to go through some motions that may prevent people from attempting to get a membership just to post something inflammatory. It may work in some cases, but it's a waste of time and they're just fooling their members with a false sense of security. Sorry, I won't do that here.

The changes we have just implemented are only the first critical step towards better privacy options and self-regulation. We never claimed that we were implementing all of our plans. As a matter of fact, I don't believe I even spelled out what changes I was going to implement. I especially didn't promise that these recent changes would implement privacy. Our first goal is to give members more control over their own content.

I'm curious as to who you believe are the abusive members that you think we favor. Please PM me a list of those users and maybe links to instances that support your claims. Dawn and I will look at them. But be aware that we will look back through the entire chain of events. I say this because in most of the cases that have been brought to our attention, if you look back through the chain of events, it was actually the other member that was causing the problems and the members that were being blamed for being abusive were merely defending themselves. Yeah, we tend to be more lenient on the members that are forced to defend themselves and less lenient on those who attack members and force them to defend themselves. But we're not perfect, we do miss things. Can't help that.

So, with all that said (sorry, I'm really tired and my mind is wandering a bit), we're doing our best, with the resources we have, to make this a better site. We have a whole list of ideas that we plan to implement in the coming months. It's going to take that long because I can't just flick a switch and make it happen. It doesn't work that way. I have to research options, test them thoroughly, and then implement them. Some of them introduce performance issues that have to be resolved, some by adding more resources (which costs us money). That takes a lot of my time (and money), of which I just don't have that much of. And BTW, adding more money to the pot, unless it can pay a salary, won't speed up the improvements. It's all about time, mostly mine.

Bottom line, other sites have been around a lot longer than we have, or they are sitting on platforms that provide the services they need out-of-the-box. We don't have that luxury at the moment, and have no realistic way to change that. We are working with what we have and making the best of it. From what I see, and what I've been told over and over again, this site is providing a lot of good things to it's members. All at no cost to it's members. Why can't everyone just appreciate that and be patient as we make things better??

I don't mind getting suggestions from members, etc, but when they come in the form of bashes, it's just not going to go very far with me. If we don't provide what you feel you need, then don't use the site. Come back when we do provide what you need. Bashing us will only get you removed from the site because responding (or otherwise dealing with you) is a waste of our time.

So please be patient and give us a break.


stormabruin's picture

I do hope if they are reading they'll realize how much they offered to the rest of us here & that they'll start posting again. Things have been slow on here since the site came back up. COME BACK!!! WE MISS YOU!!! Sad

misfit's picture

My darling Selkie, I have to catch up with you! I'm sending you goo d vibes in the mean time <3

Rain's picture

I gotta say. I like ST the way it was/is. I think we all have a right to write what we want and not be censured. Some people are aggressive in their writing, but I gotta say, that the ones that really dislike the aggressive writers are the ones to write aggressively also.

It is really easy to ignore something you don’t like. So why reply if post to something if you don’t like it?

Now threatening post should not be taken lightly at all. But to kick someone off due to an argument? Nope, not right.

There can only be an argument if TWO people are involved.

Kinda says it all huh.

PS, I have reconizes a few of the ones you have listed. they have changed their names. As did I.

Scarlett's picture

Giving the option of deleting responses on our own blogs gives people the opportunity to continue seeing themselves through rose colored glasses without those "pesky opposing opinions" getting in the way of the OP's "I'm right and everyone else is wrong" rant.

I don't think people should be attacked on their blogs but I also don't think it's helpful to be able to delete comments just because you don't agree with the person's point of view.

HennyPen's picture

I think having the ability to delete responses from your blog is good. there is a HUGE difference in "opposing opinions" and being down right nasty and trying to instigate an argument. I also don't believe there are many here who think "I'm right and everone is wrong", but we don't need nasty negative -->PERSONAL<--attacks either. There is a difference, being able to delete such personal attacks, I think is great.

Scarlett's picture

Of course it's great to delete attacks. But I've seen many members who do think they're always right and everyone else is's sad they can now customize their blog to suit their opinion of themselves.

Denial's picture

I like your name too - glad you kept it.

I liked mine also, but we're going to court next week with BM on a variety of issues and the way things were getting - you can never be too safe now a days. God forbid that evil woman get any ammunition against me. With all the "crazy" that was going on - it just made me nervous.

