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What to do when SS8 thinks he's a girl?

bjc26's picture

My SS8 has been sorta "girlish" ever since I've known him. Not sure if this is because he's spent way too much time with his older sister or if it's because of issues with his BM supposedly paying more attention to SD than to him when she had them six years ago. My husband says part of it might be from the way MIL treats him because she believes that BM treated him unfairly and never paid ANY attention to him in the first place. Apparently my husband was teased as a kid for being girly and he blames his mother. About a week ago I had to take my SS to the emergency room for really bad hives. So afterwords I was talking to him about some things that might be bothering him since the doctor thought his hives were more than likely stress related. He was telling me that he was getting teased at school and that the other boys were telling him he was a girl and that he needed to stay on the girls side and he was a sissy. You know how young kids can be. Both my husband and I have been trying to get across to him that he's not even acting like a girl. (Except when he asks to wear my mascara and paint his nails.) On Saturday he asked my husband to please help him bag up his stuffed teddy bears and put them in storage because he was going to be a boy from now on. So I'm not sure what we should be doing to help encourage him and let him know that he's not a girl or doesn't really act like one. Any Suggestions?


GiGi222's picture

Awwww my heart ached when I read the teddy bear part. How sad Sad Have you thought of trying therapy? Perhaps he needs to talk to someone else who he isn't related to?

bjc26's picture

Yeah we have. However, we're living with my MIL and are so close to getting our own place that we want to get our own place first and make it as normal and as stable as possible before throwing him into least that's what my husband believes and he isn't budging on that.

GiGi222's picture

I understand. I honestly think boys have it harder when it comes to this because they have to be extremely macho or else they get called names. My brother was made fun of from the 2nd grade all the way through college. He has a lot of anger because of it.