O/T Question for people who do not live in the US.
Emotionallybeatup, posted on a blog that most people in her county think the US is a joke now because of our government and all the crap that is going on with it.
I have wondered what other people think and hear about us.
Anyone NOT from the US want to chime in? I am very curious.
- Willow2010's blog
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bullet...how is it portrayed?
bullet...how is it portrayed? Is it being blamed on the president? Or the democrats or republicans? Or just the US as a whole?
I'm from the same place as
I don't want to be rude or appear to generalise about a nation of people however (:) don't you just know when people start out with "no offence" you are going to be offended....) Hmmmmm how to word this?
I do find the general attitude of US citizens to be that they feel they are superior to the rest of the world.
I would agree with some of the comments taushalove has quoted - especially regarding knowledge of the rest of the world and the US's idea of it's place in it?
We often hear comments or snippets of news from the US where the attitude appears to be that the US IS in fact the whole world... Think on your "world series" - is that baseball I don't know - I just know you have a sporting series that from what I am aware contains only American teams but is called the world series - perhaps my ignorance is clouding my understanding on that - but from an ignorant perspective can you see how that may seem a tad arrogant?
I think in a lot of areas the US IS a superpower - that said I don't think they rule the world, and the pervading attitudes we see and hear appear to be that the US actually thinks they do...
Regarding your health system - to be blunt and crude and again with a limited working knowledge of it - it seems pretty fucked up to me.
We have a reasonable health system hear which I understand to be similar to what Obama is trying to achieve and I find myself thinking WTF is wrong with you people that you can't see this is a good thing? I do not understand how a country that considers itself one of the worlds richest nations can have so very many of it's citizens unable to obtain the most basic of health care.
I think the whole govt shutdown you are experiencing at the moment is one of the most bizarre things I have ever heard about. I do not understand it at all to be honest, and the pervading opinion on the streets here seems to be that Obama is doing a great job and it is the republicans who are being asses.
Sorry if any of that caused anyone offence - just trying to give an honest answer to the question, I know many American citizens and find them lovely as people - just like people from anywhere in the world.
i was curious so i googled
i was curious so i googled some foreign newpapers/editorials. what i gathered is some people think our government is working as it should. no one part of gov't is too strong. i read some people that think Obama's legacy may be the only US President that ever defaulted. not a whole lot of nervousness about default, though. the opinion was that the US will not default. a biggie i read is that this is going on because Obama care was rammed down the throat of almost half of it's people and that not one republican voted for it. of course, there were opposing opinions here and there.
I'm from Europe and I cannot
I'm from Europe and I cannot understand the aversion that so many people in the US seem to have towards national healthcare - we have it and although we whinge about it and it could do with improvement, I cannot imagine living in a country where seriously sick or injured people could remain untreated, when the tools to treat them are there, just because they don't have insurance. It's barbaric.
I'm not trying to be
I'm not trying to be offensive, but what exactly makes the US the most advanced nation on the face of the planet? At a guess I would say there are probably some areas in which the US is very advanced, and some which could do with improvement - a bit like the rest of us. A 10-second search of the web can call up examples of both incredibly clever and well-informed, AND incredibly uneducated and inarticulate Americans - so if the people are that diverse, surely so is the nation?
LOL - how do YOU see your
LOL - how do YOU see your healthcare system - I am very curious?
I have often wondered about it, it seems completely fucked up to me - we also have a national healthcare system where I live, which while not perfect means that no-one would go untreated because they didn't have the right cover.
We pay for this as part of our taxes.
Seriously sick people are not
Seriously sick people are not left to die, that is just not true. