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BM asks about CS EVERY week!!

Marie09's picture

DH has a CS account set up where the money automatically goes in there EOW and then he writes a check and put into an envelope and puts in his son's bookbag and BM gets Friday evening. Happens EO Friday like this. About 2 mos ago BM started to call DH on Friday and ask him when and how she'd be getting payment. He would tell her the same he's been doing for the past few yrs. It would be different if he paid late or forgot but he is very anal about it.

She basically harrasses him about it. Now this woman makes $25K more a yr than him. She lives in a tony apt with her B/f, she drive a POS car...her bills are WAY less than ours. We live in a individual house and both have car pymts, among the regular bills PLUS CS!! It really makes me wonder why she is SO hard up for this money!! She gets paid on the opposite Friday as us so she gets money every Friday whether from us or her paycheck. DH is SO annoyed. She called him today and started asking him. He called me all mad. He said next payday if she calls, he is going to go off on her and tell her unless its LATE, to leave him the hell alone!! Go hubby!!


soverysad's picture

This is what we do too. She can never ask us for the $ and I don't actually have to see the amount going out of our checking account every 2 weeks.

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"

Snowbunny's picture

I wonder if she's just calling to be a bitch? Like just rubbing it in that he has to pay her child support? I don't know what the rest of your relationship is like but if it's contentious, I could see this happening. We don't pay BM any CS but if we did you can bet that she'd take ANY opportunity to bring it up.

Marie09's picture

DH left BM and she's a bitter, spitefull wench. I came after the fact and she thinks DH had me all along. So we've had some battles, let me tell you!! I didnt even know DH when he left her!! Anyway, we think its b/c she is on drugs. Her b/f is a convicted felon and he has a drug use issue and she did cocaine before she got with DH. Plus her FORMER BFF told us things about them. AND yes we went straight to the lawyer and they said there is nothing we can do unless something dramastically changes...a whole other topic!! But I truly think its b/c she sniffs her money away. We find out a few months ago that his youngest son's daycare was 6 wks behind!!! She got 3 payments in that time so there was no reason. Daycare called DH and said he couldnt bring him on Monday unless it was paid in full. She called her mommy and her mom bailed her out. Its just SO annoying to DH and me b/c she makes decent money.

Snowbunny's picture


Rainbow.Bright's picture

That is weird. In this state you can ask for drug testing. Both parents would then be tested. It happens all the time. I can't imagine that they just don't care if a parent is on drugs. Weird.

Snowflake's picture

That is what DH did... and then she tried to actually start trying to get ahold of me. And I would NEVER answer her calls. She is lucky that I am not mean and I actually relayed her messages... but in a sugar-coated way.

Marie09's picture

She is tricky...the boys call him a certain time each day or he calls them then. She will either anwser OR he will think its them and its her. He doesnt want to miss the opportunity to talk to them so I do understand that! And he's ignored her calls and she doesnt stop!!

Marie09's picture

Because that is the agreement they made and yes its easily trackable b/c the bank account is ONLY used for CS and all the checks are written to her. CS is going to be adjusted in September since his son will go to school and no longer be in daycare. He may change the pymt then, IDK.

Sus's picture


I don't know where you live .I am assuming in UK?? I do Know in USA some states. When a report is made about neglect the Welfare or Children services in Many States NOW DRUG TEST on the spot when a report is filed.

Another words..if you believe they are USING Major drugs. If someone filed a neglect report. The DCFS would go out & immediately drug test the Adults, "ALL" that are in the Home when they arrive. ( just a thought )
Do you worry that the children could get access to the drugs at all???

It sounds like they are USING DRUGS and cannot account for the money.

Aas for direct payment. In many ways it's great. But they also charge a FEE for the service..I believe it's about $5.00 each transaction.
Just make sure you cover your butts, so you don't get screwed in the end.

And I don't think its wise for your husband to put checks in a backpack or book bag..He can have the Bank where he has that CS account send a direct payment for free, to her account...Its easy..My bank pays ALL MY payments...I do NOTHING...I love it & always Know there paid on time. Especially when I am out of State or traveling.