Okay, I gotta say it...........
I hate that some choose to "knickname" their step kids. Crayon, honey, you know I love you.......I ALWAYS tell everyone how much I do, and that you are in a spot, etc. I understand that this is your only way out, and to "knickname" your step kids is a way to help you have a out. I feel like crap even admitting it...........but I swear, I'm so SICK to my stomach of seeing people ridicule their step kids. THEY ARE KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't blame the kids.......blame the parents that created these kids. Yep, there was a time that I hate both of my SD's. Now I only "don't like" one of them! The other I love. So I know what it's like to be there. I just really think this "naming" of your step kids is doing nothing but fueling your hatred.
Is that why you are here?
Are you here for help..........or are you here to stew?
Seriously, I know that I'm offending MANY when I say this...........but good Lord, they are KIDS!!!! How is it their fault for acting stupid (and this is kids in the age group of birth to 10..after that I think you fully know what you are doing). Of course, I'm not the expert, I could be wrong on that age.
What I am NOT wrong about is that this hatred that I see run rampad here is not helping you, it's simpily feeding into your hatred of your own Step Kids. I came here looking for help, I found it and I found it quick. I had my ass handed to me several times in regards to my step's and the BM. And you know what......it HELPED me become something different. I looked for help and I found it, here.
I'm afraid that I, like many others, am outgrowing this site. I'm done with the pettyness. And seeing people "knickname" their step kids (with a horrible name) is harsh, uncalled for, and just down right sick to me.
You all know that BBB and I are WONDERFUL friends. We really are, I love her to death. I can't wait until the day I can wrap my arms around her and give her the hug that I've been saving for the better part of a year now. But I will never forget her knicknaming her SD "snowshyte". It sticks with me. You know what sticks the most though? Barbie changed, she took the advice, she looked up other sites, she did what she could to make her situation better. She no longer calls her SD that. She may have issues, yes. We all do as SP's! But good grief, let's atelast TRY!!!
Isn't that why we are here? Or is it only to fuss about every single move that our kids.....ahem....step kids make?
Think about it peeps......how would you feel if your husband wrote a blog (like many of the ones that we see here) about OUR kids? Wicked......how would you feel honey if someone talked about perfect son as some do here about their step kids? And not to call you out, just to say that I know how you would feel, you wouldn't tolerate it. And why should you......he's YOUR son!!! How can we expect BM, or DH to feel anything different that what WE do for our very own flesh and blood kids?
Look, to close, I love you all. I really do. ST was a home to me when no where else was. But can't we atleast realize that these kids are just that.........kids? They all have issues, our own BIO's have issues........why wouldn't our Skids?
- BMJen's blog
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LMAO DP!!! I know
LMAO DP!!! I know dude.........I just had to say it!
I love this and totally
I love this and totally agree. I have not been here long but found that while it can be such a comfort, there are times when I feel like being here and being allowed and sometimes I feel even encouraged to vent creates more of a chasm rather than solving the problem. And I genuinely hope that rather than a misery loves company attitude, I'd really love to see everyone being able to one day no longer need this site.
newbie, it does. Hands
newbie, it does. Hands down.......a rough blog will bring much more response than a "I need help" blog. That's sad!!!
We can change that........as a collective group.
Crystal, honey, it's not to
Crystal, honey, it's not to be negative. I promise! It's not to contribute to negativity.......it's to contribute to positivity.
Sometime, just sometimes, we have to look at our situations and see if we can change it for the better, not the worse.
I'm sure it will hit 100 plus........of people being pissed at me. But it's how I feel about it. This is a place to vent, that used to always be my argument too. But where do we draw the line between right and wrong?
Well you may be right about
Well you may be right about that.........I think Aunt Flow is on her way!
I don't know what it is Crystal, I just want to "touch" people and make a difference.....do you know what I mean?
