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OFF subject.; Surgery Please read

Sus's picture

Hi everyone
I had back surgery this week and will be laid up for weeks in a back brace and then several weeks of PT afterwards.
FH is working, just started back teaching, and I am spending a lot of time on ST reading, gives me something to do besides go crazy here in the hospital., I will be going home Tomorrow.YIPPY. I will have nurses coming in a few times a week and a cna to help me...just wished one of the kids were here ( they all live hours away)..since FH works and I wil be alone most of the day time hours.
I had L3-4, L4-5 L5-S1 done, removed ruptured disks,filled with bone cement,(new procedure) and titanium(sp)rods put in my back on 3 levels to stablize it. I'm doing fine,in some pain ... I know MY typing has been horrible ( on a lot meds right now) So please forgive me.

I'm pretty new, a couple of months, just wanted to THANK you all. I enjoy reading the blogs/posts, they have been a HUGE eye opener to me, great insight from many, and very helpful. I am sure they( posts) and your opinions will be even more helpful in the future, as i take my (I hope) final journey in Life with the man I love, and my new step family.
Sometimes, I see a lot of emotional pain and some abusive relationships here, that I worry about. And also many Loving relationships and friendships/bonds..,smiles!
When I answer, it's MY opinion, like everyone else's..I'd like to make some nice friends here, if possible, and hope I can be of help to anyone who is in need. And i also love some of the humor..It's just great..
I do realise that I am way older then many on ST....Are there some others that are grandmothers- 50's 60's?? Although I do love the young women.
I have 3 birth daughters( 30's) and 3 step & inlaws daughters too(late 20's to 30's) very much a Girly type granny. And have mostly female grands too Smile 4 mos. old triplets the youngest,. to age 13...Oldest Grnadson is 18 now.
I am Bi-coastal, in other words, I live in Texas and florida..
So I travel back and forth between homes. I'm Currently in Texas.
It's just nice to meet everyone and to know there's a place where everyone can come & share..their lives & experiences of Blended Families.
Thanks, Again, Sus


GiGi222's picture

Sus, I really hope you feel better soon. Hopefully you will have family and friends who can at least stop by and check in Smile

Selkie's picture

Sending you healing energy, Sus. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into your comments and advice. I hope your back heals quickly and with minimal pain. Keeping you in my thoughts.

belleboudeuse's picture

Sus, I had kind of the same experience as you last year. I had been a member on here for about 2-3 months, and I had surgery and was bedridden for about 2 weeks. Boy, was ST a help -- I read a LOT on here, and learned a lot as well.

Hope you're feeling better soon!


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

misguided's picture

Hope your feeling ok and they next 3 weeks go fast. I am not in my 50's but will turn 43 this year and if it helps I feel older, lol. What part of fl are you in? ST has become somewhat of routine for me now. I check it at least 2 a day and some of the people on here are great. It's like you get wrapped up in there life and want to know how their doing. Be careful though, it can creep up on you and suddenly your on it all the time. I broke my leg and seriously think I was on here 3 hours a day, waiting for someone to post something. Then I found Drudge. Hope they are giving you some good meds!