Things you need to understand about me.
I have low tolerance for nastiness and abuse towards children because I work for a sector of the Department and Children and Families. I am a mandated reporter and I see mental and emotional abuse day in and day out. I see the affect it has on the children and it is not pretty. There is also a high number of steps/BF and GF types that are the culprits of the abuse. When abuse is suspected the first question asked is always "Is there a BF or GF in the house?"
I am ALWAYS going to side with the kids unless the kid is a true nightmare and alot of the kids that get torn apart here arn't. They are mildly annoying at best and yet they get tore down on a daily basis (cabinet doors....really?). I can't be OK with it and if that can't be understood it really isn't my problem.
Because of my job I also have a pretty good understanding that you can't just turn off negativity towards a child. If a person does nothing but belittle and berate a kid on a public forum like this one...yo can bet that kid is feeling "the love" in person. It's basic psychology. You can't cover true feelings. They will leak out in some form.
I can't make everybody understand my view and I honestly don't care. Those who I am speaking about really have nothing to offer me in the way of helpful advice anyway. I think you shuld now I have gotten a HUGE private message reponse from posters who agree with me but are afraid to comme because they will get torn apart for having an opinion. If you make grown people afraid to speak up with your intimidation tactics there is no doubt in my brain you are capable of using them on children.
I am not bringing this up again. I have spoken my peace and I will just ignore those of you that I think are ridiculous. Feel free to do the same.
- goodmom's blog
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wow really?
When abuse is suspected the first question asked is always "Is there a BF or GF in the house?"
Seriously? That's so funny because my DH is the only father my son has ever had......his own father did abuse him and still continues to mentally.
And SD gets tortured by her mom. I swear I'm the only positive female role modle in her life.
I think the first question should be "is there a psycho x that lays all of her crazy feelings on the kid, therefore making the kid crazy as well?"
~all you need is Faith, Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust...and sometimes a machine gun~
Bio parents can be vile too. The statistics lean more towards BF/GF abuse though. However, BIO mother abuse/Filicides has gone up alarmingly in the past ten years. It's extremely disturbing.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
did you have a good weekend at least?
I'm sorry about all the henpicking fighting that seems to be occuring lately. I hope you choose to stick around...some things I agree with and some I don't and I have this opinion/problem with all members whether I love them to death or not. Just take it in waves doll!
The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children. ~Edward, Duke of Windsor, Look, 5 March 1957
Yes I did thank you:) I stay of the internet on the weekends and hang out with the fam. DH was in Savannah playing at the Mercury Lounge so it was just me and the three munchkins. We ate junk food and stayed up late watching movies. The baby didn't make it through the opening credits of Willy Wonka. HAHAHA
DH is a food Nazi so we took advantage of his abscence and ate tons of popcorn, candy and soda. LOL!
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Wow..what did I miss while I
was on vaca?......LOL...I hear what yur saying 100% goodmom..but keep in mind...some people here are truly venting...,I have vented about things that I have never said to my skids.... I kind of resent the first question in an abuse case being is there a BF or GF in the house....I rescued my skids from horrible abuse on all levels from the biomom..I could tell u stories, that even in yur line of work would make yur skin alone makes some of us good SM's bitter...why are we always considered the bad guys?....I may have never given birth, but I can assure you I am a 100% better mother to my skids than the thing that did give birth to them....and I get bitter and resentful about that fact as well...I am doing all the work the MOTHER should be doing,,,,but I guess when yur a drug addict, alcoholic and promiscious, its too much to ask....I work full time,,,commute 130 miles a day and take GREAT care of my kids...this is where I vent when I need do alot of other SM's.....people can say whatever they want here....and maybe, just maybe....they won't say it to a child....I'd rather that happen any day...
"You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar"
You could NOT have said any better in regard to saying what you have to say on here than to an innocent child - venting.
I agree with everything you said. I totally believe there are alot of parents who enable their children and that it causes problems in marriages. I also feel the blame gets put on the wrong party alot of the time in those types of cases.
I also believe there is another half. There are a good number of women who go into a marriage where there are existing children and have no idea what they are in for. They have extremely high standards for very young children and when those standards arn't met they label the children.
They get frustrated when the DH doesn't see it the way they see it because DH may have a more realistic view of what a child at that specific age should be doing and he may feel she is being knitpicky. It causes encreased frustration since her feelings is not being validated and then MORE tension builds towards the child.