I've been down the road, I want to see others not travel so far before they detour to happiness! Maybe I sound judgmental, if so that is soooooooooooo not what I'm trying to do. I've supported MANY people on here that have been under "attack" for their feelings. I know that sometimes we get in that spot and this is our only way out. I realize that. I just wish it could be at someone else's expense other than the kids........that our husbands produced!!
SMJ - I'm not mad at you at
SMJ - I'm not mad at you at all. I completely respect your opinion on this and understand how you feel. However, I have a real toad-load to carry and sometimes it's incredibly helpful to unload my thoughts here than in real life. This site works as my brain to mouth filter.
In my case, sd14 (aka step-demon) earned her moniker. Her counselor told us in court that she planned, each and every awful thing she did to me, to DH and to our home. DH and I were of the opinion that it was UberSkank pushing her and plotting these situations. He was devastated when he found out his own child would consciously make these kinds of decisions without prompting from the master manipulator.
It no longer matters whose fault it is that she turned out this way, blaming DH and Uber doesn't change the situation. Treating her with love and respect only earned me emotional torture and a huge kick in the teeth. Showing her patience and trying to help her and be her ally earned me a cleaver in the back.
She will remain step-demon on StepTalk, until I see a real change in our situation. She is immature but she is no longer a child. She has made some adult decisions in the last year that will affect her the rest of her life. To me...this is no kid.
Hope the posts stay to under 100.
“Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.”
Michael Caine
Shaman, thanks for not
Shaman, thanks for not coming out guns blazing!
But don't you think that she is this way for a reason? She IS her father's and mother's child. She was made by them......she was taught by them. Maybe she isn't the one to be mad at? Maybe she isn't really the demon? Maybe it's the people that raised her....and that includes your husband.
Now, I know that it's much better to vent it all out here than it is to do it on her! That, I totally understand and agree with.
But again, they are kids.......my own SD is 15. I can't imagine calling her a "demon" though she has done some terrible things to me, my relationship with my husband, to my son, etc. We've been through it, no doubt. But no matter what we've been through she is my husbands daughter, and if nothing else I will always care about her for that.
Maybe I'm way off base......it's just how I feel.
And Crayon, rereading this I see that it appears that I'm attacking you. What I was trying to do was call out, immediatley, that I UNDERSTAND why you do this, I really admire you being able to tolerate all that you do, and many others here. I understand that we have to have a place to fuss all!
But when do we stop thinking it's all the kids fault? Crayon, you do blame the parents. You are right to do so. You knickname the kids, but you fully realize this is all due to their parenting style. SO my hats off to you, as usual! I hope I didn't offend you.
Hey SMJ....I hear you. When
Hey SMJ....I hear you. When the kids are itty bitty....I absolutely blame the parents. But when they come to that age of awareness...then I have a more difficult time just blaming parents. Kids are maturing faster, the rules and laws have changed and they are getting away with more and more bad behavior.
Like I said....DH and I were sure, so very sure UberSkank was behind all of (out of respect for your feelings on your blog I'll refer to her as....) sd14's behavior. The moment the counselor said those words "sd14 systematically planned every event that took place" my blood ran cold. To think that a kid would behave so very badly and manipulate people in the manner she did....just to get her own way?
Oh and you bet I most certainly do blame DH for her behavior, especially when he tries throwing all of the blame on UberSkank. I remember one time when he had a fit over the way sd14 was treating her teachers at school. He started telling me it was all Uber's fault and I said hold on their big guy! Who told sd14 it was okay for her to speak her mind whenever she felt like it? Who was so damn proud of their little kid going around busting chops and comparing her to you, saying she was a chip off the old block? Now you're blaming Uber when you gave sd14 the freedom to say whatever she wants to whomever she wants? Uh huh...no way Jose! I'm calling bulls**t on that one! You are currently reaping what you sowed there buddy. If you want your kids to be respectful to adults and authority figures than you should have fricking raised her to be that way!
I don't have any respect for the BM in our situation and she means absolutely nothing to me. I don't think she is completely responsible for the way their child turned out. DH's guilt parenting, bad table manners and biases have affected their child just as much.
“Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.”
Michael Caine
And I think that's why you
And I think that's why you rock. You realize how she became "demon".
I know what my SD 21 does is well within the age group of understanding. She CHOOSES to treat me like shit. Maybe one day I'll stop sitting here, taking it, maybe not though..I don't know.
I know I respect you for knowing how this all came about, and not blaming the child for the parents raising!
Sometimes seeing the knicknames really makes me sad. That's all I'm saying
But again, who the hell am I to judge anyone? For mercy sakes! I was the "other" woman. So I'm not sitting on a horse of judgement.
I think it's more a horse of "hurt" for the kids that are suffering because their parent's are idiots.
Why thank you! I really
Why thank you! I really appreciate you saying that and it means a lot to me.
And I do understand you are not attacking us for the nicknames, you are concerned about the way it comes across to the skids in our day to day lives. I guess we all need to do the mile in their shoes thing, even when we see something disagreeable to us personally.
I appreciate your post because it gave me a check on my behavior. There are times I catch myself falling into patterns I thought I lost last year.
I do try to remember this is DH's kid and I try to respect his feeling for her (even when I want to strangle him for his occasional guilt parenting).
“Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.”
Michael Caine
RE: step demon She's 14?
RE: step demon
She's 14? Everyone's going through a horrible phase at that age. As her step mom, it is your job to help her through it, you took that job when you married her father. And I understand she must have done awful things for someone to view her in this light but think about it this way... no truly happy, satisfied, confident person does terrible things to someone else.
And if nothing else I've said seems valid I can only say, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. I mean if its true, its true, but is the name REALLY necessary?
Sometimes Jen.. I wish I had
Sometimes Jen..
I wish I had the self preservation to do it myself. It might be therapeutic at times.
The nicknames used to bother me but...
Letting what someone does on here to vent their own personal situation get on my nerves seems petty. So while I understand the sentiment, I don't agree anymore. To each his own when you are venting about your own.
I still don't choose to participate, but have at it for those who do. Now if the nicknames got really gross, then ok. Time to stop. And perhaps I'm not on here enough to notice, but I haven't seen any that bad. Just goofy and personal to the poster for whatever reason.
You think so Sita? You know
You think so Sita? You know I value your thoughts......maybe you're right. I know I've defended others time and time again for the same thing. Maybe I'm just getting to "old" for this. KWIM? Maybe I need to install my filter a litte tighter.
I'm filtering so much right
I'm filtering so much right now I think my kidneys will walk right out of my body in protest.
"Parental love is unconditional, relationships are reciprocal." ~Zen
LMAO!! funny
LMAO!! funny
I've been down that road
I've been down that road too. I used to write in my diary about my skids with names, and BM was "Ms. Trunchbull."
Looking back, calling them those names in my diary made me feel good because I'd get this evil and sadistic internal satisfaction, and thinking of them by those names only increased my bad feelings toward them.
Through therapy, I came to realize that it's not the kids' fault. It's BM's fault for PAS and DH's fault for not being a good parent. He let the kids get away with too much.
Anon, maybe that's the
Anon, maybe that's the difference. We've been through enoug that we've been to thearpy. We know some stuff now!
I know I used to think of SD 15 as.......well......I can't even say it now. So I get it, I do. I just think that this site helped me so much to change.......and to a relationship with my SD that I never ever thought would happen. I love her to death, she's a part of my life for the rest of my life.
I'm lucky, I get it.
You're my quiet hero, as usual!
Thanks SMJ, you are mine too
Thanks SMJ, you are mine too
stepmomjen, i do agree that
stepmomjen, i do agree that name calling is immature and wrong. but, as a guilty party, i must say that steptalk may be the ONLY place some have to go to vent. yes, these are kids, and yes we need to blame the parents. but....we can only take so much. and i comend everyone for venting on this site instead of to their skids. casue that would be wronger (lol had to put a funny there).
on the same note, YOU are using this site for what it was intended for, to vent. so...i think no one is 100% wrong or 100% right.
