Do you ever wonder HOW SK's were created?
I mean, we all know how they were created, but do you ever wonder what the circumstances were? I know it's irrelevant and not healthy, but my mind wanders sometimes.
1) were they married
2) drunk
3) overwhelmed by passion he didn't pull out/she didn't get off
4) they thought a kid would bring them closer
5) she didn't let him pull out/vice versa
6) contraception broke
Sometimes I wonder if DH knew WHEN conception happened. I don't know if he knew it happened then and there or if he waited for her to tell him. I know it's irrelevant and it won't help me...but sometimes I wonder.
I know with our first child, DH and I agreed we were both ready. With our second, DH told BM that we were planning on conceiving but didn't expect it to happen so soon. BM just had a kid. Who knows what the circumstances were. All I know is that when asked if she was getting married, BM said that her and baby daddy haven't talked about it. Go figure. He has a kid with another woman. Supposedly BM is getting crap from HIS BM!!! PAYBACK BIATCH!!!!!!! But I know he isn't paying support....
- Mrs Katch 22's blog
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I will need serious
I will need serious psychological counseling, hours of coddling, pandering, reassurance, and extravagant affection, and possibly several million new brain cells if I even attempt to answer this post. It's the ultimate self destruction for me.
Mrs Katch 22 (cool name, by the way)'re OUT OF THIS WORLD for typing these thoughts out. LOL!!! Whaddawoman!!!
anonymity is a powerful thing
anonymity is a powerful thing
I too try not to think about
I too try not to think about how my SDs were created. Because I can't bare to think about the fact that my DH & BM at one point in time had a sexual relationship. I have tried my hardest to not think about it for the fear that if I did, it would make me not want to be with DH. I do however know that SD15 was unplanned & an accident(because BM told DH she was on the pill)...and SD12 was an attempt on BMs part to keep DH from leaving her for cheating on him yet again. Which also in that lays the fact that SD12 may not be DHs child at all...but DH never pushed to find out for sure and signed the birth certificate, pays CS for SD12, and has acknowledged SD12 as his own.
On top of a pile of dirty
On top of a pile of dirty laundry, as teenagers, with a girl he never intended to be in a serious relationship with and now has to deal with for the rest of his life. Lovely.
"if you don't have anything nice to say, then shut the fuck up."
I swear I just cringed when
I swear I just cringed when I read :were they so in lust that he didn't, or she didn't let him pull out.
I try not to think of such things! LOL
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
Once upon a time in an
Once upon a time in an alternate dh actually cared enough about thefrizz to want to make her happy by knocking her up. It took 7yrs of marriage before he actually caved...then babyfrizz was born. When that didn't fix the marriage,dh stayed for sd's sake until he finally couldn't take it anymore and he left. "Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
Baby Frizz! LMFAO! That's
Baby Frizz! LMFAO! That's to funny girl!
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
BABYFRIZZ!!!! Sonofa..that
Sonofa..that is funny!!!!!
Once again, Barbie, you make it a little easier to Step
Babyfrizz............ bahahahahahahahaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too freaking funny!!!!!!!!
LMAO, ya like that? *evil
LMAO, ya like that? *evil girl*
Ok I was doing that from my cell last night while i was on the elliptical so I didn't get to do the middle part of the "knocking up TheFrizz" story...
So, after babyfrizz was born BigFrizz decides she wants even more babies. Dh,still determined to make his marriage work and be happy with this woman,decides he's going to spend thousands of dollars on fertility treatments and invitro stuff. They got preggo several times but all were miscarried. Finally, TheFrizz's tubes just blew up and she's now unable to carry more babies. Over time she becomes more bitter and angry at the world, she hates sex and since she can't make babies anymore what is the point of DH's presence?
Anyway...that's the middle of the story. Dh got sick of it and left.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
I think maybe it's easier to
I think maybe it's easier to know that once upon a time, BM wasn't a psycho and she was capable of being a loving caring person and that's the side of her DH fell 'in love' with.
Regardless.... I'm thankful my SDs were created at all. They're awesome girls and I'm lucky to have them in MY life now. But I'm all rainbows and glitter ya know!
