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bms gonna be mad haha!

momgoingnuts's picture

}:) ok so my sd's 11 and 12 have been dying to color their hair i know allot would say they are much too young but i decided to do it for them, nothing drastic i did sd-11 a dark red (you can barely even tell) and sd-12 a little bit lighter than her natural color i figure this is going to make bm flip but you know what i dont care anymore i'm not walking on egg shells there dh's kids too! besides when all bm does is send them around in dirty old worn out clothes not showered in god knows how long :sick: maybe coloring their hair will give them the little bit of boost to do more with themselves, which so far has proven right. i also have started straightening sd-12 hair she has naturally curly hair but with the lovely haircut bm gave her it just looks like a mop, now with it straightened she walks around with a brush in her hand all day (you'd think it was glued to her lol) im glad i could do something to help them feel better and give them better confidence o well if bm doesnt like it maybe she should do more with and for the girls if she doesnt want anyone else to!


TattooedMommy's picture

I am sure she will be just fine. My BM dyes SD5 hair all the time. Just about everytime I see her she has a different color hair. The latest was purple. Before that... it was green. And it doesn't just wash out either. It drives DH and I crazy because we don't dye our other three children's hair. Everytime we go out in public we get looks. And BM NEVER asks DH before she does this. She thinks that SD is her personal property so she can do with as she pleases. Dh and I, on the other hand, can't do anything without asking her permission first. Thank god BM can't dye SD's hair during the school year, the school won't allow it.

Did you use permanent dye or the kind that washes out after a few washes?? Either way, you used a color close to the child's natural hair color, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal.

And your right. They are Dh's kids too. If she doesn't have to ask him for permission to do anything, neither should he. Unless, of course, you were to dye their hair hot pink or lime green. I might have a problem if SM did that to my children's hair. Lol.

"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis

frustratedinMA's picture

Wow, I got screamed at for getting sd10's hair trimmed for a family photo.. You must have a set of brass ones, as I would NEVER dye someone else's childrens hair another color, no matter how slight.

Freedom2005's picture

SS12 got highlights a few weeks ago and they looked great with his brown hair! He loved it... did so much for his self esteem!

I always ask BF to do anything, and he won't let BM get on me about it...

He may be OVER protective, but he takes responsibility for his kids... most of the time... he knows he is a better parent than BM.

Those kinds of things, within reason, give the kids so much self worth... I can't see, unless it is meant to piss off BM and is outlandish, why it would be a problem.

Now, baby's first hair cut, I do believe is BM's honor. Unless they don't care about it.

My 2Cents

momgoingnuts's picture

DH wwas fin with it i made sure me and the girls talked to him forst and BM is going to be mad she wont let the kids do anything i mean she never even makes sure they are showering or makes them brush their teeth so why would she do something nice like try to boost their self esteem o well i dont care i loved doing it with the girls and they loved it plus if it gets under her skin fine by me cuz she gets under my skin all the time.... o no its permenent just box dye tho Wink