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It's really all about the Laundry

HeatherM's picture

This I think is one area that just sets me off! I have a lot of laundry in my household... not to mention the drycleaning... I have a teenager, an 8 year old ss, and a my DH who is a carpenter and has tons of laundry... Ok... so why is it the 8 yr old has more laundry than everyone put together?!?!.. well... it's because he's constantly peeing his bed, and himself...whatev...

This weekend I did 3 loads of laundry for just him...! We have him 50% of the that's like 7 days and then off 7 days... so why is it on laundry day he has 15 pairs of pants, 10 pairs of pjs, 15 pairs of u/w, and 4 full bed linens to wash! I'm just venting...but holy cow... give me a friggen break! My 16mos old daugther doesn't even have that much laundry!!

Ok..I'm done


Sita Tara's picture

I had that issue with SD too. I still do only now it's not b/c of wetting, it's because of sports and the fact that she is always bringing/wearing home other kids' clothes, then I would wash them and make her return whatever I could.

I finally stopped doing her laundry. I would suggest you tell your DH how doing all his extra laundry is stressing you out and bringing you to resent him coming there. Perhaps if your DH stepped up to do his son's laundry, then his visits wouldn't stress you as as much.

I'm getting a break now, b/c I told my older kids that they will no longer have their laundry done for them, and if they want new clothes purchased, they need to get rid of some and keep what they have cared for. I hated doing all this laundry (there are 6 of us here full time- so I do about 3 loads a day) and then seeing the clothes in piles on the floor, or worst of all, folded and formerly clean stuff under beds and IN THE LAUNDRY again without ever being WORN. SD's worst offense the past year or so was saving up several loads then dumping them on the basement floor for me to sort out, AND after I sorted them into 5 or more loads of whites, lights, darks, sheets, reds, etc...

when I didn't get them done fast enough for her she would go to the laundry room and dig through dumping all the sorted loads together on the floor again.

Oh- I also caught her tossing my stuff from the washer or dryer onto the basement floor while she did hers, then she would put mine back in the washer or dryer where she found them. When I caught her she said, "I do it all the time and you never said anything before so what's the big deal."


So I'm done. Some days I suggest to DH that he does his own laundry too, when I'm fed up. B/c even though I am trying not to do any of the kids', they are famous for putting a load in the washer, then taking out the one thing they needed and drying it, and leaving their load unfinished in my way to do mine/DH's/BD3's and the rest of the communal stuff (towels dishcloths, bedding, etc.

Sorry to be so longwinded, but I believe laundry to be the number one thing that is dumped on women only, when everyone else is sitting around doing fun things. That's what my kids like to say when I get on them about caring for anything in the house.

"It's not fun."

Wow. I guess they all think I absolutely love to live to launder then!

"Parental love is unconditional, relationships are reciprocal." ~Zen

Selkie's picture

I hear you on the laundry thing.

One year we had the SDs here for the whole summer. I stupidly washed their clothes for a month. Until SD16 (then 14) said, "Our mom washes everything when we get home anyway." Ugh.

Now I'll throw in a load as part of my morning routine. But the kid does her own laundry. And if the skids come to visit again, they'll be responsible for their own clothes too, though I doubt they'll ever visit for a long enough stretch to need to do laundry. Their own mother can do it.

sweetthing's picture

I hate laundry! It is never ending. I am either washing or drying hanging up or folding & putting it away, there is always a basket or two sitting on the loveseat in our basement family room.

My lazy husband generates more dirty clothes than anyone & I have to beg & plead just to get him to put away his folded clothes. I have 4 baskets sitting waiting to be folded & put away right now & two flowing the to brim dirty hampers & I just did a bunch & put away on Friday.

At least my skids put away their stuff & actually folded a bunch of baskets. They are 9 & 12 & I really don't want them washing clothes yet ( they would do it if asked) I do everything by color so it ends up being pretty communial. I just don't feel really great about making preteen boys fold my underpants. Smile

sadstepmom26's picture

I just had this epiphany this weekend!! LoL!! I'm no longer doing anyone's laundry or ironing. I tried to teach SD13 how to iron last night, and this weekend they will learn how to wash their own clothes. Im tired. No more. IF they want clean clothes they can make it happen. It was either that or run for the hills. Which Im still considering.

Life is what you make it.

invisiblestepmom's picture

I hear you on the laundry thing Fortunately my SKIDS are old enough to do thier own and that is the only chore they will do because if they dont they have no clean clothes, I wont do it anymore. My DH acutally does a lot of the washing and drying, then I have to fold and put away. I think he gets the easy part but he does more of hte bitching than I do. I have just accepted that we will forever have tons of laundry. And the only way to stop it is for eveyrone to stop wearing clothes, since we do not want that to happen we just grin adn bear it but I a trying to constantly find ways to make it easier, and would still like to end SS15's crusty socks from still showing up in our laundry after he's done his own. His socks are thenastiest socks on the face of the earth and I can't even touch them clean they are so gross.

Sita Tara's picture

I stopped sorting socks and underwear too. Those items (except mine and BD3's) go from dryer into one basket I keep on top of the dryer and everyone else must claim them if they want them. Only problem so far is SD taking BS 12's socks all the time because she doesn't keep track of her socks and loses them all.

Pairing up socks for 6 people was very stressful, as silly as that sounds. But now I don't have to take my time to match all their mismatched socks (SD wears two totally different socks most of the time).

"Parental love is unconditional, relationships are reciprocal." ~Zen

invisiblestepmom's picture

I hear you about it being stressful. At our house they all get thrwon in a basket but no one will match their own socks but me. Well DH will but he fails to see why a white tube sock does not mathc a whit ankle sock is not a match, ok I'm exaggerating a bit but his matches are not matchs and its a pet peeve of mine to go put a pair of my kids socks on them and they are two different socks. The SKIDS are so lazy they'll wear dirty socks before matchng them. So When the basket is over flowing, I grab a movie I've been wanting to see, and go to my room and say I'm going to be matching socks so leave me alone. It has actually become a treat for me now to do it this way. It still takes forever, and I still wonder where some of the socks go because we have a huge supply of mateless socks.