Eventually she is convinced the child is hopeles and spoiled rotten and the DH is convinced that she is picking on his kid and the kid is convinced he/she will never make the SP happy so there is just bad blood all around. That's when the calling the kid names and trying to alienate the kid starts.
I don't think it is ALWAYS the bio parents fault. Sometimes the step parent goes in expecting way too much and when there is an enability to see your part in the situation you can bet it will never get any better. There are also extreme cases where the SP doesn't want the kid around at all. Period. They just want the spouse because they are so in love with them but they want the spouse's kids out of the picture. It sounds harsh and cruel but it happens alot.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
You actually sound alot like
You actually sound alot like me. I don't utter illness about teh girls BM in fornt of them either. My skids have gone through some hard times as well which helps me have more compassion also. I also love them honestly so it's easy for me to be more understanding. Maybe some folks are just more apt to be empathetic.
I hope that my skids bm's stunts have minimal affect on them as adults. We worry everyday that they will grow up with issues that will cause them to have the same troubles you SD's grew to have. I expect the worse while hoping for the best so either way I will be prepared.
I think also that their is a humongous difference in minor children and adult children. If you read my posts you will see I havee no tolerance for out of control ADULTS. Once we are adults we are accountable for our own behavior 110%. DIsrespectful or over intitled adult kids drive me nuts. There is no excuse for at just the same as there is no excuse for an adult calling a child names.
Thank you for sharing.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
You actually sound alot like
You actually sound alot like me. I don't utter illness about teh girls BM in fornt of them either. My skids have gone through some hard times as well which helps me have more compassion also. I also love them honestly so it's easy for me to be more understanding. Maybe some folks are just more apt to be empathetic.
I hope that my skids bm's stunts have minimal affect on them as adults. We worry everyday that they will grow up with issues that will cause them to have the same troubles you SD's grew to have. I expect the worse while hoping for the best so either way I will be prepared.
I think also that their is a humongous difference in minor children and adult children. If you read my posts you will see I havee no tolerance for out of control ADULTS. Once we are adults we are accountable for our own behavior 110%. DIsrespectful or over intitled adult kids drive me nuts. There is no excuse for at just the same as there is no excuse for an adult calling a child names.
Thank you for sharing.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
just remembering
a news story some months ago, about a kid who shot his fathers pregnant gf while she was sleeping , and he killed her. I think that abuse in families has taken on a whole new form and level. We can't point fingers to quickly at BF or GF's, as there seem to be a lot of bio's and now kids, who are the cause of abuse and violence in the home. JMO. ~ 'Big girls don't cry"~ Fergie
Seriously?? You wanted to
Seriously?? You wanted to kill her?? That seems a bit harsh.
sorry...had to laugh
that was funny...
~Dignity and Grace. Be that and sneak past the hate...wrinkle free~
Re: Just remembering
I agree with your post.
I see a lot of stuff during my 12 hour shift from father, mother, stepdads, stepmoms etc.
The law is the law though and I can't be bias.
I see a lot in my job everyday.
I've seen a lot of good parents whether they be steps or bioparents. I wish a lot of people would STOP and realize what they're doing to their kids and the relationship the child has with their parent.
I should clarify
that it doesn't allows end up being a BF/GF which is obvious. Plenty of Bio parents do horrendous things. We do ALWAYS automatically ask the question though and i have to say the cases of ignorant people who allow their BF's/GF's or husbands/wives (SP's) do horrendous things to their children is disgusting. Anything for love....right?
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Yes, that's true.
And another thing is, of course, ACTUAL cases and REPORTED cases are two different things, as you know. It may be that BF or GF cases are a large number of the reported ones. But think of all the factors that would lead to underreporting of bioparent abuse cases. And think of all the factors that might lead to OVERreporting of stepparent/BF/GF cases.
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
I also work with CS and I do
I also work with CS and I do dozens of home investigations a week. You either grow a think skin or you don't last in this line of work. There is a growing number of kids who are mentally ill and do harm themselves and others, not always because of abuse. As for the question of if there is a BF/GF in the home that's because they don't normally have the emotional attachment to the child as a bio parent should. Step parents who love their step children are the exception not the rule. Remember you don't have to hit to be abusive.