LotusFlower's picture

But if u violate TOS at other sites....non-stepparent sites, I might add, aren't u subject to removal? argument is one thing, but personal attacks and name calling might be another....I think that's all some of us are asking for....

Sia's picture

you know LF, after admin reviewed "the problem", it was determined that a LOT more people than the one thought would have to be removed. I think he stated that in one of the blogs before the site was down. I defended a lot of them at first, until I looked at the bigger picture and read ALL the blogs myself. If one was guilty, they all were, myself included. So, I'm glad they didn't remove everyone, as I wouldn't be here either.

LotusFlower's picture

I'd probably be gone too...LOL..we all say things out of character from time to time when we are upset....I just hope that from here on out...the swift hand of justice is waved fairly :)...that's all I'm saying....

misfit's picture

"Some people are aggressive in their writing, but I gotta say, that the ones that really dislike the aggressive writers are the ones to write aggressively also."

Rain, I strongly agree with this statement.

It is impossible to cease arguments completely and the point isn't to keep censoring or bitching or name calling.

There are people who will do it anyway, in their own way, and their own manner but there are individuals, at least through my interpretation of these events, that will say things PARTICULARLY harshly or comically to start a fight. They insult to already hurting people. They mock and turn the attention onto themselves.

"Poor you, yeah yeah but let me tell you, you're lucky cause if you had my situation then you'd have to go through x, y, z like I do so your situation isn't as bad so whatever haha."

There are people (let's keep on beating around the bush, shall we) that will be deliberately rude (yet construct their criticism ((at least in the beginning)) so carefully as not to really "offend") because they just really, truly don't have anything else to say. They are motivated by their internal desire to participate, to simply be a part of a conversation, to feel like they are a part of a community into which, as they continue to post over and over, it is obvious they do not belong or even want to make effort belonging to in a more appropriate manner.

As you said, Rain, it's easy to ignore something if you don't like it, so why reply, right?

I believe people reply because they feel so strongly about StepTalk being their place. It is in defense that they reply. Regarding their own standing or a friends, a fellow poster's. It's not easy to find a community that you can relate to (otherwise we wouldn't be having these problems, no?) and when it's found, it can become imperative for the person to hold onto it. And rightly so! Some people have been members for YEARS!! How many posts a day do we see that feature a comment along the lines of,

"Thank you ST, thank you readers, thank you friends, I feel so much better. I can vent, I'm supported, I'm understood. I can share my worries and joys, I can get advice. I'm not ALONE!"

There is a lot of value in this community. We're still all posting about this topic, aren't we?

Rain's picture

LOL. I changed my name because it was Jackie and there is a Jackieo on here. Got confusing.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree on almost everything about your post. :o)

But I do have to ask…it seems like you obviously hate ST and disagree with how it is run, and you want it to run the way “some” other sites are.

No disrespect, but, why post here if you dislike it so much?

Sia's picture

"I" didn't say you hated it, but I understand why Rain might think that. Your posts come across w/malice. Always suggesting all the things that are wrong. ST was never created to be a business, so they can run it any way they want, and add/delete anything they wish.

I personally take offense to your ST bashing. If you dont like it, go back over *there*. But, beware, they dont much care for opposing views either.

Sia's picture

MsFreeze, I dont think it's b/c you suggest changes that make people uncomfortable, it's the manner in which it's done. It should be send directly to Dawn/admin and be left off the boards.
This site is for helping people with step situations, not constantly berating the site.

LotusFlower's picture

Oh my we can't "make people uncomfortable"?.....I am made comfortable by alot of what is posted here...and again,,,its my choice whether to engage or not....If someone wishes to address the elephant in the room, then so be it....I don't care for certain forms of posting, but the indvidual has the right to say what they need to say as long as they don't violate TOS, correct?...the whole censorship thing?....what's good for the goose......

Rain's picture

Nowhere did I say I 'hate' StepTalk Jackie
I am pretty sure I said it seamed like you hated it. Just re read…yup it says seams.

Are you suggesting I not be allowed to post here? I hope not. I've been here for a long time Jackie. Because I suggest changes that A LOT of members are wanting, I'm sure that doesn't mean I don't belong here.
Wow, you twisted that all the way around the world. I never suggested anything of the sort, and you know it. I will not debate someone who does that.

