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SD22nd Birthday Coming up and I'm not sure how to hand it

momof5_1969's picture

We kicked the snot out about a month ago -- well, we kicked her out, and then she got pissed off because I told her (not in so many words) that she was being a "ho" and that was when she said she was moving out (thank God!!). Then she told her Dad (after I'd apologized) that she was pissed at him for not defending her honor. Good grief. What honor? She's a slut. And a pregnant one at that now by a guy she'd known for 2 months at the time. I tell ya, those 16 and pregnant shows do NOT keep girls from wanting to get pregnant -- it's like they think that will keep the guy around, and if a girl is prone to drama, she will get pregnant just for the drama (like my SD22). Anyhoo, so she tells her Dad shortly after that that he is no longer her father and as soon as her stuff is out of our house, she is never talking to him again. (I'm doing a little happy dance inside of course). I can see DH is not real thrilled, but he also knows that SD22 is a drama queen -- and all the other skids know she is crazy (they've told me). So she moves out of our house, and into her boyfriends house -- and he lives with his parents. Nice huh? Now she is their problem. It's only a matter of time before she shows her crazy side to them -- it usually takes her about 2 months -- she's a time bomb. When she blows, she is good for a little while, and then she'll go off again. Seriously, it's like clockwork.

So, she's been gone for about a month. Her youngest sister (SD 16) asked tonight if we were doing anything for SD22's birthday (she saw her sister today). I wasn't planning on doing anything for the little b****'s birthday. But DH said "yah we'll do cake." I'm thinking in my head "I'm not doing sh**." I tell ya, this girl brings out the worst in me, and I hate the person I've become because of her. I've already got plans to do something with a friend earlier in the day, and I'm thinking that I will just extend it into the evening and not come home until later -- I don't want to even sign a card to her. She has been so awful to me over the years and even recently -- that I'm seriously so done with her.

When we found out she was pregnant ... I was so supportive of her and was there for her, helped her get set up with the state for her health insurance (filled out all the paperwork etc.) (do you think she thanked me?? NO!) I babysat for a friend for two days to pay for a car seat and a bouncy seat for this unthankful brat -- barely got a thank you from her. When she first moved in with us (after my husband made a unilateral decision to let her move in after she hadn't spoken to me in over 9 months, due to a whole other issue -- I wouldn't speak to her -- I wouldn't even allow her in the house) -- and then my husband lets her move back in. I was so pissed at him I almost moved out and separated.

This time after he kicked her out/she moved out -- I told him that if he let her move back in, I was moving out. I even told him about the bank account that I had with money set aside. I figure I'm not hiding it -- I'm leaving it right out there in the open and he knows I'm dead serious.

So the birthday party -- a part of me wonders if I should just suck it up and be there for a little bit ... or do what I want to do and not be there at all. I mean, she hasn't even spoken to me (even though she has come by the house) since she left almost a month ago). Her brother, SS20, even told me that she considers me "disposable". He told me that he was sorry that she thought that way and said that she was crazy.

As I'm sitting here typing this and thinking about all the crap, it's no wonder I don't like them most of the time and they piss me off. I try so hard and do so much for these ungrateful, unthankful brats.

I was thinking to myself today why it pissed me off so much that SS20 took a box of cereal to his apartment when he is perfectly capable to purchase his own food. He's just cheap and lazy. I saw that he'd done that today and it instantly pissed me off. Then I got to thinking if that was my BD17 that had done the same thing, would it make me nearly as angry ... and I thought no it wouldn't. Then I was wondering why does it make me so mad that he does it. I think it makes me mad that he does it because first off, he didn't ask. Second, we have to support and feed 5 other people in this house, plus when he is here we have to feed him too; Third, my daughter would ask. Fourth, she wouldn't just take stuff, she would ask. Fifth, she is thankful and grateful for things. She is not like them. They act entitled.

Man they piss me off.

Most Evil's picture

I would not support being treated that way. If you don't take a stand, nothing will change dear. Do not participate in birthday!! IMO

momof5_1969's picture

allmitchell -- that is funny! I actually like that one. I talked to my DH this morning and told him I wasn't doing anything for his horrible daughter, and asked him if he was mad at me. And he told me he totally understood. I told him I didn't want him spending any money on her for a cake. That we could buy a cake mix and his other daughter could bake a cake, and if he had to make dinner he could make spaghetti. Then we discussed a presesnt. I said if it was up to me I'd give her nothing. He laughed (thankfully), but said how about $50. I said how about $25. Then we compromised at $40. I still think its too much and told him so, and said she is an ungrateful little brat and that she would think it was not enough and she would just complain.

He said that he understood and he was actually laughing -- not at me, just in understanding, and said that because she was his daughter he had to do something because otherwise she would have a cow -- and he said understandably so. I told him I didn't care if she had a cow. I said I was not doing anything for her anymore -- that I was done. He said he was fine.

Then we discussed his son's birthday, which is a week after hers. I told him I would handle that because i like his son and that I would do anything for SS because he is nice to me. I'm not opposed to her seeing that I favor him over her. I'm not above being petty. Smile

But yes, after I posted this last night and the more I thought about it, the more strongly I felt that I was not going to be there for that brat's birthday. It did feel good to get it off my chest.

The thing that is pissing me off today is the youngest SD16 -- she spent the day with SD22 yesterday and is now acting distant with me. So sick of this crap.

momof5_1969's picture

thank you Stepaside -- I was actually going to go out and buy the card and buy the cake mix .... but why? I don't even want to do that. I'm not doing jack! I've got Stepmonster, I just need to pick it up again and start reading it.

I need to start practicing the disengaging definitely with her. I guess with her in my mind and constantly pissing me off still, I just need to "shush" myself whenever I think about it now. I've done that with other things and it works, so I just need to do that here too until she's no longer a thought in my mind too.

thank you for your encouraging words. I was feeling so down and depressed this morning, and now my husband is pissed at me so that doesn't help, but oh well. Thanks everyone.

CharityB's picture

you shouldn't be involved in the birthday at all.  I am just thinking how I would feel.  Like a slap to the face.  NO WAY!!!  They don't deserve you to be there!!! you are to good.