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Here I am once again!!

nofear74's picture

Since the last blog that I posted I thought that things were getting better. I had finally gotten my wife to admit that my SS had a problem and that he needed to go live with his Dad for a while. His dad is a good man, but my wife doesn't like the fact that if the kid needs to get his ass beat, then he does. I think that it's what he needs myself. Anyway, we had decided at the end of the school year that he was going to go stay with his Dad until the end of next school year to see how things would go and see if he did better in school, etc. Well, just last week, my wife asks me what I feel about my SS coming back to live with us this year again. She brought it up about 1/2 hour before I had to leave to go in on nightshift, so I told her that we should sit down and talk about it before we made any decisions. Anyway, the next day I had off my wife was supposed to go get her son and daughter for the week. She tells me as she's getting ready to leave that she needs to take the van because SS is bring some of his stuff back. I said, "Hey, I thought we were going to talk about this first." She says, "Well, then be better talk I guess." So we sat down and I told her that I feel that SS needs next year at his dad's house to see how he does in school. She got mad, but told me that if that was the way I felt that I had to be the one to call him and tell him that he wasn't coming back to live with us. I agreed, so that's what I did. The VERY next day she called him up and told him that even though I said he couldn't come back, she says that he can, so he is. She then proceeded to tell me that if I want her and her son gone that badly, that I can call the cops because she ain't going anywhere, and neither is he. So now I'm a prisoner in my own house with the SS from HELL...who not only doesn't respect me himself, now he also knows that his Mom doesn't respect me. Thank God my kids are at their Mom's house for a couple of weeks because I don't want them to go through this with me. My wife can't understand why I volunteered to work 2 extra days this week. Am I the only one with a brain here, or am I really missing something that I should be seeing? Please help me if you have any advice. I don't want to lose my family, but I can't let my world revolve around that little asshole she calls a son either!



PnutButta's picture

I am not familiar with your story, but it sounds to me like your wife is making it clear....her and her son are a package deal.

You have two choices...accept it and live with him or have them removed from the house.

I'm sorry your wife will not respect your feelings in regards to this child. I don't know how he is, but if he's a terror and hurting your children, maybe it's best that they go. Why live in misery, and like you said, be a prisoner in your own home? No way, life is too short.

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on." ~Robert Frost

nofear74's picture

Thank you for the advice. I know that you're right. I just wish that it was that easy. I've known for a long time that my ss comes before I do, but I guess that it's really hitting me hard now. Anyway, thanks again, and God bless!!!

Steve Shafer

startingover2010's picture

i am going through something very similar. it took 4 years of me being physically and emotionally abused by sd before i could convince bf to let her live with her mom for a year. she just got back almost 2 motnhs ago and we are back to the same shit. skids NEVER go away. my advice is to leave your wife because she will never let go of her 'precious baby' aka demon asshole. please do your sanity a favor and leave. being a step parent is so not worth it honey.

HummingBirdHunny's picture

If you choose to stay in this relationship the only advice I can give you is to consider going to counseling as a family. I'm not sure if you get along with your SS's bio dad or not but if you do maybe he can have a talk with SS also and tell him that SS should respect you and your rules even if he may not like it. I wish you the best of luck.

Abigail's picture

I am sorry. I cannot believe your wife had you call SS and tell him not to come over only to tell him what you said doesn't matter. I think that is the biggest problem of all. She's making it clear she's going to do what she wants no matter what you think.

You need to decide if you can live with Step monster or if you need to move on. Sorry Sad

"Evil Stepmothers aren't born, it comes with the territory"

WifeNTheMiddle's picture

a great point. If you have a decent relationship with Bio dad...try talking to him about him. Maybe your wife falls into the group of all our Bio mom's. You just seem to have the reversed role. Try talking to the Bio dad...if that doesn't might be out of luck. have kids too..and if her's come does yours.