I'm also a guilty party. I
I'm also a guilty party. I think I've probably called my skids a name or two here and there! I don't know exactaly what blog it was last night that set this off.......and I know this is where people fuss. I've said that time and time again, you wouldn't believe how much.
Going on a tangit, writing a blog, that is different to me. That's fussing....you do it, you get it out, the end. But to every single day look at these kids as "insert shotty knickname here" isn't helping anyone, IMO.
The only people that can better our situations are ourselves, and why not do it? I just think all the "names" help the hate go round.
I have never given ss a nick
I have never given ss a nick name. I didn't give birth to him but he is my son just the same. I am here because I hate the whore that gave my son life, the one who doesn’t give a damn about him. And to her yes she has a nick name that both my dh and I refer to her as (CFW) im sure you can figure out what it stands for. I came to this site so I can vent and know that I am not alone that other people have crazy ex’s just like we do. I came to this site so I can vent to people who don’t know me instead of venting to my family or to my poor husband who has no control what that bitch does. I’m a better mother and wife when I can get things off my chest and not be mad all the time, it’s not stirring the pot. I feel it quite therapeutic and im less likely to go shoot CFW.
Oh my sweet sweet darling
Oh my sweet sweet darling Jen..... I absolutely without a doubt love you to pieces! I completely understand what you are saying here. These are CHILDREN!!! Yes, if someone talked crap about MY perfectson like I've heard some do here, they wouldn't know what hit them. I would rip their eyes out of their head! I agree completely that there DOES come an age of accountability, and I don't know if you can put a number on it, some kids hit it earlier than others.
The nicknames, yah I don't like most of them either, but I have a hard time swallowing the pure hatred of CHILDREN that I read here. I promise you, without a doubt, that no matter how much I loved my DH, SO, BF, whatever..... if I truly hated their child I would pack up and walk away. Let someone else have a chance with that child who might be able to give them what they need if I couldn't do it.
Badmouth the BMs and EHs all you want here as far as I'm concerned. They are grown-ups and are fair game!
But I would love to see us all focus more on at least TRYING to LIKE these kids if you don't or can't love them. What a blessing that would be on all of us if we could try to really inspire each other to do what is right for these kids, no matter how bad it might make us feel. I'm a grown-up. I can take getting my feelings hurt, but kids?????? We are also helping shape the type of adults these children are growing up to be. I want to know that one day, even many many years in the future, even if I'm not here to see it, my SDs are going to think 'Wow, WSM put up with a lot of BS she didn't have to, but she really only wanted the very best for us and she must have really loved us.' I think that is a great goal for all of us.
Wicked, that's a wonderful
Wicked, that's a wonderful goal. That's mine as well.
I came to ST with alot of resentment tward both of my SD's. Sd 15 and I laugh often about how much we hated each other the first year!! DH can't believe it when he hears us talk about it! It's pretty funny to me, and it's cool that we have that relationship.
When I came here I wasn't sure if I could do it, step parenting that is. I didn't think I could. All the resentment bubbled out of me like a shook up coke! I LOATHED bm, couldn't stand the Skids, etc. There were many here that helped me to look at BM as a person, to see why she feels and does what she does. They also helped me to change my attitude with my step's. I'm 100% convinced that the memeber "Anne" saved me, my marriage, and my relationship with my skids!
I had to change. I resisted it, didnt' want to, made excuses, but I started to try it. You know what happened? I gained a daughter.......
When I was making the switch
When I was making the switch from one message board to this one, I'll be honest... I thought a lot of the nicknames were horrible and I almost didn't join. But it dawned on me that posters were simply writing the things that I was only thinking in my head. That sometimes, not all the time, it was just a relief to get out the frustrations. I doubt that posters are calling these children these names in person, so it doesn't bother me like it use to.