"Remember you don't have to hit to be abusive."
Yes ma'am. That was 100% my point. Name calling or constant belittling falls under emotinal abuse so when I see it on here it's hard for me to not say "Hey...wait a minute ladies...." Like I said it is impossible to switch feelings off and on and in this case it's impossible for me to not be passionate about this sort of thing. It is far too embedded in my fiber.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
I have never once called my
I have never once called my skids a name to their face.. I do not call them anything but their name.. YET their mother has.. the mother refers to each by horrendous "nicknames" that would never in a million years be ok for me to call them. WHY is it that she has labled ME a bad SM... yet, I treat her children w/respect and dignity.. I do complain about them on here.. I also complain about her..
Venting is natural.. and bioparents vent about their own kids, no one questions or judges them.. people usually relate to them... So why is it so hard to believe that a stepparent might need to vent.. so that they dont say or do something in front of their skids??
Why is it ok for the bioparents to belittle the SM, but the SM normally tows the line on NEVER badmouthing or belittling their lazy @ss, rude parent?? WHY?
Fairytales, about the evil SM.. those originally were about the bio moms.. the reason they changed the fairytales, was because they didnt want to tell children stories about how cruel and awful some biomoms can be... take Casey Anthony.. the couple from I think it was Ohio that threw the 2 yr old in the lake, weighted down.. the crazy chick from CA that tried to copy Casey Anthony's someone kidnapped my kid line.. I got more!!! you want more?
There are several men that kidnapped their children and killed them.. and whose bodies have yet to be found.. the list goes on!! I think I can name more of those, than of step parents or gf/bfs.
Just for once, I would like someone to say something NICE about a stepparent, when they hear that you are in fact a god damn step parent!
Thank you, and well-said!
Thank you, and well-said!
Goodmom is right in a way
When I am majorly stressed, my son picks up on it, and tends to act out more and be more clingy. Which sets off a cycle of him wanting more love and me needing my space. Its just his way of trying to "make things better". And no matter how much I try to put on a happy face, he knows.
Believe me, I love my Skids, they are for the most part really good kids. Sometimes they do things that tick me off, and I need to just vent about it for that moment and then I feel better and move on. Its not an attack on character, its just something that happened that annoyed me.
The thing is, my FH has went through a lot to raise good children, and will be damned if he lets his kids do what half of these skids on here do. I really feel for the people who love their DH/SO but have skids who steal, lie, smoke, do drugs, have promiscous sex, etc. That's a really tough spot to be in, kwim?
FH has a D who is 9. Is she clingy? Yes. Does she do the whiny voice thing? YES. But I have made it a point to spend time with her alone, get to know her talk to her, etc. Once she realized I'm not a "threat", she has backed off greatly. However, that has worked in my situation, but I don't know if it will work for anyone elses. FH has also done the same for my son, who is VERY clingy when it comes to me. It takes time and patience.
Goodmom, I am sorry that you feel that way, I hope you continue to post. Everyone is entitled to their feelings, however, and they need to be respected, which I know you do
Cabinet doors....
What exactly was wrong with what was written about that? Seriously? The SD leaves them open and she's trying to teach her a lesson. Would it be any different if she were writing about teaching her OWN child a lesson? I've done plenty of stuff just like that to my own son to teach him lessons including taking a door off its hinges after being slammed one time too many. So yes, really, cabinet doors can drive a person nutty no matter who the kid is! I'm sure she feels much better about it after just writing it out.
Just having a place like this is what gives me relief... I can write it out, someone can relate, I know I'm not alone in this and bingo I feel MUCH MUCH better. I may want to relocate my SD's face on occasion but I also want to do the very same thing to perfectson17. They are KIDS and yes KIDS drive a person crazy and sometimes it just feels ohhhhh so good to get it off your chest. I dearly love my SDs, I've had them for 9 years and considering the youngest is 10.5 I have had quite a hand in raising her so please please please do not judge me because I have a frustrating time with them and need to get a gripe off my chest for the simple fact that by doing it HERE... I don't do it to THEM.
Thank you kindly
For seeing my point in that. We have to sometimes ppick our attles. There are a GOOD deal of ladies on here who have real scary issues going on in the home with their step children. Like some of the ones you mentioned OBT. Just scary. Ironically, these ladies do not bash these kids. They are asking for advice and voicing their fears. Who do we turn to? How do we handle this? I have even heard a few under these EXTREME cases say they WORRY for their disturbed step child. I don't know if even I could be so nice. These women are saints.
