If you feel you can't take BM one more minute, read this...
Hello my fellow SM's! I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to each and every one of you that use ST - whether to vent, to give advice, get advice, whomever you are. I want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I feel like I've literally had an epiphany (sp?) today. Like many of you, I have to deal with a BM that is lazy, practically unemployed, master PASinator, selfish, unappreciative, loser, the list goes on and on. I'm fairly new to ST, but I am so thankful that for the past month or so, you have all helped me get to this point just by reading your stories, laughing with you, crying with you, feeling for you, being taken back by how eerily similar our situations are. I've been dating BF for 6 years now, living with him for over 2, no biokids together (nor have I ever had my own kids). He was married to BM for 10 years and was legally & physically separated from BM when we met (since end of 2003) and has been legally divorced from BM for about 3 years now. He has 2 kids with BM (my SD15 & SS12, even though they aren't legally my skids YET, they live with BF & I) and we have 50/50 shared physical custody of skids. I can only say that without all of you, I would have probably thought I was crazy by now - which is why I turned to look for a website like ST to help me in the first place. TODAY I finally "woke up" and realized that I've been allowing BM to "control" my thoughts & how my relationship functions for too long - and I'm TAKING BACK CONTROL OF MY LIFE. I was literally driving to work at 7am this morning and I thought to myself "I am not going to waste ONE MORE MINUTE letting BM drive me nuts ANYMORE!!". You see, I've probably wasted the first 2-3 years of dating BF getting mad at the little annoying things she does - the calling the skids 3x's a day just to say "I love you...muwahh..miss you so much...love you...miss you so much..muwahh" when she's only been apart from them for a couple of hours, the pathetic fights she created between BF & I (and you KNOW these fights ALL BM's like her cause - even though she was never aware of them - I am aware of them and that matters!). You know those fights you have with your BF's/DH's about the "little things" that all add up to a lot - from your man putting up with their BM's treating them like a doormat and still trying to be "nice" to her when she doesn't deserve it, to BM totally disrespecting your relationship with BF, to BM PASinating the skids to the point where the skids see you in a different light from who you are, etc.... Then there's the next few years (say, the past 2-3 years) when you finally decide to DISENGAGE when it comes to the skids, and their bad behavior, and their "entitlement" issues, and all the BM crap that continues because 6 years later, she's still trying to "hang on" to BF even though she has already lost him. You decide "not my problem, I'm just going to IGNORE it all and let BF/DH handle her/them, they're not MY ex/MY kids, so let them all drive each other nuts, I'm going to STOP CARING SO MUCH (because as we ALL know, BM could give a crap less if you CARE about her kids with all your heart, or even if you fall off the face of the Earth tomorrow for that matter). Then there are just the "overall" annoyances with the BM that NEVER, EVER seem to go away - YOU ALL know what these are. From the BM's that STILL continue to use YOUR BF's/DH's last name "for the sake of the kids" for everything, including her email address/screennames/facebook page, myspace page, etc... even though she's been legally apart from BF for 6 years and she's his EX-WIFE, to the BM's that still try to socialize with your BF's/DH's extended family (her ex-inlaws) "for the sake of the kids", blah, blah, blah. Well today I feel like I've had some strange "lighting bolt" moment where I see things SO CLEARLY...and I have ALL OF YOU, YOUR ADVICE, YOUR STORIES, to THANK!! The bottom line is - YOU WILL ONLY BE TREATED THE WAY YOU ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE TREATED. Disengaging has helped me a lot, but I also feel like a little part of disengaging requires that you kind of "sit on the sideline" and "let life happen to you". Get it? I'm not going to sit here wishing the next 9 years of my life away (which is the point that the CS to BM for the youngest skid, SS12 will terminate). I know the whole concept of CS makes absolutely NO SENSE in a situation such as ours - paying money to a deadbeat mother who literally pampers herself with our hard-earned $$ & lives with a free roof over her head & a free car - all the while only having to take care of her OWN CHILDREN only 50% of the time!!! But you know what? I could care less about her - I only wish that, for the skids' sake, she is a good mother to them and encourages them to grow into ethical, moral people when they become adults. I do not wish to be friends, as I don't need any more friends in my life - I have friends that have known me for MANY years and know the good-hearted, intelligent, motivated, caring woman that I am...I HAVE NO DESIRE OR NEED to prove that