But I do see now that if your view is opposed, you become aggressive. *shrugs*

Lilly's picture

I totally agree with you Rain, I got that impression also.

I think this site is going along fine, the way it was meant to be. No need for Drama, accusations and HS behavior.

Lilly's picture

Oh yes, but its Your Right
Thank you for tracking my blogs again,
take care Smile

LotusFlower's picture

I'm not changing my name...I am LotusFlower and I will always be LotusFlower...most of my friends are gone now, sad to say...but I totally understand why...some people have a need for "justice"...myself included....when someone is downright personally mean to another member of a forum, they, imo, should be reprimanded...if the behavior continues, they should be removed.....isn't that how a civilized society works?....when certain behaviors are permitted, people have a choice to either accept it or move on...very sad, as the advice, support and camaraderie these step "soldiers" had to offer was priceless.....I would not be where I am today were it not for them...I wish I could just "delete" the opinions of those in my everyday life that I don't agree with....but then again, if I did, I'd never even ponder looking at an issue through different glasses :)....out of great debate often comes great resolution....nice to see u again ladies Smile

Dawn-Moderator's picture

Just so everybody knows, I will do reprimanding in private and not in public. So nobody really knows who has been reprimanded and who has not.

And also, I appreciate all of the repeated nice suggestions for this site. I hear loud and clear. More changes will be happening.

It's kind of like this. Everybody can suggest nicely that I drop everything and fly to France for the Cannes Film Festival. Hey, that sounds great. I want to do that. But wait.....I don't have the time or the money to do that so I'll have to take the time to save up and do it right.


Sia's picture

Keep doing what you are doing! I'm grateful for everything you and Admin have done in any way. It's b/c of this site that I have made some of the best friends of my life. It's also b/c of this site that I came to see people for who they really were outside of the site. It's also b/c of this site that I haven't lost my everlovin mind!!!! It keeps me sane, most days.

misfit's picture

Katrinks I echo your words. I, too, was dumbfounded upon returning that several of my "buddies" are gone. In the last few weeks I stopped contributing as much to ST because I had other stuff going on but really there was no explanation and no way to "find" my friends.

It really is sad. It's not the same without those other members, who were intelligent and sassy contributors, and crappy assholes }:) once in a while, too! They were a strong presence at ST. But it's never been THIS BAD.

Chavez's picture

Hi everyone. I am a long time lurker and was glad to see ST back up and going again with the new changes.

I decided to finally log in today to say I will really miss some of the other posters that don't seem to be coming back. I hope this site continues because it has helped me a lot over the past few months just by reading it.


stormabruin's picture

Glad you're here Chavez, & glad to have you posting now! I look forward to any insight you have to offer! Smile

Denial's picture

Ok . . . Now I'm disappointed. I have been waiting ever so patiently for this site to come back because I needed it - it helps and here we go again already.

Someone gives an abrasive perspective - right, wrong, or otherwise and then people start jumping them as a group. The reasons prior to the upgrades were almost exactly the same (minus the name calling - thank you). Many have pointed out - if you don't agree or don't like what someone posts - don't respond. Obviously some didn't have enough time to think during the 2 weeks.

For at least 3 weeks prior to the upgrades - the site was not able to help anyone in the way it was originally intended because of all of the squabbles. Now, we're not even back up a full week and there's back & forth already.

This breaks my heart because I truly feel if it weren't for some of the women and men on this site convincing me to be strong, insist on counseling, I would have already been divorced and a single mom to a newborn.

PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE, can we please respect this site and its intent, respect the owners, Admin and everyone involved with keeping it up and running, and PRETTY PLEASE can we please respect everyone on this site - abrasive, right, wrong, or otherwise. Let's make sure we don't go back to the route it was headed on before the upgrades.

Jezebel's picture

Poor misfit she was just wondering where her friends have gone and she will log back in to find this mess.

misfit's picture

lol! when I logged on I sat on my couch and took a deep breath..hoping this wasn't another argument.

Amazed's picture

i don't think it's an argument honey as much as it's a clearing of the air around here and getting everything out so people can move on and focus on the new people here that need lots of help and guidance. let's face it...regardless of which members are missing there are still TONS of really wise women here to help point lost souls in the right direction. The people who helped me a lot are still here and actively posting...DPW,LotusFlower,YOU!,Sia,Stick,and MANY other seasoned members that I always looked to for advice and help and the occasional slap across the face.

hopefully you haven't become too discouraged by the outcome of this blog.

stormabruin's picture

Yay! Smile

misfit's picture

You know what.. I am discouraged.