One of the ways I look at it is to compare it to some of the things I know and understand. For example, I went to school for fire science. I heard a lot of horror stories about fires or paramedic runs. A lot of firefighters and EMS will actually make jokes about various situations, even if it involves death. A person torn apart by an accident may have a limb picked up and waved around. It sounds horrible and crude but it is a coping mechanism. If these people didn't make light of horrible situations, no one would be able to do their job because of all the heartache.
While that is an extreme example, I see it as being similar. I may joke about my pseudo skid with my friends, but it's because sometimes the pressure and stress from being in a step situation is so crushing that I feel as though I can't breathe. That the weight will destroy me. It may not be completely appropriate but it relieves some of the feeling of complete hopelessness. And I would never, ever say anything in front of skid to hurt his feelings. I never joke with my friends about him in front of or even near my bf because it would be hurtful to him. Maybe the nicknames are simply a coping mechanism?
(P.S. Of course everything I wrote is moot if someone is name calling children to their face to be mean spirited)
"I have always loved the time before dawn because there is no one around to remind me who I am suppose to be, so it is easier to remember who I am." - unknown
Silver, yeah there is a big
Silver, yeah there is a big difference of saying it here than saying it TO the kids.......but don't you think if we write it every single day that when the kid acts up that's exactlay how we are going to look at him/her?
I agree. The nicknames
I agree. The nicknames aren't great. But atleast I stuck with "Tortoise" and didn't go with "Ted Bundy". And I think calling him "Tortoise" is a lot nicer than calling him "Asshole" which is what he acts like most of the time. And yes, I blame FH and the Blind Whore for the way he is. Mostly the Blind Whore's fault. But I've been trying to get him to behave better and not be such a spoiled brat. I know one day, it will all sink in. But, until then, he will be the "Tortoise" to me. And I don't see anything wrong with that.
Jbee, actually to me,
Jbee, actually to me, tortoise is more of a cute thing! If he's a slow poke, of course you're gonna call him that! I call my son tater, my SD is Monkey....those are not hateful names though!
Ok, I understand what your
Ok, I understand what your saying I just don't know if it's true. BBB have your feelings about SD changed since you stopped using a nickname for her? I haven't used one so I am not sure what it feels like but would be interested to hear from BBB since she did and now does not.
When our husbands betray us
When our husbands betray us for someone or something else, it's natural to not only blame our husbands but also the thing or person we got betrayed for. Whether that be another woman, a bottle, a line of coke, or a child. It's not personal. It's the thing that has tempted our DH's to turn on us
But they are kids..........they are a huge part of the man that we love, they are his kids!! They didn't turn his head to them......his head should be sewed to them as it is! They are his kids!
I think, and this is JMO, but I really think that if some of us could give up a dash of control, step back, see if things change......we'd be doing ourselves a favor. And that's a blanket statement, not geared at you SA. You've clearly gave and gave and gave...nothing left to give.
SA, you're right. I'm
SA, you're right. I'm certainly not in the position to do so either.
But I am in the position of trying to help, which was my goal.
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
Ummmm.... my DH has a tree
Ummmm.... my DH has a tree service... we happen to have bucket trucks, dump trucks, a stump grinder... and.. ahem... a GREAT BIG WOOD CHIPPER! I'll never look at it again without giggling!
Oh! What FUN!
Oh! What FUN!
LMAO! I say let's throw her
LMAO! I say let's throw her in! I also liked the thing about wanting to put her in a crock pot! LOL
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
OMG yes! The crock pot was
OMG yes! The crock pot was HYSTERICAL! I was actually picturing that in my mind!!! This is what I mean, grownups are fair game! LMAO!!!!!
StepAside... You have no
You have no idea how much what you wrote here means to me right now.
Thanks so much for this today.
"Parental love is unconditional, relationships are reciprocal." ~Zen
My cast of characters: SD11
My cast of characters:
SD11 formerly known as Snowshyte
SD11 used to be snowshyte for several reasons. 1.she acts so innocent and dainty hence Snowwhite 2.she’s painfully shy(hence the ‘shy’ part of the nickname) 3.just my own darling boy, she’s a lil shit at times
My son(7) ChooChoo
He is known as choochoo and will ALWAYS be known as choochoo bc he’s like my own personal train that never stops for anyone or anything.
