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Mother's Day - dont you want to spend that with YOUR kids?

Marie09's picture

This was our wkd with skids. SS5 came home from school with a flower and comes running into the kitchen with it and goes "Happy Mother's Day", its for you and Mommy. I said oh ok. So I knew Sunday morning the plant was leaving with SS, which was fine. SS8 must have felt left out and went and got the card, he clearly made for his mom and gave to me. He said I wrote "mom" on the front by mistake. I didnt want to say anything so I hugged him and thanked him. But again figured the card would go come Sunday morning.

Saturday morn, SS5 has tee ball. BM said she wanted the kids on Sunday at 9am and we said that was fine and we'd have them ready. So Saturday at the practice, she asks DH well can you take them back on Sunday afternoon..."I have plans!" Its MOTHER's day, wtf do you plan on that day that does NOT include YOUR kids!!! I was baffled. DH had to travel this wk for work so I would've had to take them back and to my family's dinner. Which I didnt want them there if DH wasnt there b/c then I wouldnt be able to spend QT with my family.

Yet she tells DH on a weekly basis that he is not there for his kids and they are not a priority and he's a disneyland dad. UM, okay!! If you're a mother, thats the one day to celebrate you and the fact that you are a mother, therefore you'd think you'd want the kids around!!


PoisonApples's picture

My boyfriend's ex show no interest in having them on mother's day either.

I think she sees it as a vacation day, that someone else should have the kids so she can sleep in and laze around all day.

It's not the way I see the day but...

startingover2010's picture

ex bm was the same way, and when she moved away, she would get mad if exsd wouldnt call her on mother's day. its like, u didnt want her when u lived 15 min away and now u live across the country and u want a phone call?

NachoMama's picture

I wonder the same thing! It was our weekend with the skids...but I would think BM would want to spend this weekend with them. Apparently Mother's Day isn't as important to some mothers as it is others! And of course when DH takes Chapoopa home on Sunday morning....PsychoSponge isn't even home!! WTH??? It's not like Chapoopa was drooped off at the crack of was around 10:30 but I guess she couldn't be bothered to spend time with HER child!!! I shouldn't be surprised though..she gets POed when her weekend falls on her birthday too!!! I mean....seriously????

Shaman29's picture

Same with DH's custody order. His kid is with Uber the entire Mother's Day weekend and with him the entire Father's Day Weekend. But guess who ditched all three of her kids so she could spend it with her new sugar daddy? That's right....Uberskank. DH's kid was with us, and her sisters were with their respective fathers. It totally amazes me, especially since I've been told in no uncertain terms YOU'RE NOT MY MOM and YOU'RE NOT MY DAUGHTERS MOTHER! So why did you have your kid spend Mother's Day weekend with me?

My mantra is four more years....four more years.....four more years.

Did I mention she made this change at the last minute and DH and I had to cancel reservations to our favorite restaurant and postpone our romantic evening?? Grrrrrrrrrrr.

Marie09's picture

That is in theirs too. DH and I always have the skids on Father's Day. Sometimes we will trade full wkds but if not then we get them at the crack of dawn and keep them overnight. Its important to DH to do this. I just cant believe MOTHER OF THE YEAR didnt want her kids but a few hours. We've constantly heard how I'm not their mother FROM HER and I cant make decisions and so on, but damn straight if they were my kids, I'd want them with me that day!!

This is why I get so pissed when she calls DH a bad father and a deadbeat and so on. He's never pulled crap like this. He wants his kids everyday

ohxitsxapril's picture

haha thats funny because our BM did the same thing, except it was our weekend, but a few weeks ago, she claimed abuse and hasnt let DH see his daughter until they go to court near the end of this month, but on friday at 1 pm she calls and "is like can you take (SD) this weekend?" we hadnt planned on taking her since she pulled this crap but hes like OKAY! it makes her look bad that she is letting her daughter go to somebody who 'supposedly' abused her! She said her boyfriend was taking her out and she wanted to be kid free. Okay sureeee... See what the judge has to say soon! LOL.