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Its final...

Overwhelmed in Texas's picture

my husband is an ass....i'm either going to divorce him or have an affair....


goingcrazy's picture

I fell in love with guy I had the affair with Smile

Well, my ex and I had sorta split for a couple months, but were attending counseling to see where things went. He was a royal jack ass and cheated on me endlessly. So I had decided that a divorce was what I wanted. Then was supposed to have a fling with this guy who is now my husband. Hehehe.

Sorry that you are having such a bad time. What did he do to make you post this? I am a big fan of divorce because it was the best thing I ever did, but that doesn't mean it is for you. Consider your options very closely. Give us some more info so we can give better advice. In the meantime, take a deep breath and relax. And if you do decide to cheat, think about the guilt that comes with it (so if you do go that route, make sure it is with one helluva sexy guy who rocks your world!)

Overwhelmed in Texas's picture

but the shortest version I can come up with is at the end of the day it's all about him and what he wants and his needs and helping him, and when he doesn't get his way watch out. And he is all over committment and family and marriage unless it means he has to pull his fair share of the load. At the end of the day he does want he wants independent of my opinions, wants and desires. For example, we have had a magnitude of problems with the girls during their visits with their mom and them constantly wanting to come home or needing rides place cause she won't take them. We talked to a counselor and agreed that when they are at their mom's its a black out and we don't interfere, he committed to this and yet breaks it every time his oldest daughter calls cause he can't stand her being sad, so this weekend they were supposed to be with their mom and guess what he already went and got his daughter again last night. So he word is worthless.

Empty Risks's picture

*hugs* *hugs* *hugs*

we're both in Texas...winder if it's the same town and we could have lunch or something? Private message me if you are in Austin or near it, we could meet and talk about everything!

goingcrazy's picture

Gosh, I am from Texas too.... but not Austin. Maybe I need to move that way! El Paso here.... Sorry that you DH is an ass. I think that men in general are just impossible. No advice really, just know you are not alone. Hope you and Empty have a great lunch!

Anonymous's picture

I'm in Austin....been in a blended family for going on 17's only for the brave.