My husband: Dr.Mchottiepants…..well, this just IS what it IS;)
BM: TheFrizz
I changed Bm to TheFrizz because I wouldn’t want to walk around being called a friggin BM(bowel movement) simply because I birthed a child. So I came up with the kindest nickname I could muster, TheFrizz in tribute to her unruly hair.
Me: bitchbitchbarbie
Seriously, is that nickname flattering to me in ANY WAY?? NOPE, absolutely not. Who wants to be told they’re a bitch bitch barbie???? A funny thing they say about Barbie is if she’s so popular, why do you have to buy all her friends… I gave that name to myself because I KNOW at the time I joined this site I was just here to bitch about what an awful hand I was dealt in ending up with a stepchild like mine and a BM like TheFrizz. I wasn’t here to get help and advice when I joined, I was here to commiserate and BITCH. I didn’t think advice could save me. I was too proud and too much of a know-it-all little girl to listen to anyone tell me that *GASP* “I” could be a huge part of my own problem.
I changed her from Snowshyte to just SD11 for a few reasons:
1.It was hurtful to my husband who occasionally reads things on ST
2. It really didn’t suit her anymore once I hit my turning point
3. I haven’t come up with a better name for her yet so she’ll remain SD11
I started off hateful,wretched and selfish so Snowshyte was a perfect name for the time. My feelings have changed to something that isn’t love and can’t be labeled as a fondness for SD11 but it’s a hell of a lot better than the hate I used to feel. So I can’t use Snowshyte anymore…it’s from a time of darkness for me and I don’t care to be in the dark anymore.
Nickname your stepchildren whatever you want. Just try to remember you ARE speaking about the child of someone you love dearly. Some nicknames are cute, some are funny, and some are just plain evil. But it comes from whatever frame of mind you’re in about your situation and if you’re here to grow and improve I can’t fault you for whatever dark place your head is in at the moment.
I have a handful of women here that I simply ADORE. Do I agree with everything that flows onto their blog from their heated little fingers??? Nope. But I do respect them and therefore they’ve earned their right to say whatever they want and be offended or not offended by whatever they want.
“Step parenthood” is a sisterhood( AND a brotherhood) …sisters and brothers don’t always see eye to eye but they’re still there for each other.
Just be careful with that privilege though and don’t abuse it by never showing the desire to change and grow. If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell.
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland
If you don’t adapt and
If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell.
I LOVE this statement.
Sorry I typed so much...I
Sorry I typed so much...I just had a lot to say this a.m.! lol
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland
I agree about the name
I agree about the name calling. I may think SD16 is a PITA, but I would never stoop to calling her names. Names hurt, and I know. SD16 and her maternal grandmother came up with a lovely, very negative variation on my name, and I found that out because SD16 put it in a school paper. Nice!
I also agree that typically the negative posts get MUCH more attention than those asking for help. I think some people are just so caught up in their venting, they can't see how to ask for help in a more constructive way.
Don't we all have nicknames
Don't we all have nicknames here, anyway? :? I love Droopy and Zippy and Choo Choo. And SDs and SSs etc. etc. etc. Doesn't mean I can't vent my anger with them or support anyone else's right to do so. This is a safe place for it. Just my 2 cents.
Thanks for posting this Jen.
Thanks for posting this Jen. This is the reason I've taken 'hiatus' from this site. It's too filled with negativity, hipocracy, bitchiness and hatred. Since I've been gone, my mood has changed for the better.
There are some great people on this site. There are also some rotten people on here. Sorry, there just are, and it's depressing. We are the adults in the step-parent relationship. We need to behave as such. Name calling, bitching about petty things, looking down one's nose at a CHILD, it's just all SOOO WRONG! Some of the posters on here are looking at divorce if they don't/can't change their attitude.