My point is next to real issues some of the things more anal retentive folks complain about seem absurd. Do we really have a problem or are WE the problem. Do we sometimes look for things to get pissed about? I think we do. The most helpful advice I have ever recieved regarding children was when I was first starting out in this field of work. I was working with pre school children at the time and I was told by and older and wiser care giver "Choose your battles." This has saved me alot of grief in my job and my role as a parent. BEST ADVIVE EVER.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Absolutely, yes. "Pick your
Absolutely, yes. "Pick your battles" is one of the best things my mother taught me. However, on that day, at that time, after I'm sure dozens of instances of the behavior, that Poster decided to ask the child to close the cabinet doors. That is not a huge request. Closed cabinets are not an unreasonable expectation of a child. Why would you criticize that? Whether we are BMs or SMs, we have that obligation to raise children to be functioning adults. Part of that is teaching them how to maintain their environment. Doing everything for them until they are 20-something is not doing them any favors.
So, unless our SKs are truly mentally disturbed criminal monsters, we are not allowed to get frustrated, aggravated, or vent in a support group forum?
SP's have every right to get frustrated,aggravated and vent. We just need to remember who the adults are when we decide how to go about doing it. I will not lower myself to the same level as BM and if I bashed her that's precosely what I would be doing. Her actions speak way louder than my words ever could anyway.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
who are we to tell someone else what to pick and choose? That is NOT my job. Most of us do pick and choose our battles but until we walk in someone else's 5" heels
we don't know what's going in their homes and what they are choosing.
You are correct
We don't know but whwen you choose to post on a public forum you open your situation up for debate. Chances are someone is going to think you ar ebeing petty andcall you on it.
God knows I got my ass jumped for saying no one should call a child a P.O.S. I called flamed and told it's just venting.
Well, I'm venting and I'm a step parent and that's what this site is for so al's well, right?
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
You are correct
We don't know but whwen you choose to post on a public forum you open your situation up for debate. Chances are someone is going to think you ar ebeing petty andcall you on it.
God knows I got my ass jumped for saying no one should call a child a P.O.S. I called flamed and told it's just venting.
Well, I'm venting and I'm a step parent and that's what this site is for so all's well, right?
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
goodmom, I think you are being petty.
and I'm calling you on it.
Just like how you said above that if we don't like you, ignore you. It goes both ways.
~all you need is Faith, Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust...and sometimes a machine gun~
that's fine
Jen. I don't have any problem with that at all.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
oh my goodness
Come on guys...can we just stop this thread of bickering amongst ourselves? Please? We all have a common goal and that is to get advice and give advice. We all do it differently, we all see things differently, we all say things differently. Can we just agree to disagree and go back to posting and commenting on things we can actually help with ?
The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children. ~Edward, Duke of Windsor, Look, 5 March 1957
I have not been nasty to a single person. I have not cussed or called any poster on here names. I have been cussed at and called names for voicing my opinion though.
I have been ex-firended over this by a few even. Just becasue I voiced an opinion. This is very Nazi Germany. This is like the movie Mean Girls and it isn't right. Either you agree with the majority or they will try to bully you out. That's not cool.
It was not my intentions for this to turn into a huge slam match. I apologize for that. I will not back down under attack though. It's not in my nature.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
wasn't calling you out goodmom
I was making a blanket statement for everyone including myself. I can't say who I agree with at this point because to be brutally honest...I think ALL bloggers can be right AND wrong all in the same post. But of course,it's only my perception of right and wrong. I just want everyone to realize no matter how a person posts on their blog, we need to stop fighting amongst ourselves to get the best benefit from being here.
The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children. ~Edward, Duke of Windsor, Look, 5 March 1957
Oh I see,
So now we aren't allowed to laugh amungst ourselves, or start silly threads?
If you would have been here and been paying attention then you would have seen that over the past few weeks we've had more than 9 "trolls" that come here for one day for nothing but to spew hatred.
