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Passports for minor children

mamacat_30's picture

When getting children passports in the U.S. are both parents signatures required on the application? Or just the custodial parent?


GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

If I recall correctly, both parents of a minor child must be present if they share custody. If one is not present, he or she must send a notarized document giving permission. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but this is how it was in 2010 when I got one for BS.

crazylife's picture

you can have the other bio parent complete and have notorized form ds-3053 so you dont have to be there at the same time. we just had to do this ourselves.

step off already's picture

you can google it. I've looked before and I think it can be just one parent if one parent has legal custody and you provide the documents to show that.

Willow2010's picture

In Texas....we BOTH had to be there. EX could not make it so he signed a waiver so DS could get his passport.

Just J's picture

My husband was the NCP and both he and his ex had to sign for his daughter's when she was 14. He also had to sign a notarized statement giving permission for his daughter to travel outside the country. I don't recall if this was because she wasn't traveling with either parent at the time, or if he still would have had to sign it if she was going with her mother.

doll faced sm's picture

I would like to point out the one exception to the minor child being under 16. If said minor child only has the BM listed on the birth cert., only her signature is required. DD's bio-d has never pursued having himself added to her bc, so he never has been. Thankfully, that meant I didn't need his signature to get her passport.

Jsmom's picture

We had to have BM sign a doc for SS to get his passport and for Bio son, I had to take a copy of his fathers death certificate since he couldn't sign.