to ANYONE at this point in my life, NEVERMIND BM. Don't get me wrong, I don't wish to be enemies with her either. Somehow I will pray for the strength to coexist & co-parent with BF and deal with her to the best of my human capabilities. I concentrate every day now on MY LIFE, MY DREAMS, MY GOALS, MY FAMILY, MY FRIENDS, MY CAREER. For every minute I devote to being "curious" about BM, or angry for what she takes away from BF & I financially, that's one more minute I could have productively spent focusing on ME & my wants & needs. Not to be selfish, but it's time to take back what the BM's somehow manage to put some weird, magic spell over - my thoughts, my needs & MY LIFE with MY BF & his kids that I have chosen to make a part of my world for the past 6 years of my life. MOVE OVER BM...WATCH OUT - THERE'S A NEW MILOMOM AND SHE'S BETTER THAN EVER!!! I thank those of you that actually read through this VERY LENGTHY post...but most of all BIG HUGS TO ALL OF YOU FOR HELPING ME!!! Even though we don't know each other, I feel such gratitude for each and every one of you!! There is strength in numbers and it is so comforting to know that there are so many of you out there experiencing the same issues, the same lives as mine. THANK YOU & BIG HUGS & LOVE TO YOU ALL - you are all amazing women & I am forever indebted to all of you!!! Love, Milomom
- Milomom's blog
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You are so very correct...I
You are so very correct...I come here off and on, but have basically moved on as much as I can at this point...everyday a bit more...it hit me a few years ago when witch took us to court, I spent so much time focusing before that on all her BS, and then after court on all her BS...then my son was diagnosed with autism and I said, "scr#$%#$ her..." I have wasted so much time worrying about her and her kid, it's about me and my kid and MY HUSBAND now...not her, not them...yes, I do go off and on, basically when DH and I HAVE TO discuss how to protect ourselves from her, etc...because of laws where we live, etc...but other than that, I could care less...
This is a great post...
Thanks herewe! I will
Thanks herewe! I will totally admit that it is VERY difficult at times because of the way the BM's act - just disgusting and that they're entitled to everything when all they do is absolutely NOTHING to earn it. But in the end of the day, YOU are YOUR STRONGEST ADVOCATE. There of course will ALWAYS be times when you and DH will have to deal with her, like you said - but concentrate on protecting YOUR RELATIONSHIP, YOUR ASSETS and always KEEP YOUR HEAD UP! Not to mention, the more you smile & are happy with your life, the more it drives them NUTS and makes them MISERABLE!! Hence, you've "turned the tables" on them and they will just drown in their own patheticness. In the end, YOU have DH - he is YOUR HUSBAND NOW & IN THE FUTURE (hey, you're married to him, for heaven's sake - which is something that I look forward to with my BF). YOUR son's being diagnosed with autism should be YOUR FIRST PRIORITY - and the more you & DH work as a team and shut out all the BS & crap from BM, the better off you'll be. How many skids do you have & ages? Good luck & hugs & prayers to you!! P.S. I know my post was VERY long, but I'm so glad you read it & stuck through it - it came from my heart & a place of strength I knew I had, but I think I "shelved" it for so many years, know what I mean?
I really did read it all and
I really did read it all and enjoyed it...
Don't worry about waiting to get married, we finally did it this year after 10yrs of being together...there was never enough money because of all the crap...but we finally just did it and didn't spend more than 1,200USD...max...probably even less...and everyone still talks about how different and amazing it was...
Before our son was born, everytime she would start up something with us, and we would start fighting due to her and the stress she was causing, we quickly figured it out and would immediately look at each other and say, "let's go dancing!" haha...It worked for a few years...She even once showed up at the place we danced, probably ticked off that we were happy instead of fighting...but once our kiddo was born, we could no longer do that...so the stress kept building...
Now, whatever...we have not truly had an argument about her or her crap since she took him to court last (3 yrs ago)...now, we are on the same page and more determined than ever to make our relationship work...we NEVER argue over her...so, at the end of the day, we have let it go in many ways...
We only have one son...who can afford more with all the CS...hmmm...hehe
But it's been great...we get compliments from so many people about how much our son has improved in the last couple of years...even we sometimes are in awe...People always ask us what it is that we do because he truly is a different child from the one that was diagnosed 3yrs ago...
So thank you for your post, because it does keep things in perspective and sometimes with everyday life, we seem to forget and need reminders to get back on track...
Good luck to you as well..