I'm ticked off to the heavens because I found a few people I could related to and now they're gone. This site has a lot of people, yes, but it's not secret that there are a select few that keep the place jumping.

Is that so wrong? Ever group has leaders, ever place has a driving force, and if it's generally positive than why fuck with it.

I get so damn frustrated when people get pissy and say, "well she gets the most responses, she's so popular, she's bragging."


And yes I know it can be hurtful. Blog hogging. I've been there. My posts have been ignored and it's a struggled, I know. But I believe it's strongly magnified because this is a forum and everyone's conversation is smack out there on one page. Not like the real life conversations. So this is just a part of the dynamic sometimes.

But there is a difference between the people who's blogs have a relatively constructive point to our steplives and those which focus solely on that one person's several life aspects that not everyone can relate to.

There are people I connected with whose posts I really look forward to. Every day. I actually hope that they post something because they are good writers, they are entertaining, their lives are different than mine and I'm interested. And it also happens to be that these people have reached out to me when I have been in need...consistently. THAT'S what makes this situation really sour.

Of all the members, ever one of us will find a select few we connect with, and my select few have simply disappeared.

I read the reasoning. I read the old posts. I read the nasty, nasty comments a member initiated and my heart just sank. There were attempts to diffuse the insult, to let it go, to freaking educated.

This isn't the first time and I'm so tired of it. So yeah, Barbie, I might be checking out as well, because all I do is post about how tired I am of this member rivalry because people can't "see" what's happening.


I get tired of OT posts about weird rashes and funny films, I really do. I love a good laugh and an interesting tid bit like anyone else but there are select forums for those topics, too. I don't mind reading about your impending divorce but if that's all I'm reading about every single day and all I see you doing is posting to others that their lives are okay compared to yours.. I WANT TO PAY FOR YOUR DIVORCE.

Okay, thank you. That will be all.

Amazed's picture

it would be a loss for ST if you go:( I BET if you PM the people you bonded with while you were here...they'd definitely reach out to you. i have a hard time believing they would abandon you completely if they knew how you felt.


Admin's picture

LOL! Really? Maybe some company will be willing to by it!

I love using those sites that report the worth of a web site. Unfortunately they're all guessing and usually wrong. Read the fine print. They guess at the value of a site based on publicly available or derived data.

Sia's picture

You are right, it was uncalled for, and I apologize, I'm just tired of the site being slammed in a passive/agressive way. It's annoying. And sending me crappy PMS, yet blocking me from responding, doesn't help to fix the problem.

Jezebel's picture

I can't help but point out you bashed the other site in a passive aggressive fashion but you are getting upset for the alleged passive aggressive bashing of this site.Freeze isn't passive aggressive at all.she is stating her opinion in an extremely clear manner that even admin has acknowledged and asked (rightly so) for patience and understanding.It seems you are the only one here being passive aggressive by calling out other appears you have a passive aggressive ax with another site's name on it and you are just grinding away at it.

sweetthing's picture

SOme times you need to just say enough & move on. Save all that energy and channel it for something possitive. Fighting with people on the internet isn't healthy, this argument isn't healthy. I belong to 2 other sites because I have people I care about & value their opinions. I have belonged here for almost 4 years & because I can bitch about & get other views is probably the reason I can go out for birthday dinners with our BM & haven't killed her or my husband.

I alsways tell the kids that if I told everyone everything I think about them & their actions a lot of people probably wouldn't like me, it's called a filter. We need to treat people the way we want to be treated in real life & in cyber space.

Sia's picture

you are so right. I shouldn't have gotten involved in this in the first place. Sorry Misfit for participating and allowing myself to become involved in the baiting and such, thereby contributing to the overtaking of your blog!Sorry.

PnutButta's picture

Well, the site has only been up for 2 days and already the crazy is back.

People, ST is what it is. If you can't handle the different viewpoints, go somewhere else. Get off the computer maybe and go outside...there's life out there.

lovin_my_life's picture

why is anybody still upset over privacy? ITS A PUBLIC FORUM. If you want privacy, go to a counselor.If you're worried about BM finding out, don't give out so much info.

As far as people disagreeing....

