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Help for goodbye?

Thetis's picture

How do Dh and I tell his three year old daughter that she is going far away and will not be back for a long time?
How do we express that we don't like this idea without blaming anyone for it?

Read WTF for more info on why.


stepmom2one's picture

Yikes. Well I am not sure how you would say it but be sure to include that you will try (ask the judge for every other day talks) and call her every other day. That you love her so much and you WANT her to stay but she must live with her mom. If she ever wants to talk or needs you to call---I hope her BM lets her.

My SD10 has been telling us and BM that she wants to do 50/50 1 wk with us 1 wk with her. Her BM says no, without even thinking it through. Just 2 more years till she gets to choose--I feel for you 3 is so young.

smnikki's picture

Well no matter what you say its not going to make sense to a three year old. and i dont think that even with as horrible as it is that you need to try and express that you are unhappy about it, all she will understand is unhappiness and thats not how you want to say bye.

you need to hold her and tell her how much you love her, and that you are always thinking of her. tell her how much you will miss her when she is not with you...

when shes older she will figure it out! my ss is 4 and we have pretty lengthy conversations of stuff him and i did when he was 2 and a half....he remembers, and he remembers the times i did nice things for him, told him i loved him, and spent quality time with him! it sucks to sit by and not be able to tell him how horrible bm is, but for his sake we keep our mouth shut, he will see her for what she is eventually......the fist sign was the other day when he asked if him and i were going to the fair, i said no, didnt mommy take you this weekend, she went to the fair twice i thought? she didnt take you? (ok so i was being an instigator, but bm never took ss to the fair...hes free mind you...but she went twice with her bf while ss was with us) ss responded by saying, no. bm never took me, thats not very nice of her. im mad at my mommy. thank you for taking me 5 times smnikki! i like when im with you and daddy, i want to stay with only you for a long time.....

bearcub25's picture

That is so sad. I feel for all of you.

I had to kick my adult son out of my house along with my 2yo Gkid. I was told I would never see him again. I did, but OMG the pain. It was hard explaining why he hadn't seen my in so long (only a few weeks) w/o telling him the 'truth'.

I'm sorry I don't have advice but I want you to know someone else feels for you.

Thetis's picture

Thank you guys. I'm just afraid that shes going to think that we dont want her or something dumb. She was asking her grandma why her mom was not around (because she decided to fuck off no matter what the orders said about her daughter having to be in our hometown). I want her to know that it isn't our decision and it wasn't her moms decision but we all want her.