That's how I feel. I'm
That's how I feel. I'm blessed to have the skids in my life! At one point, my DH was in love with BM so there must be something good about her. I'm still looking for that quality in BM, though...
the gates of hell opened up
the gates of hell opened up and out came sd, with her middle finger up at the world, and in a barely audible baby coo, she asked her "real father"--satan--when she'd be able to wreak havoc into my life.
1) were they married Yes. 2)
1) were they married
2) drunk
3) overwhelmed by passion he didn't pull out/she didn't get off
4) they thought a kid would bring them closer
SHE did...he replied after she told him she was pregnant, I wasn't aware we were drifting apart to get closer."
5) she didn't let him pull out/vice versa
6) contraception broke
Well, BC Pill didn't just was conveniently NOT taken. He was 43.5 years old when SS7 was born! He was NOT expecting a child at that age. He wouldn't change a thing because he loves that lil' guy...but he was quite shocked that she did this.
~*~It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye; then it's a game: Find the eye.~*~
Oh my, it is a bit of a can
Oh my, it is a bit of a can of worms!
BF was out drinking, really fancied BM's flatmate & they all went back to theirs after the pub. Girl he fancied went off with someone else & BM jumped him and he thought 'why not?'. Condom broke, she said she'd get morning after pill & that should have been that.
A month or so later he gets a phonecall saying she's pregnant & keeping the baby - he does the decent thing & stands by her, they get married but he's spending more & more time out of the house.
Oh, and SS10 came along 7.5 months after he slept with her, and according to Dr's was 2 weeks late!
I've gone further than think
I've gone further than think about it. I've actually asked him. His story is that they planned SD and it happened as soon as they were married. The dates don't add up for that. They got engaged/planned a wedding in less than a month start to end and SD was born 7 months later. I think she purposely got pregnant because she knew he'd marry her. She thought having a baby would make them better. She also tried to pull the pregnancy stunt later when he was trying to leave her.
I've asked DH...he just says
I've asked DH...he just says "he forgot, it was so long ago!" My opinion.....he went away to college then came back. Maybe they "missed" each other. Low and behold, 9 months later, illegitimate baby was born.
DH and Wingnut were married
DH and Wingnut were married for 16 years before Wingnut decided that having a baby would be a great retirement plan. Up until that point they had agreed they didn't want children. In fact, she hated children. She quit working the very day she found out she was pregnant "because she was sooo sick" boo hoo.... Unfortunately for her having a kid is what opened dh's eyes to the fact that he didn't want a child witnessing her using him as a frikkin' doormat and he started sticking up for himself. She didn't like that and tried to stab him and he left before said child was 2. Makes me incredibly angry that she snapped her fingers at 40 and got a baby and I am jumping through hoops with fertility problems when I've wanted to be a mother my entire life. So unfair. I think they might actually still be married if she hadn't insisted on a baby. Funny though, dh loves being a father.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
I can honestly say my
I can honestly say my husband had feelings for BM when they had SD. But more lust, than love. You know how you think you love someone, then when you find someone you TRULY love, you wonder what in the hell you were thinking the first time around?
They thought they were in love, but they had one of the most unhealthy relationships I ever heard of.
It doesn't bother me anymore to think about this, because the person he was when he was with her is so totally different from the MAN he has been since he has been with me, that I know everyone misjudges and makes mistakes, but we are the real deal.
He never married BM. He married me. Luv it.
~*~I'm THE wife. Not wifey or wife material or #2. THE WIFE~*~
BM was 20 DH was 23. BM
BM was 20 DH was 23. BM came to DH after 3 months of dating and told him she was pregnant. DH said he would do the right thing, she could move in, they would get married and he would take care of her. NEVERMIND, IT WAS JUST A SCARE. BM supposedly gets thrown out of her parents house so DH let her move in. 2 months later she is pregnant for real. Sounds like someone was testing DH the first time with the scare doesn't it? Hmmmmm.... They married when SS was 2 because "why not? we had a house and a kid already". They split when SS was 3. It doesn't really bother me at all.
"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus
SD wasn't planned but sort
SD wasn't planned but sort of a "if it happens it happens" type of thing...they hadn't been together too long and things weren't great with them, he was ready to start a family and she seemed ok and they needed something. They weren't married but got married because SD was in the oven. Three years later it was over and now he's got a hellion of a child, and another child to also manage -- BM -- til death do they part.