I have occassionally
I have occassionally referred to my sds as crazy, or psycho psally. I'm guilty as charged. I don't apologize for it, b/c at the time, that's how I felt. I am a big believer in feeling everything you can in the moment, then never apologizing for it. Of course, that doesn't mean that I have ever said it to them....nor would I ever!
Other than outwardly
Other than outwardly atrocious nicknames, I think we all should have aliases for the kiddos on here. It helps keep track of all the ones we talk about. How many sd11s do we have on here? Which one poops in her pants? Which one is a cleptomaniac? Did another one draw a pretty picture for her SM? My memory is horrible and reading previous blogs from everyone to keep my kid facts straight is so time consuming.
SMJ, I admire your braveness on speaking out about something that would cause feather ruffling. I can see your point somewhat however not so much with the petnames. I get more distressed by the few SMs on ST admitting horrible ways to get even with thier skids. Skids who are obviously damaged from their parents misgivings.
Me personally, BBB's petname for SD was kinda cute. It depicted her SD's querky personality. Nicknaming a child DemonChild is okay too. Not as cute but we get an idea why the child is labeled as such--Most of us take the reference with a grain of salt. Others, like yourself perhaps, don't like names of that nature for any reason; it sounds like name-calling. Just like some people don't like swear words. They sound offensive.
I think most people on here know that the skids aren't to blame for the way they are. There are those few who don't but I role with the punches...and sometimes throw out a few. If it gets too much I step away for a while.
Chicka, you're right dear.
Chicka, you're right dear. Something just hit me the day I wrote this, I read a blog where I saw a Child being called a very nasty name. Usually I'm the first one to stand up for people venting here.........but I just felt like that was to far.
Like Steve said, I really belive if you say it, say it, and say it, it will eventually come to pass.
Maybe my situation is just alot better than what some are going through, so I can't understand calling a child petty, ridiculous names. Not just any child though, the love of your life's child. But again, I've done it before to.......I know I have. So I'm not judging, just saying that I think, I really belive that if you attempt to change your life it will happen! And saying that you "want" a better relationship with your skids, but calling them every name under the book, it's just not the way to get that relationship.
But, I've made my feelings pretty clear!
I really love this place, and alot of the folks here. I just want to help.
"If you don’t adapt and look within yourself, you’ll just keep wading in that stagnant poisonous pool of stepparent hell." author: BitchBitchBarbie
Like you smj, my situation
Like you smj, my situation is better (for now) then some of the people on here--Skids in particular. I have an SD who I can only come up with Cutiepie...it's my biokids that I nickname with something less than appealing ie Punkbutt and the Messer. But I am their mom so it makes it more than okay...they laugh about it too.
You've made yourself clear which like I said before,I admire. You are more than free to vent about your feelings about nicknames just as much as the SP who is contributing the pschological breakdown of their skids.....even more so. That's what kind of site is for.
This thread feels more like
This thread feels more like a self righteous one to me. I don't name my stepchildren here but I can understand it when people do. It helps them to release some of their frustration without hurting the skids feelings or causing strife in their real lives. I think that is part of the TOS of this site.
Just because something works for you smj, doesn't mean it is the same salve that will heal someone else. Some people actually get it out of their systems by writing things down. Before there was anything like this, we called that journaling. I can remember writing negative things myself about my life and the people in it at different times as I have aged. I would write the most terrible things about how I felt about something and then burn it. It was very theraputic for me. I think this is the same premise only now it is in a public forum and people comment, positively or negatively and the writer gets what they need out of it and dismisses the rest.
I actually love all the
I actually love all the nicknames...its the only way for me to remember specific situations! I know who Blabb is, I know who Droopy is, I know who Choochoo is, etc...without the names, all the SDs and SSs run together. I have never come up with nicknames for SS or BM, because I simply don't think about them enough to do so. But other people's nicknames distinguishes them from the rest, they are the "stories" I remember most and can follow!
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"