There will be people in and out of this forum who will either love you or hate you. Get over it. If you don't like what somebody has to say, you don't have to comment, and if you do choose to comment, be prepared for disagreements and or cat fights...

PoisonApples's picture

This happens on all kinds of sites. When a group of people have been an active core on the site for a few years and become 'friends' they get a positive self-image from posting and it becomes part of their identity. A kind of gang mentality develops and often, they start bullying newer members. This leads to a feeling of ownership but inevitably something happens (a new person they don't like comes along), they try to control the situation and fail, and it comes as a shock to them that the site isn't really theirs to control after all. Next come the demands to 'freeze' the site to the state it was when they were the site queens, because a big portion of their self-esteem comes from their role there. They don't want it to evolve, new members are a threat.

You'll see it again and again on sites all over the world.

The problem with making it a pay site is that you'd have relatively few new members. While this would be fine for the old-timers, it wouldn't serve anyone else.

How many of us would pay to join a site that we haven't been to and know nothing about? I'd venture to say most of us would not.

The old-timers who don't like the way the site evolves need to take responsibility for their own feelings. They can either go with the flow, accept that newer people will have an influence over the atmosphere of the site and continue to contribute and influence at the same level of ANY member, they can throw a tantrum and leave in a huff, or they can stay around and stomp their feet demanding that they are more important than newer members that they don't like and disrupt the board for everyone.

sweetthing's picture

i have been on here for almost 4 years, much longer than the people you guys keep referring to as old timers. I have seen a lot of people come & go. That is life it happens, situations change. I know that some people think because I don't hate my skids & can be in the same room as BM that someone like me doesn't need to be here.

Let me tell you my life is the way it is because I made it this way, it sure didn't start out that way when I met my husband. I made a relationship with my husband's family ( who wanted no part of me) I made a positive relationship with my stepsons who were just little kids, I made a positive relationship with BM because someday we will share grandchildren, there will be graduations weddings ect I I don't want life to be uncomfortable.

Steptalk gave me a place to bitch, to get opinions and insight. I may not be one of the popular people on here but I have met a lot of people on here who I care about & respect and I have met some that I have no doubts why their lives are where they are at. We all have the power to ake our situations better. We can't change BM, the kids or our husbands BUT we can change us & how we react & treat other people. So why not start here.

Stick's picture

I liked this for a lot of reasons, but I am sincerely hoping it doesn't inflame. What I really would like to see is those that left, return ... and return as they came in at the beginning. Not just to check in with their regulars, but to remember what's it like to be new. To hope that someone reads your post and responds. To hope that someone will make you laugh or at least make you feel not alone.

I remember very clearly what it was like to be new here and to feel alone. I have made some online friends, but I have also been part of seeing this as my "identity" and the fall-out that comes from that.

I also personally very strongly agree with that, while privacy might be nice, it would completely take away what helped me so much with this site at the beginning. I came here as a result of a google search and was able to read without worrying "is this worth it" to pay for, when we were unsure in finances. So many of us have financial issues that even a small payment is more than they can do. Dawn and Admin really are providing a charitable service here, and I continue to look at it as such.

If this site was more private, I don't think I would have made it for the year. I am sure I would have found another public site. I can understand how some people really feel they need security, but I am glad this site is EXACTLY as it is.

Anyway, I hope that more newbies come in. I hope that those that left return - and I'll leave it at that. And I hope that everyone here at least realizes that whether we like it or not... we are sisters bound by a situation that we don't always find under our control.

Jezebel's picture

Some of the "old timers" weren't offended by all new members.Just one new member who seems to have taken over the board now.

Lilly's picture

Believe me it was more then just one member. I can confirm to that.

Ignore, you dont have to read blogs if you dont like the person. their are alot of post on here that need advice,

So, I shall take my own advice and say adios and move on

toodles Smile

Jezebel's picture

she couldn't be avoided.even posting on the blogs of the very people she was being abusive to.

sweetthing's picture

It can be now. It's time to start living today not what happened yesterday or two weeks ago. Sometimes you just have to accept that " It is what it is" and move on. It's a hard one to learn, trust me. I used to struggle with it in my professional life & my salesman & mentor in the biz would tell me that & I would want to rip his lips off. 7 years later I say & think that all the time and you know what, life is easier.