Hard for me to understand this rationale since my exH and I waited five years until we had a house and enough $ to have a child. We were in love and our children were planned. It is very difficult for me to understand how a decision that will affect your life and the life of a child can be taken so lightly. I try not to judge BF but it does make me see him in not the greatest light...
DH and BM never married. It
DH and BM never married. It was on and off again relationship. She told him she couldn't get pregnant because she only had one ovary. My dummy DH believed her and surprise she got pregnant! It must be his super duper sperm! ha ha After she got pregnant he moved her in and tried to make it work. Then he realized this bitch is crazy and kicked her out. He stepped up though and provided everything for the baby that he could. BM was furious when she found out I was pregnant and DH and I got married soon after. That was HER plan and it failed, how did I get a ring and she didn't?
DH was drunk and BM was
DH was drunk and BM was young and petite. I suppose she was fairly pretty at some point, I've never seen "before" pictures of her. BM gained 100 pounds while pregnant with SD and never lost them. DH married her when SD was 6 months old; they split when SD was 2. DH says he used to pretend to be asleep to avoid having sex with her; he for sure didn't want ANOTHER kid with BM.
The story I got was they
The story I got was they were drunk one night, though they had been dating, they were broken up, ran into each other at a bar, got drunk, and banged in the front seat of his car, he then gets a call a cpl weeks later that cow was pregnant, so he decided to make an honest cow outta her, they got married.. i shiver just thinkning about how the cow reproduced.. lasted 2 years til she decided she was lesbian...
Raising kids is part joy and part guerilla warfare... Ed Asner
I already know how ss5 was
I already know how ss5 was "created." It's called an "accident." A big one according to my DH.
BM was supposed to be taking the pill and "conviently" must have missed a "couple." Yeah right.
BM laid it real thick on my DH claiming the accident would "help" lmao their marriage.
A year later BM wanted a divorce and TOOK the house. I'm sure you guys see the set-up here.
at least yours has the guts
at least yours has the guts to fess up to the "accident." DH (maybe for fear of sounding mean) never says it's an accident...yet, I really know he doesn't care about bringing her up (it was always BM)..he never raised SD (BM kept her away). He just says it was "unplanned." At least I know with our kid(s), he's being the kind of dad I've always wanted for my kids
He just doesn't want to deal with BM.
They were married for about
They were married for about a year. They had "agreed" not to have kids for 5 years. But BM decided she "wanted to see what it felt like to be pregnant" (her exact words to DH) so she got pregnant on purpose without telling him. Plus, she hates sex, so I guess she figured that the sooner she got pregnant the sooner she could stop having it altogether.
The second one was adopted. (See what I mean about hating sex?)
And then, to borrow a phrase from BitchBitchBarbie, "Over time she becomes more bitter and angry at the world, she hates sex and since she can't make babies anymore what is the point of DH's presence?"
There you go. Divorce.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
Same &
Same & gf..supposed to be taking the pills..whoops forgot..preggo...DH married cause it was the right thing to do..slept with his friends while he was as work and spent every penny he divorced..
"The second mouse always gets the cheese"
I read this last night &
I read this last night & quickly shut the computer off for fear of nighmares.
Well the seed was planted & I couldnt get the hideous picture out of my head. I dont know when I will be able to sleep with DH again lol.
The story goes, taking what he said she said into consideration....
DH was just getting over the breakup of a 6 year relationship, met the Moosecow at a bar. They knew each other for two months (she says 3 he says 1), she says she is unable to get pregnant & is on the pill just in case, being she does not want kids. Okay he is an idiot, late 30's woman no kids ugly as hell who has her Mother as a room mate & thinks all men are bastards.....did he not hear the loud tic toc?
So a huge suprise when not only does her infertility go away but also the pills failed in the span of a couple of cycles! Anyway after he got over the "shock" of this "miracle" he stopped seeing her.
I dont think I can ever get over the image I have in my head of how I think it looked like, the actual act.......ewwwwwwwwwww. I wonder if it would be worse if she was hot? I would not be grossed out.....but it would probably play on my mind alot more. As dumb as I think he was I guess I am glad she has really unfortunate features.
hahhahah..why is ther
hahhahah..why is ther ealways a discrepancy with how long they've been together. BM's version is ALWAYS longer than DH's.