My blog was funny.......sorry you didn't think so. But please StepAside, take goodmom's advice and feel free to ignore me. ((hugs))
~all you need is Faith, Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust...and sometimes a machine gun~
Stepmomjen.. I think we
Stepmomjen.. I think we were just referred to as Nazi's.. Well.. isnt that offensive!! Did goodmom ever think that one or many of us could be Jewish?? and that is extremely OFFENSIVE!! lumping long time members of this site in with a group that tried to commit a genecide?!?!
No name calling there though!
I think its "funny" that she
I think its "funny" that she is calling us Nazi's for not wanting her unwarranted criticism, but she's the one telling us what we should and should not post.
Stepmomjen.. you crack me
Stepmomjen.. you crack me up!!
I also have worked in CPS
For 4 years and am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker of over 10 years. I have seen more than a lifetime of bad stuff out there (probably why I'm working towards my MBA right now). I get where you are coming from and feel the same way. There is no reason whatsoever to harm a child, emotionally or physically. I think, though, we all need to be mindful that some of the things said on this board are not taken to the literal extent. For example, I might be frustrated with my DH and state "I'd like to wring his neck", but you can be assured that I will not go and actually strangle him physically. Some things are said out of frustration, and not meant literally.
I also have seen in my years both in CPS and as a Mental Health Therapist, plenty of kids come through my door who have serious mental health issues. We could debate as to the cause...whether parents lack of love, attention etc caused it or not. But I can recall numerous times sitting across from young kids ages ranging from 8 to 17, who were a threat to others (parents, siblings etc). I have visited with these kids in the state detention center and listened to them talk about hurting others with shockingly little remorse.
I think my point is....there are BAD parents out there, there are BAD stepparents out there, and there are BAD kids out there too. I don't think that we can generalize across the board either way.
"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get me"
Thanks for this Catlover
My cousin worked for the dept of human services for over 30 years, in CS enforcement and for CPS. She has seen atrocities that would make any of us cringe.
She also was a SD in the 1950's and was so mistreated by her SM and Stepsibs that she ended up living with my grandparents and/or my mother with us when I was little most of the time. Actually, after I was born (when my cousin was about 15) she was so smitten with me, that my grandmother convinced my couisn's father to let her stay with my parents indefinitely to help with "the new baby," and my addition to my 3 sibs under 7 gave her father a reason to tell everyone that his daughter wasn't living with him- an out so to speak.
My cousin tells me every time she sees me that when she spends time with SD she tells her how lucky she is to be my SD, to have our family who always treated her like another sib and never made her feel like she was just a guest. She was part of the family period.
For her to have this background, both personally and professionally, and still support me is a wonderful help. Because she trusts what I say, sees some of it for herself, like the rest of my family. Unfortunately, we don't have that on both sides- MIL and SIL, who see SD a few times a year for brief and fun filled periods of time. They think it's all me. or DH. Or BM. SD is just a poor sweet innocent who has been damaged by all our ineffective parenting.
They seem to have forgotten that SD used to elevate me- loving me above all others- DH, MIL, SIL and BM, for TWO FULL YEARS before her BPD caused her to flip to hating me above all others. When she idolized me, they respected me. As soon as she hated me, they lost all respect.
I come here because people will read, will listen objectively for the most part, will help me lift myself back up when I start to see myself as SIL now do.
Wish their was a government agency to protect Step Mothers
from abusive ex wives, skids and DH who make unreasonable demands. Until I came to this site, I was so isolated. I had no one to talk to or get help from. I am sure, out of contex of my situation, I sounded mean and nasty to skids but that is what constant abuse will do to you.
But the ladies on here were kind. They helped me work through my anger and my trauma. They didn't judge me. They encouraged me. They gave me advice or just sent me hugs. This became my safe place. The only place I could come and tell people what was going on and get helpl
I just wonder what other women will do if they come on this site and get bashed for feeling angry or hurt and not being politically correct in their venting. Who will help them?
Everyone is so concerned about the children. Everyone already thinks you are evil just because you became a step mom and nasty skids just reinforce that opinion. Well, it must be your fault. Is this going to become just another place where step mothers get bashed?
"Evil Stepmothers aren't born, it comes with the territory"
"Everyone is so concerned about the children."
You say this as if it were a bad thing??? Children need to be priotected because unlike adults they have no choice in their situations. Step Parents do. They choose to be abused if that's what's going on because they could always leave. Kids are flat stuck. Of course step parents have legit reasons to vent and they should feel free to do so. I go deaf and stop hearing them the second they call a kid a name though. When the below the belt jabs start I chalk it up to it's the SP with the problem. That is my automatic response.
