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I feel neglected....

Overwhelmed in Texas's picture

....more and more lately I just feel like he married me because that is his nature, he wanted a wife to help take care of his children and run his household and that was his primary general he pays attention to me when he wants something or needs help with something...but I don't feel loved, or cherished or romance...this is probably why folks have least during that time, you focused totally on each other, then you get married and it stops...

I'm just venting....and feeling lonely with a house full of people, ironic isn't it?


Mom on the Edge's picture

When I was just waiting for our house to be sold so that I could move out I hated being home. I felt horrible when I was there, and I dreaded weekends. Even though I was home with my boys and they needed me, I felt completely useless and alone. I wanted to be at work where I was needed and felt that I contributed something. So feeling alone in a house full of people is completely understandable. I felt the same and I too had a brief "sort of" affair with a co-worker. It never turned sexual but I looked forward to the attention and feeling of want that I was given. I snapped back to reality before it got to the "point of no return" but that was after I had moved out and began to feel better about where my life was going. I hope you don't have to go through anything like that for things to get better. Can you make some plans with some friends for a weekly "girls night out?" It always helps to get out and vent for a while. Things don't always seem so bad after a night of swaping stories.

Cruella's picture

My husband has a hearing problem but is in denial. 90% of the time I have to constantly repeat myself. He doesn't hear my jokes and having a conversation with him is nearly impossible. I usually get frustrated and go to my room watch TV and I am on the computer and feel so lonely it is unreal. When the children are with thier mother I really see how disconnected we are. When they are here the house is such a madhouse so it is not as obvious. We are too busy to notice how bad our relationship is. I have NO friends in this city. I moved up here to be with him. I have been complaining that he does virtually nothing in the house etc... I know exactly how you feel. As of late is really has been getting to me.
I don't think an affair is the right thing to do. Two wrongs don't make a right. Then I would be the bad guy and quite frankly I have more respect for myself then that. I don't believe in affairs. I have been on the other side of that one. My ex cheated on me and I refuse to take any blame on his decision to do that to our marriage. People cheat on their spouse for various reasons. My ex was just a man who constantly cheated on everyone he has ever been with.

My husband is promising to get back into this marriage because mentally he has checked out of his life. He has been just coasting along letting everyone else do everything for him. I have been standing my ground on this point and I gave him only until the beginning of the year to turn this marriage around because I am not sticking around if he doesn't.

Hang in there. We are here for you!!!