Kb3Hooah's picture

Who are these "old timers" that are being referred to? And why are they even being brought up? It's amazing that none of the people that I suspect are being referred to here, are even posting, but yet, this mess is still going on back and forth.

Can we just move on?

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I am the ultimate "OLD TIMER". It just makes me so sad to see people treating my "baby" like this. Come on people!!! If you don't like someone, just don't read their blog. Is that so hard to do?

I'm not stupid. I see how people are trying to get back at others very carefully so they can say they're not attacking. Whatever!

Things could be so awesome here if we could just all respect the site and all of the work that is put into it to make it what it is and what it can become.


Sia's picture

Dawn, you know how I feel about it all. With that said, I think you should make this last comment of yours a blog and "stick it" to the front page! maybe then people will stop with the crap and get back to what the site is intended to be!

Chavez's picture

Sia, I think that's a good idea. This site has done so much for me personally even as a lurker I would like to see it go back into a positive direction where we can benefit from it and have some good meaningful personal growth.

Thank you! Smile Thank you to Dawn too for all she has worked hard to do. As a new poster I appreciate it!

Sita Tara's picture

I said it a million times to deaf ears. I have told my kids the same thing when they complain I'm not punishing one sibling for taunting another.

Ignore them and they will grow weary and bored and find something else to do. I've seen it work on the borderline family support group. Stop feeding the beast and it will quit growing. Unfortunately, when people respond to being baited, it reinforces the person baiting.

Ironically, the person everyone keeps going back to hasn't really affected me or my posts at all. Actually she only ever offered support. There was one post that she stated the article I posted wasn't worth anything to her and I responded that it was worthwhile to me.

She dropped it b/c I made my point without getting offended or taking her remark personally.

That's hard to do when you are upset I know. But if everyone stopped taking baiting personally-regardless if it's intentional or not- it would die out rather quickly. Which for me is the goal- perhaps that's from having my life as I knew it pretty much destroyed by a child who's mastered the art of the bait.


Hopefully the changes that you and Admin keep instituting will bring an end to it, but unfortunately they will also be changes that would have cost me half my friends on the site if I'd never been able to read what they wrote due to privacy issues.

barefootsand's picture

to K3BHOOHAH - what your saying is really true.

I mean, eventually all of you mentioning 'old timers' will in fact be a member of that club too.

I don't think you should even mention a large group of people like that. I guess you could be labelled 'newbies who don't get it'. Drop the 'old timer' bit because there are many of them here I'm sure that are still posting - it's insulting, not to mention you look ridiculous because your argument about 'old timers' has no value!

It's petty ignorance - or jealousy maybe. Perhaps one of you had a blog that didn't generate many responses - this would point to the reason why one interesting member on here said, quote 'popularity contest'. Smile Just sayin!

I don't remember reading much from the ones posting now about the 'old timers' - were you in the shadows too or you didn't get as much attention as you would have liked - because that's what your responses sound like. I didn't post because I didn't feel like it, and who cares about 'old timers' - they have some great points. You haven't been here very long, they have. I think the value that seasoned members (notice I said seasoned members and not 'old timers' - what a lame term) can bring to StepTalk to make it into something great should not to be undervalued by people like YOU.

And to one outspoken member on this particular blog, I checked and you've been a member here for years too! Why would you attack those who joined when you did? lol sorry that is just strange. And then you told Dawn what to do about the comments here - to 'stick it'

I feel sorry for Dawn because perhaps she's taken the suggestions from these 'old timers' (who you seem really threatened by) to heart, but can't implement the changes right now. They are VERY relevant change suggestions.....and she's got the 'newbie group' coming at this blog with insults about the ones making suggestions (to which I'm surprised hasn't been dealt with as per the guidelines of this site but whatever, I'm fairly new myself and need to orient myself to the culture of the 'new' ST). Having said that, the 'culture' of ST has changed dramatically since it went down. I've been lurking for a year, then decided to join months ago so I've had a chance to read a lot of things.....ST is not what it was before the minor changes, not sure why but it's true.

If you don't like the site, use a different one for now until something else is done!

If you have a problem with suggestions or comments being made about what's going on here, you seriously need a reality check. Those people here that based their largely inaccurate judgements on the amt of time someone's been a member here, you are acting very insecure.

PoisonApples's picture

OK, let me clear up a few things but I'm not going to get into any drama.