I'm pretty sure most women can tell the difference between vwnting or looking for advice and slandering. A HUGE ( I have a full inbox people) number have private messaged me and I am glad I touched them with my openess. There are a bunch of step parents looking for advice on here that are scared to death to are right about that. The ones who have messaged me are not afraid of me or my views obviously.
No one is bashing step moms Abigail, I am saying I do not agree with some of the verbage we choose. I can't change those peoples views but I can voice mine. I also gave reasons for my views to which a good number of other ladies can relate since they too work in child welfar. It is our calling and it isn't for everyone. It does take a "thick skin" which is maybe why I put my opinion out there not giving a damn what anyone had to say about it.
I have seen mentally/physically abused kids so getting called names by women who don't get me doesn't hold much off an affect if you get what I mean. I'm not trying to be nasty. I am being honest but honesty is not appreciated by some I guess.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
"They choose to be abused if that's what's going on because they could always leave."
As a SM who is raged at by a borderline PD teen SD...
My choice is to leave or stay and take the verbal and likely eventual physical abuse (she's come close.)
Put my BD 3 through not having her dad full time, or hearing and learning to berate her mother on a daily basis.
I feel I have no choices that are best for anyone or everyone. So I put out fires, do damage control, look for ways to escape the hell that is living with a borderline SD, while her "real mom" sees her a few hours a month when she feels like it, takes her to the mall or a drive thru and brings her back here for me and DH to parent.
I'm talking extreme cases of physical and emotional abuse. An adult can choose to leave that environment. They can legally walk away and save themselves but a child is literally stuck putting up with the abuse.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
"Everyone is so concerned about the children."
You say this as if it were a bad thing??? Children need to be priotected because unlike adults they have no choice in their situations. Step Parents do. They choose to be abused if that's what's going on because they could always leave. Kids are flat stuck. Of course step parents have legit reasons to vent and they should feel free to do so. I go deaf and stop hearing them the second they call a kid a name though. When the below the belt jabs start I chalk it up to it's the SP with the problem. That is my automatic response.
I'm pretty sure most women can tell the difference between venting or looking for advice and slandering. A HUGE ( I have a full inbox people) number have private messaged me and I am glad I touched them with my openess. There are a bunch of step parents looking for advice on here that are scared to death to are right about that. The ones who have messaged me are not afraid of me or my views obviously.
No one is bashing step moms Abigail, I am saying I do not agree with some of the verbage we choose. I can't change those peoples views but I can voice mine. I also gave reasons for my views to which a good number of other ladies can relate since they too work in child welfar. It is our calling and it isn't for everyone. It does take a "thick skin" which is maybe why I put my opinion out there not giving a damn what anyone had to say about it.
I have seen mentally/physically abused kids so getting called names by women who don't get me doesn't hold much off an affect if you get what I mean. I'm not trying to be nasty. I am being honest but honesty is not appreciated by some I guess.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
"Everyone is so concerned about the children."
You say this as if it were a bad thing??? Children need to be priotected because unlike adults they have no choice in their situations. Step Parents do. They choose to be abused if that's what's going on because they could always leave. Kids are flat stuck. Of course step parents have legit reasons to vent and they should feel free to do so. I go deaf and stop hearing them the second they call a kid a name though. When the below the belt jabs start I chalk it up to it's the SP with the problem. That is my automatic response.
I'm pretty sure most women can tell the difference between venting or looking for advice and slandering. A HUGE ( I have a full inbox people) number have private messaged me and I am glad I touched them with my openess. There are a bunch of step parents looking for advice on here that are scared to death to are right about that. The ones who have messaged me are not afraid of me or my views obviously.
No one is bashing step moms Abigail, I am saying I do not agree with some of the verbage we choose. I can't change those peoples views but I can voice mine. I also gave reasons for my views to which a good number of other ladies can relate since they too work in child welfar. It is our calling and it isn't for everyone. It does take a "thick skin" which is maybe why I put my opinion out there not giving a damn what anyone had to say about it.
I have seen mentally/physically abused kids so getting called names by women who don't get me doesn't hold much off an affect if you get what I mean. I'm not trying to be nasty. I am being honest but honesty is not appreciated by some I guess.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
"Everyone is so concerned about the children."
