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Our engagement went over like a turd in a punch bowl.

Yosemite's picture

BM started texting SO regarding why she wasn't informed first so they could talk to the stepkids together. BM also questioned why we want to get married at all. Then she started crying and asked him if he was sure they might not have somehow gotten back together someday.
Then SD20 told me that she just can't support our getting married cause it is upsetting her mom. Then my BD18 has been acting all jealous and asking what about her, will I still be there for her if I vow to forsake all others?
Then FMIL said we were stealing her thunder from her 50th wedding anniversary.
Ugggggg......why don't they get it's not about any of them??????
At least the boys (BS13 & SS9) and AD19 think it's awesome.


oldone's picture

What is it with these women that think "somehow we will get back together"?

Of course I'm glad my DH's 2nd wife went back to her 1st husband after a 15 year marriage to DH.

I think women who go back to a cheating ex are stupid, stupid, stupid.

misSTEP's picture

This is why we never told the skids until AFTER we were married. We knew that no matter even if we tried to get them to keep it a secret, it would get back to BM and she would freak. We already had enough waves in our ocean caused by her!

In fact, the way she found out was when I sent the new insurance cards that were issued in my married name. }:)

qtpie013178's picture

Good for you! BM just wanted to try to talk him out of marrying you and enlist the kids help. Your daughter is being selfish, and his kids want to be loyal to their mother. Predictable outcomes. Try to ignore the drama and enjoy this wonderful time of your life.