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Willow2010's Blog

So weird. And rude I think.

Willow2010's picture

So SS calls DH today and told him that he heard a song called "the truck" I think. It was about a guy that rides around in his dead brothers truck. (or dad) I'm not too sure.

Anyway, he told DH that he wanted DH's truck when DH dies so that he can ride around in it and remember him.

Ok...I am sorry, but that is just weird to me.

I don't care if he wants SS to get his is just crazy to me that SS is already picking out what he wants of DHs when he dies, and DH is not even 47!!


Willow2010's picture

My blog yesterday really opened my eyes. The question was what did people from other countries think of the happenings here in the US at this time.

What I got from the responses was that other countries think we are ...

1). Arrogant.
2). Ignorant
3). Fat
4). Lazy
5). Stupid
6). Un-healthy
7). And we just let people die in the street due to no medical care.

I am floored to say the least. Sad

O/T Question for people who do not live in the US.

Willow2010's picture

Emotionallybeatup, posted on a blog that most people in her county think the US is a joke now because of our government and all the crap that is going on with it.

I have wondered what other people think and hear about us.

Anyone NOT from the US want to chime in? I am very curious.

OT - Ideas

Willow2010's picture

So all of the Obamacare mess has me thinking of new ways that I can even be more frugal than I already am at the moment.

A few things I already do ...

Make my own laundry soap.

Make my own Dishwasher powder.

Cut dryer sheets in 3rds. (Must be the good sheets)

Make most of my own cleaners.

I changed my electric plan to free weekends so now I only do big things on weekend. Wash and dry clothes. Run Dishwasher. ect.

Anyone have any more ideas?

Another OT.

Willow2010's picture

Along the same lines as my last post...a lot of people think that America is going to hell in a hand basket.

Do you think so? If you do...what do you think is going to happen and are you preparing for something to happen?

Taking bets.

Willow2010's picture

So my SS wants DH to come see him for a few days on SS’s birthday in February. We are very south and SS is very north.
Our Convo…
ME: I bet BM will end up there the same time that you are.
DH: (acting stupid) Why would she do that?
ME: ummm, well, because SS is always trying to get yall together. Remember just last year he wanted you, him and BM to vacation together in Hawaii?
DH: Yea..but that is his mom driving that mess not SS. They should both know that would not be right.

How often are you here?

Willow2010's picture

And how much of your life is taken up with s-talk? I just wonder because I see some posters that post all day and then I see that they have also posted in the middle of the night. I am beginning to wonder if some of you ever sleep!! lol

I post and read, on work days only. (It is how I spend my time when I need a break) I have my personal lap top at work that I use for personal business and STALK.

I would say I am on here about 30 minutes a day...sometimes longer if I need more of a break from the rat race that is my job.

Would you let this happen? Kind of long.

Willow2010's picture

Really DH? I am going to rehash a conversation that DH and I had last night and we are both still a little ticked about. But I have to preface it with two facts.

First fact…25 years ago…DHs moms side of the family had a reunion and they took a big family picture. DH was of course not there, so his mom held a big picture of him when they took the reunion picture.

Second fact…it is close to my parents 50th wedding anniversary. We are planning on taking family picture.

What do you think?

Willow2010's picture

Scenario...Say your kid or skid (20 year old) lives at home and works 45 hours a week and takes more than a full load of college classes.

Typical week is as follows.... 4 days a week they have college and work on the same day. They leave the house around 7AM and get home around 11PM. Two days a week are double shifts at work. That means leave the house around 11AM and get home around 11PM. 1 day a week they work 1 shift at work...leave house around 11AM and off at 4:00PM.
