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Mrs Katch 22's Blog

Child support vent

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Sigh. BM gets a tax break. BM gets money every month tax free...all for getting knocked up. DAMN.

Paid about 60k so far. Only 45k more to go until it's over with. That doesn't include medical and dental coverage for the kid.

SIGH, I WISH we could put that much money away for OUR own kids. BM fabricated her hand written pay stubs (her and her family own their own business).

I know, thinking "the grass is greener on the other side." She just gets it so easy.

SM no acknowledgment - everything is "MY DAD"

Mrs Katch 22's picture

Xmas shopping - I do it, buy the kid her present, she says "I got X, Y, Z, from MY DAD." Or "I can't open to open more presents with MY DAD."

Something happens to OUR DOG but stepdaughter (13) says "My dog at MY DAD's HOUSE xxxxxxx, I hope HE keeps her healthy..." or something like that.

I mean, WTF, is EVERYTHING just her dad?!?!??!?

Do you ever wonder HOW SK's were created?

Mrs Katch 22's picture

I mean, we all know how they were created, but do you ever wonder what the circumstances were? I know it's irrelevant and not healthy, but my mind wanders sometimes.

1) were they married
2) drunk
3) overwhelmed by passion he didn't pull out/she didn't get off
4) they thought a kid would bring them closer
5) she didn't let him pull out/vice versa
6) contraception broke

Money allocation - stepkid and your kids

Mrs Katch 22's picture

So....we have baby #2 due soon. It was a big decision. I've always wanted two kids, but with financial obligations to his first kid, it was a touch choice. I decided to not let past mistakes dictate our future, so I said okay, we can have a second baby.

So, I'm budgeting for the new year. I WISH we could put away for each of OUR kids as much as SD is getting (doesn't include medical/dental). Sigh, it's depressing.

What's been keeping me up:
1) I still wouldn't trade my life for BM's life EVER

Is it easier for guys to date single moms?

Mrs Katch 22's picture

From what I've seen/experienced, is it easier for guys to date women with kids? I know women are more territorial and jealous when it comes to dating/being with a guy with kids (psycho BM's) it just as hard for men? I'm thinking BM's are more intrusive?

I'm a SM and mother (with DH who has a kid with another woman), so I can see both sides of the story (kinda).

I asked DH if he could date a woman with kids..he said "why not?" uh,......yeah?

BM Pregnant. Any possible issues with SD13 and BM craziness?

Mrs Katch 22's picture

BM's due with her second child in a few months. She's been seeing this guy for a couple of years. DH asked her if they're getting married, she said she doesn't know. BM said that SD used to call the future baby names (she's stopped lately). Before, SD told me that it was okay for US (DH and I) to have a baby, but not her mom.
