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OT--My mother is being a jerk

LizzieA's picture

The good news: my daughter had a beautiful baby girl a week ago! We are going to see her next week, since we live about 1000 miles away. My other daughter is flying in, too, and it will be the first time in over a year that I have seen my girls. I can't wait!

OD is 30 and she has a nice BF with a very supportive family. They bought her baby furniture, a new bed and opened a $1000 saving account for baby. It was one of those unplanned pregnancies but certainly a great joy to OD, BF, me and DH, YD, and BF's family.

My M is 77 and a widow. She is one of those stoic martyr types who was never affectionate. My F was critical and controlling but I did have a good relationship before he died. My M has shown no enthusiasm about the baby although she did sew some blankets. My B is living with her now since he left his wife and is unemployed.

We used to live in an adjacent state and I always had to go there. Several times a year, for over twenty years. Always guilted into it. My B didn't go to my old house for 8 years. My M has plenty of money and goes to see my S (and me) since we now live in the same state at least 2 times a year. Both my M and B can drive. BTW, my S's single daughter had a child at age 20 and she is doted on.

Anyway, I invited M to come to the gathering at OD's house while we are all there. It is about 4 hours drive. I understand that we may have bad weather and she really shouldn't go by herself. But ever since I brought it up, she is full of excuses. The latest was she didn't know what to do with the dogs. (hello, a kennel or a friend)

She told YD that and OD cried when she heard it. She feels so hurt that her grandmother would make such a lame excuse. M has done a lot for my B, why doesn't she tell him he has to take her to see her great-granddaughter? No, they would rather stay in their hermit hovel. And of course they expect US to come see THEM.

Anyway, I go back and forth between being angry and writing them off. Why do these people have to rain on what should be a happy time with their BS?

I guess I wrote this to see if other people also think this situation is screwed up.


Most Evil's picture

At first I was thinking it may be hard for her to drive at her age, vision, etc. but she doesn't want you to know - but it sounds like your brother could drive her.

All I can think of is that is the privilege of age - that the young folks come to you. It is really hard for my dad to get around like he could and so much easier on him physically if he can stay at home where he already has all his issues addressed and worked out. He is the same age as your mom.
"The movies are the only business where you can go out front and applaud yourself." -
Will Rogers

LizzieA's picture

Hi ME, I could go with that but my mom has NO issues. She is mobile, takes no medication and can see and hear fine. She just went to Australia for a month last year and came to visit my present state (stayed at sisters) two times in 2009.

And my OD and a newborn are not going to travel that far in the winter!

Most Evil's picture

Oh - well that is weird then! What is her deal then??!! lol
"The movies are the only business where you can go out front and applaud yourself." -
Will Rogers