I wasn't involved in the petty attacks that were going on prior to the site being shut down except for a couple of times when I asked a few people why they were picking on one new member who was obviously in serious pain and having a hard time dealing with her situation. There were a group of 4 or 5 members - who described THEMSELVES as 'old-timers' (I didn't coin the phrase) who followed her around and taunted her, complaining about her behaviour the entire time when theirs was WORSE!

At least one of them is STILL doing it, albeit more subtlety.

My comments above were about that group of 'seasoned' members and only them. I certainly didn't mean everyone who had been here for a while. I was only referring to the ones who fit the description that I gave, a subset of the current membership. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

As for 'petty ignorance' or 'jealousy'...huh? I saw what was happening over several days/weeks so I am not at all ignorant of the situation and what on earth would I have been jealous of? I'm not in any competition here. I saw a gang of bully girls picking on someone who yes, came across aggressively but obviously did so out of pain. I will step in anytime I see someone being bullied, in real life or on the internet. These bullies were trying to throw their weight around based on the fact that they were 'old timers'. That is where I got the 'old timers' label to hang on them.

I never insinuated that people shouldn't be allowed to be here if they were 'seasoned'. My point, which most people got based on the number of PMs I've gotten telling me that they agree with me, was that IF someone has gotten to the point that their lives and sense of self are so enmeshed with this site that they feel they can bully and dictate who can or cannot post then it is time for them to move on or have a serious think about their attitudes.

Also, Dawn is obviously more intelligent, secure and independent than you give her credit for. I seriously doubt that she really, really, wishes she could make the site private and exclusive, get rid of members that the few don't like, etc but the only thing that is stopping her is us 'newbies'. I don't know her well but my impression so far is that she's very well copped on to what's happening.

Lastly, I never said I don't like the site. I'm not the one trying to change it. I'm not the one complaining about how it's run. I'm VERY happy with the site. I was SO impressed when the crap was going on and Dawn and Admin made it clear that they weren't just going to go after the one new person who was being ganged up on to please what had become a mob mentality. They said very clearly that they noticed that the complainers were guilty of doing the very thing they were complaining about. It was at that point that I really began to respect Dawn and Admin.

LotusFlower's picture

That's interesting Poisonapples....but what happened to your posts accusing Ms. Freeze of xenophobia???...hmmm...I personally felt that was totally uncalled for, we all know what she was trying to I guess we get to pick and choose what we leave up so that new readers can judge on what we want them to see?...I have always tried to be very respectful of people on here...we have all slipped and said things we probably shouldn't have...but when I saw Ms. Freeze attacked for posting what SHE personally felt, I had to say something..were u PM'd and reprimanded for that?....I highly doubt it..I'm not part of any mob...I am here as LotusFlower which is the only name I will have here...I can be part of many support sites and have no agenda...its possible to belong to many groups...but fair is fair...and when standards are imposed differently to different people, its wrong...If Dawn wants me to leave all she has to do is tell me, she knows I have been nothing but respectful to her...

AlterEgo's picture

Saying things like "OK, let me clear up a few things but I'm not going to get into any drama." is the first inclination that whatever you say is going to be sure to invoke all kinds of drama.

Colorado Girl's picture

Awwwww... our poor Dawn. Sad

I always told you that it was too bad that you didn't drink. Wink

I'd buy you a cyber margarita!!!


Sia's picture

I know CG...hahahaha I'm in for a few! Maybe PeewWee's Super Tight has some good drinks??? hehheehehehe

Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

So I see you haven't missed ME Misfit! Gee thanks! Wink Just messing witcha!!!

I am sorry to see the way your blog wound up twisting around into something kinda wacky.

Anyway just wanted to tell ya hi!

stepmom008's picture

Misfit - I've been watching this unfold over the last couple of days and I'm really sad that your original post turned into what it has.

I will treasure Steptalk forever as it helped keep me "alive" so to speak in my situation. However, my feelings on it are that it's become more of a chore for me to keep up with, I'm too tired and too busy trying to keep my head above water that I'm not interested in watching what's happened here. It's not the same place it used to be and that makes me very, very sad. I probably won't be posting much, unless there's something that really speaks to me or unless I feel I could really be of help to the poster. I'm not deleting my account and I'll be reading but ST has lost its magic for me.

((((HUGS)))) to those that have respect for why we were all here in the first place.