Thank you Milomom - I really
Thank you Milomom - I really needed that this morning. I don't know what made me log on to Steptalk so early but now I know... I needed to see your post. I got so angy this morning when I looked through BF's phone (bad, I know) and saw 7 messages from BM on Wednesday berating him for being a poor planner and that SD9 didn't have any clothes to wear because he didn't send any. According to her, all of her clothes must be in our dirty laundry. Riiiiight... because we never do any laundry. How about she gets off her lazy ass and makes her loser boyfriend do some laundry over there? It makes me SO MAD the way that she treats him and the fact that he lets her. It makes me SO MAD that he jumped to marry that piece of trash but is too scared to commit to me but you're right. I can't let her rule my life, my emotions, my relationship, etc. Maybe ignorance really is bliss
I might just have to print out your post and keep it as a reminder for me when I let her get to me. Well said and thank you for posting it!
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
Good morning Stepmom...and
Good morning Stepmom...and you are SO very welcome! Yep, the old "laundry" hassle (we've ALL experienced this) where BM automatically assumes that if skids "don't have ANY clothes to wear" (usually totally exaggerated or fabricated by BM), BF either doesn't EVER do laundry and that skids clothes MUST be in YOUR dirty laundry OR, even better, she whines and complains that the child support money we give her has nothing to do with buying the skids' clothing and we should STILL have to go out and spend MORE money to buy OUR OWN set of clothes (for 2 skids). Yep, that's EXACTLY the type of fights I was describing in my post. DONE WITH IT! YOU ARE ONLY GOING TO BE TREATED THE WAY YOU (BF) ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE TREATED! She has 2 hands, doesn't she? I agree with you - she should get up off her unemployed, lazy ass (I'll bet your BM has enough time to spend hours on the computer just like mine, though) and do some laundry, for heaven's sake!! THEY ARE HER KIDS & BF'S KIDS - NOT YOURS!! She has no appreciation for how well you take care of the skids, their clothing, etc... I'm sure of it, trust me. I used to actually wash everything (sometimes the same day the skids wore it) just to make sure they always had clean clothes at BM's house, too - because that's the NICE thing to do and I was always worried about trying to be the "better person" so as to indirectly make her happy (which, in turn, made BF's life easier that he didn't have to hear her bitching all the time). Now the concept is the same, but I NEVER will go OUT OF MY WAY to do ANYTHING to make BM's life easier when that time could be better spent doing something to make MY relationship with BF & the skids better, or to make MY career better, or to make MYSELF more financially better off (I, by the way, am very financially responsible, have phenomenal credit, own my own house with my own mortgage, own my own car, have my own business, etc...). So, you see, you have ALREADY PROVEN exactly why I wrote that post - and if it helped just ONE person on ST, then I feel so much more accomplished with MY GOALS than I did yesterday. Get it? Take back control of YOUR life, YOUR relationship with YOUR BF and the skids, YOUR WANTS, NEEDS, GOALS!! Go Stepmom!! BIG HUGS for you!! Don't let her control your thoughts & mood today - you just need to find a RESOLUTION to what I'll call "the laundry issue" that works for YOU - and you will be set free! You're not alone - we've ALL been there. Good luck! And THANK YOU for taking time out of YOUR busy day to respond to MY POST...you just made MY DAY, too! Gotta go, or I'm gonna be late to MY OFFICE!! lol.
Hi Supermom & you are SO
Hi Supermom & you are SO WELCOME! Not sure what made this a yucky week for you in dealing with your BM, but feel free to let me (everyone - lol) know because, you know what? WE'VE ALL BEEN THERE, DONE THAT, HAVE THE T-SHIRT! I strongly believe that ST has helped me in SO many ways that it is indescribable! Sounds like you just may need some "Milomom" empowering sessions - ha ha ha. Not sure of your situation, if you've traveled a long road so far with your BM or if you're new to it all. Let me know. Good luck...and THANK YOU for reading my post and allowing it to help you - that confirms exactly why I posted it. ((((GROUP HUG!!!)))
Congrats Milomom! It's a
Congrats Milomom! It's a long journey to find happiness when there's a crazy BM involved. And it seems like there are a lot of epiphanies happening on ST lately. I don't know if it's the holiday season or if there's just something in the air.