You say this as if it were a bad thing??? Children need to be priotected because unlike adults they have no choice in their situations. Step Parents do. They choose to be abused if that's what's going on because they could always leave. Kids are flat stuck. Of course step parents have legit reasons to vent and they should feel free to do so. I go deaf and stop hearing them the second they call a kid a name though. When the below the belt jabs start I chalk it up to it's the SP with the problem. That is my automatic response.
I'm pretty sure most women can tell the difference between venting or looking for advice and slandering. A HUGE ( I have a full inbox people) number have private messaged me and I am glad I touched them with my openess. There are a bunch of step parents looking for advice on here that are scared to death to are right about that. The ones who have messaged me are not afraid of me or my views obviously.
No one is bashing step moms Abigail, I am saying I do not agree with some of the verbage we choose. I can't change those peoples views but I can voice mine. I also gave reasons for my views to which a good number of other ladies can relate since they too work in child welfar. It is our calling and it isn't for everyone. It does take a "thick skin" which is maybe why I put my opinion out there not giving a damn what anyone had to say about it.
I have seen mentally/physically abused kids so getting called names by women who don't get me doesn't hold much off an affect if you get what I mean. I'm not trying to be nasty. I am being honest but honesty is not appreciated by some I guess.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Jeez loise
I have no idea why that posted som many times. My computer froze and then this. Sorry about that.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
It's sad that an adult can
It's sad that an adult can feel threatened by a child but that does not excuse name calling. It doesn't matter if it's a step child or a bio child. Name calling can be looked at as a form of verbal and emotional abuse. If a woman were in a relation ship with a man that constantly belittled her and called her mean names all of you would be telling her to leave this abusive relationship. How is it any different when it's an adult doing this same thing to a child??
StepAside, I honestly think that you just
defined the problem. Everything you wrote above is 100% correct, IMO anyways.
I think alot of SM's do feel backed into a corner and your description above hits the nail right on the head.
I'm impressed.
~all you need is Faith, Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust...and sometimes a machine gun~
I agree
Course its okay if the SP bashes the child and their mother, but boy once the mom bashes the SM its just wrong.
"Everyone is so concerned about the children."
to the point where they only concern themselves with the children and thus harm them by spoiling them and excusing their vicious behavior. Their are agencies to protect children and the sympothies automatically go to the children but in my experience, all this coddling turned auto nasty, hateful PAS'd skids with no empathy for their name callign and mental torture to DH and myself.
Where is the place for step mom's to get support? Oh yeah right, we don't need support because we should just walk away from our marriages because it's so much better to let PAS'd children have everything they want so they can manipulate dad and grow up and put a hammer through the wall like the mother did and end up alone because they feel so entitled to their feelings because they are victims. I forgot. DH's and SM's have no rights. This is not a family problem. I am not human. I do not have feelings. I am just here to pay for everything and be abused.
I get it. Well, you know, I changed the rules. Children now have rules. They are not allowed to act out anymore because BM brainwashed them and BM is now in charge of her own house not ours. They now have to respect the fact that (oh no!) Step mom has feelings too and they are not the only person that matters in the house. You know what, they are nicer. They have more friends and the house is more peaceful. I don't think it's better that I left at all. These kids are going to see what a normal wife acts like.
My point in all these postings is that THE ONLY PLACE I GOT ANY DECENT SUPPORT OR ADVICE IS HERE. Even the counselor while sympathetic was not empathetic and was no help at all. Maybe if someone actually cared about the feelings of step parents, the kids would actually be better off. Has anyone thought about that. That step parents that have been abused need a safe place to go. And while there are step parents that aren't the best, by and large what I have seen on this site is women who have been treated terribly by step children and DH's and BM's sometimes being thrown out into the street with their biological children or are stuck in bad situations. Yes, I am lucky, I can leave but not everyone can and it's not always in the best interests of everyone to toss that nasty step mom out like a worthless piece of trash.
I am generally a very easy to get along with person who is described as reasonable. I have lots of options and resources. Seeing how badly this situation has impacted me, I cannot even imagine someone is a more vulnerable emotional state and/or have less financial resources would have dealt with this. Step parents need support and if they can't get it here, where will they get it????
"Evil Stepmothers aren't born, it comes with the territory"