Trying to keep it very own Pandora's Box...
Have you ever become the worst version of yourself? That a Pandora's Box of all the hateful things, your spite, your arrogance, your condescending side has sprung open? Someone upsets you and instead of smiling and walking away, you nail them to the wall with words. "Hello it's my nasty side". Wouldn't it be great if you could pass all your not so nice words to someone that can't do what you can do with words, then you could always be nice and they could be nasty whenever they wanted to be? Although I must warn you... when you eventually have the pleasure of saying the things you want to say at the moment you're wanting to say them... remorse eventually follows…well that's what they say is supposed to happen.
So I have been known to have a wicked tongue, I say what other people only think, can be brutally honest and a not so nice person at times…I know, me a not so nice person come on now…lol…but yes I must say it's true. Those that know me know it to be a little beyond true. I have hurt many through the years and don’t have an explanation for the behavior. Other than I do not tolerate much. I am not a person that is compassionate to many; I am not in need of copious amounts of emotion. I guess I just want what belongs in my life and if it doesn't fit into my “oh so perfect little world” I turn into what seems to be a large cat protecting her den and all that live in it. My claws come out and "instant removal” is all my instincts tell me to do, but at what cost??
Trying to control those instincts, those wild cat like instincts has been more difficult lately than others. I feel levels of anger now, not just “yea, I’m mad” or even the more extreme “I’m pissed!” No this is true unadulterated RAGE! Never in my life have I ever felt something so intense, till now. I have been in this mode for weeks now ready to pounce at any time, ready to fight to the death if need be to protect what harmony my life does have. I am trying to learn to cope. Maybe trying to figure out a way to know its coming; I know the cause, but have yet to find the solution. I try steps of control, and now try anything that might work walks, music, and drawings. Right now I will try anything to slow my mind down for a much needed 5 minutes of calm.
So I remember to breath, than I simply try to breathe, when that no longer works I turn for my outlets. I turn on the soft music that soothes the ear; raise my glass of pale pink wine and then turn to the blank paper that is now begging my mind to slow down enough to put something on it. Instantly I find my place of calm. As soon as the lead touches the paper beautiful strokes appear and begin a new vision my mind has created making it more real than it was when I closed my eyes.
I yearn for the calmness to not only return, but stay. I need the simple laughter, the times of silly sighs and him running upstairs to say "what's wrong" only to get a giggle out of me because he actually did come see what I wanted. Peace is soon to return, all will be well in my perfect little world once more and there will be no need for soft music, blank paper and number 2 pencils.
Counting down the days…….
- MrsP78's blog
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"Have you ever become the
"Have you ever become the worst version of yourself?"
Oh yes. Rage and I are old friends. I have several broken Christmas ornaments to show for it. Plus a few other broken things. I need to replace our dishes soon. Thinking about taking up pottery so I'll have some "safe" things to take it out on.
I so admire your ability to recognize and soothe the savage beast. Music doesn't work for me. Wine is something I avoid. When I'm in that state of mind, nothing but destruction helps. Or a good long walk with a giant puppy. I'm working on recognizing the early signs so that my outlets will have an effect before something gets broken. So far, so good.
Thanks for writing this beautiful piece and sharing your feelings. It helps me to know that I'm not the only one.
I'm a breaker/thrower too.
I'm a breaker/thrower too. Unfortunately so is BF. I'm waiting for the day when our rage happens at the same time - we just might kill each other. A calming outlet would be very nice, just need to find it :?
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
Benzodiazepenes (clonazepam,
Benzodiazepenes (clonazepam, valium, etc.) work wonders if someone in his right mind reminds me to take them at the right time. Otherwise I won't even think of it and get to a point where they won't work. FH never freaks out. He just takes my car keys and stays out of the way.
Smart Unfortunately, I'm
Unfortunately, I'm anti-xanax, etc. No reason except for I try to be an all natural/holistic girl. I've been taking Ashwagandha (Ayurvedic herb for mood/anxiety and L-Theanine which is basically the super anti-oxidant that's found in green tea and also helps with mood/anxiety) and I think I've mellowed. I still have fits of rage but they don't last as long. They're like a shot of tequila - short acting and then I'm tired afterwards.
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
Hey MrsP... One more thing.
Hey MrsP... One more thing. I just read your comment on a different post. It sounds like you've got a little hellion in your 5 year-old step-son. His behaviours are nowhere near normal and I strongly suspect there's something big going on in his little brain. Is there any way your DH could get him into some therapy? He appears to be acting on some huge anger issues beyond the usual child of divorce stuff. I fear for you and your children with this kid. I encourage you to share more of your story in your blog so that you can receive the support you need. Good luck to you.
P.S. Why does SS5 hate your father in-law?
Hey, don't be so hard on
Hey, don't be so hard on yourself - we are all b*tches when put under fire! That is your survival and coping technique.
I really do try not to argue with people because I have hurt people so bad with what I said to them about themselves. Alcohol does not help this either I have learned! but its not all you, just try to avoid your triggers and use your rewards to keep equilibrium.
"The movies are the only business where you can go out front and applaud yourself." -
Will Rogers
Well to update
Well to update everyone...its been a long few weeks but I tried again with the SS5 now SS6 (I love that branding!! Thanks Selkie!) We had him this weekend. Lets start with Friday.
Friday: During the day was good, even with the voices in my head telling me "terror reigns this weekend" so I took my Saint Johns Wort (we are holistics) and moved forward. Friday evening when I heard the car doors shut I bolted upstairs like a scared cat that would have hid under the bed if I would have fit. I worked on my book, drank my hot tea and just remembered to breathe. The kids, hubby and SS played video games and did their thing. Around 11PM (well beyond bedtime) I hear my husband getting upset and SS hollering at him about not sleeping by himeself. I get out of bed and walk in the room where he is sitting on the bed crying. I tell my hubby to leave the room and say "change your clothes now! I'll leave the bathroom light on, your door open and Jack (our 150lb dog) will sleep in here. With no problem he says "ok" and all is done. Then the screams start and in a stern voice I say "The only thing in this house you need to worry about getting you is me if you don't get in the bed!" All was better...lights out.
Saturday: Wake up, coffee, and I clean house like every Saturday before. SS decides that he wants to help, so of course I said "sure!" in excitment, thinking are we getting somewhere finally? He helped, played with the kids, etc. Saturday was good and I was beginning to think I was going crazy, "did everything really happen or am I just a bitch?"
Sunday: Hubby is gone all day taking care of things, Kids at the park till 4 and the ex calls, I let her know we were leaving in 15 min. SS and I in the car, I call the hubby so he can say goodbye and it was like someone flipped a switch...the spawn was back!!! I heard "you know I still hate you, I just have to be nice so I can see my dad!" "I still wish you would die!" WTF!!! I brought him home and talked to the ex, she swears she doesn't say things like she used to, and that she was hoping we would have a good weekend so we can all move forward...yea right!!!
What to do..what to do???