Thank you so much
Thank you so much workingmom! I agree - I feel like my journey has not only been a long one (6 years) but a roller coaster of a ride, that's for sure! But you know what? Bring it on! Feels so much better when I have the right frame of mind and have the courage to go back to my old self, if you know what I mean. Full steam ahead - doing good things for others, because good things happen to good people. It's all about moving FORWARD with MY LIFE, MY RELATIONSHIP with BF & the skids, MY GOALS and NOT ALLOWING BM to negatively affect ME anymore. No more saying to myself (and I know you've all been there) "can't wait until skids turn 21 and we don't have to deal with this anymore", because I absolutely refuse to "wish away" my life from now until the year 2018, just to think that's when my normal life will be restored. BM will just have to FINALLY accept & get used to the fact that MILOMOM is here and she's HERE TO STAY...you don't like it, oh well, YOU DEAL WITH IT! Happy Holidays to you workingmom, and don't hesitate to tell me your frustrations so that I can help you reach this point - it feels like heaven on earth! HUGS!!
Milomom, I'm in love with
Milomom, I'm in love with your post that's in love with the new YOU!!
GOod for you, lady!!!!
I think I may have thought about entering that atmosphere of acceptance and disengagement and just realizing I can't put my precious energy into the bullshit that BMs like to shove our way. I think we all start with thoughts, so I'm on my way but I'm so very glad to hear you're THERE.
Hi Misfit! I'm fairly new
Hi Misfit! I'm fairly new to ST (about 1 month) and in that time, I've made a solid effort to try to "get to know" everyone here on ST as best I can - you may not realize this, but I've been somewhat following your posts (younger woman with older BF/DH about 40's? and all the problems/insecurities that come with it and BM) - you recently blogged about how wonderful your BF/DH is but that recently, there's been turmoil (are you the one that found old pix of BM that DH was supposed to have tossed & he didn't?) and you feel like you can't control your insecurities. WE'VE ALL BEEN THERE, MISFIT! You seem very intelligent, well-spoken and kind. Don't ever change who you are - that's the best advice I can give you. Once you lose yourself, that's when things go into an uncontrollable tailspin. You have been there for others on ST and you are always positive - and the very rare times you aren't (in your own situation), you are very hard on yourself - YOU'RE HUMAN! We all deal with exactly the same feelings & emotions that you do! By the way, how did you come up with the name Misfit? lol. Feel free to let me know how I can help you get to the point that I've finally reached (after 6 years)!! One step at a time, one foot in front of the other - you have to WANT CHANGE for this to work. Trust yourself & your gut/instincts about your decisions, be true to yourself & you will be fine. I promise you that as hard as it is for me to get to this place in my life, it feels truly incredible! I can breathe again. Good luck Misfit, you're a wonderful woman!
Yes that was a mouth full
Yes that was a mouth full and alot to read through, but THANK YOU! It is so true that 'YOU WILL ONLY BE TREATED THE WAY YOU ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE TREATED' Now if I can only remember that when I start letting my mind go.
You have great advice
You have great advice Milomom. Thank you. I'm going to do the same. I used to be interesting, vivacious, sexy and fun. Now I'm an overbearing, angry shrew. That is going to change now! I'm going out with my girlfriends and have some fun. I'm tired of being taken for granted and worrying about all of them. Enough is enough-I'm letting it all go. Thank you.
Shelly36 you're welcome and
Shelly36 you're welcome and you go girl! I know, I feel the same way about my "old self" - always positive, a bundle of energy, well-liked by others. Once I allowed BM to start all of her drama crap, it definitely affected who I was - I became frustrated, angry and argumentative because I always felt the need to "stand up for myself". In thinking about it honestly, maybe I was just consumed with not understanding why she didn't like me?!? It was frustrating me for so long because I've always been a well-liked, admired person (not meant to be cocky, just giving you a general description of myself). After years and years, I finally realized that I was ALLOWING BM to do this to me and cause fights between BF & I. The old Milomom mantra "YOU WILL ONLY BE TREATED THE WAY YOU ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE TREATED" may be difficult to swallow, but it is the truth and the reality of most situations. Once I decided to TAKE BACK the control of my life, my goals, my future plans...I suddenly felt a huge weight lift from my shoulders - and I became FREE from BM's drama-queen games and bullcrap. BM is BF's problem, not mine (in terms of the skids), unless BM has some kind of problem about BF &/or I, I will ALWAYS be in control of our home, our relationship, our future plans. Good luck Shelly!! Hugs to you! I'm glad my post helped you - it was worth it just for that alone.
((((Milomom))))I read your
((((Milomom))))I read your post again. It STILL makes a lot of sense, but it's such a big issue for me that I'm JUST learning to deal with it.