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I'm like a mamma bear!

Thetis's picture

So we're talking to our counsellor last night and it was supposed to just be paper work but Dh wanted to give him more back ground on us so we can be better grouped. They have a group of counsellors that will review our file (like right now) and pick who is best suited for us. We get into a bunch of things that bother us and the counsellor literally laughs at me. I had pulled out a note that I had written (color coded) for Dh explaining actions that I don't like and why. He laughs at me and turns to Dh, and tells him, "Do you see how much of a Mamma Bear she is?" I smirk and DH laughs while he goes on to explain, "Whenever you put yourself or your daughter into a position that *Thetis* feels can be hamful, she gets hit by the anxiety chemicals. Not only is Mamma Bear worried about herself and reacting to her own situations, she sees every potentially dangerous situation that you or your daughter is in as a threat to herself."
*Shocked silence*
Then the counsellor goes on to explain how his wife is almost exactly like me and it took them three counsellors over two years to figure it out. He told DH that our biggest thing is going to be accepting eachother for our strenghts, even though right now alot of those strenghts are our problems.
I'm excited for this ladies. This guy had me figured out in under two hours. And was pointing out some major things that Dh is going to eventually see as my strong points. It was great to have him tell Dh that being around his ex in a socail setting without the kid is not going to work.
So I'm going to call the office at 11am and find out who our counsellor is, its either going to be this guy we saw last night or a mother of 3. I don't know who I would prefer because I know the guy hasn't worked with step families and that is something I made damn sure to tell him was one of our main issues. But he doesn't see to care WHAT the issue is, more like WHY we have it and how to deal with it.

We're going to be seeing the guy we saw last night. I hope he starts reading up on Stepfamilies or this could get very interesting.


DISbelief's picture


Sounds like it went pretty well! I am excited for you!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

Thetis's picture

Ohh I'm really excited too. This guy seems to understand pretty well. He has admitted to not working with stepfamilies though. So hopefully he's good at seeking help if he doesn't understand something.

Nemo's picture

That's awesome. I asked SO if he would go with me, he gave me the blank stare and turned away. I almost wacked him one.

****"She had his past. I have his future." The Lovely Belleboudeuse****