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YAY!!! Guilt parenting Disney Dad is back in time for Christmas! YAY!!!!

Shaman29's picture

Wow...a post that has nothing to do with step-demon (sd14), who has actually been okay this time around. This has to do with her idiot father, my DH (which today stands for DumbsHit). Seriously DH, I want to borrow a basketball players hands to strangle you! The only reason I can't wait for step-demon to leave is because her "father" is making me crazy. Otherwise, I'd be sorry to see her go back to UberSkank in a few days.

He calls both of us “Sweetie” when step-demon is around, so we never know which one of us he's speaking to. I’ve asked him several times to stick to his nicknames for step-demon (he has two or three) or make up a new nickname for me or call me Shaman29. His excuse? It’s too hard to remember a better name for me. Gee JackAss…nice to know I’m not worth the effort.

When she’s here, he totally treats me differently. Like I’m his roommate and not his wife. If I ask step-demon to do anything around the house, he comes over and does it for her. Hey DH, undermine my authority much? Even when she asks if she can help and I give her something to do, he takes it away from her. He even gave her money to wrap my Christmas gifts! Seriously? You can't just have her do a good deed without expecting payment? Excellent lesson to teach little miss entitlement!

But god forbid the woman with a lot of common sense but no children say anything about the way he rears his child! Because apparently since I never squeezed out a litter of kids, I’m completely unqualified to point out the obvious since “I don’t understand what it’s like to be a parent”.

The irony in that statement is when any of my family members says that to me, he completely defends me and tells me it doesn’t matter that I haven’t given birth.

Then he was really snarky towards me last night and said something that hurt my feelings. When I told him what he said really hurt me, he replied (and I quote) “I’m tired and I didn’t mean anything by it, you just took it wrong”. WTF?? No acknowledgement that he hurt my feelings, no apologies. Basically told me it was my own fault.

I hardly spoke to him this morning, especially after he did something I HATE with my heart and soul……asked me a question when he had a mouth full (and not a dainty little bite, but puffed out squirrel cheeks full of food) of cereal. Grrrrrrr. Then he had the nerve to ask me if something was bothering me?

No JackAss…I enjoy having you say whatever you want to me, behave like a dick, hurt my feeling then claim fatigue and blame my hurt feelings on me. Merry F'ing Christmas. Sorry for the unholiday like rant but I'm in a pissy mood today. :evil:


Sara_Smile22's picture

I can relate...I am 'Baby' and SD 17 is 'Babe'....irks me, but not near as much as 'princess'. As far as being treated as the roommate...relate a little, from early on when she first moved in with us, but not so much anymore. It does disgust me though when she WALLERS him...don't know how else to say it, that's what my hillbilly family would call it is WALLERING...but you'd have to go see my blog about feeling like DH has two wives to understand where I'm coming from there maybe. Sounds like your SD could be sort of normal if he'd let her....

Funny how they can defend us to others and then turn around and be a hypocrite in their own homes. My DH likes to preach all over the place about how the kids in our house are all treated equal...when WE all know it's not true on his part at all....heaven forbid the outside world would know the truth. And I too really hate when he does SD's chores for her...but he usually does them to cover up that he can't get her to do them and he doesn't want me seeing well right? LOL

Shaman29's picture

I get the was like that when I first met step-demon who was 10 at the time.

What kills me, absolutely kills me is that her "mother" is a narcissistic parent who is teaching her kids they are entitled to what they want, when they want it (which is usually RIGHT NOW!). DH and I spent 2.5 years when he was CP trying to teach her differently. And now he's reverted back to this crap!

So now I'm once again the Evil Step-Mother who doesn't understand anything.

“Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.”
Michael Caine

Jbee27's picture

That's why I'm glad the only time FH calls me baby or babe is when we're text messaging. When we're around each other I get called by my name or "Crickity".....(long story and an even longer nickname, Crickity or Crick is the short version)
And since Tortoise only has one nickname "Yosh", we'll never get confused.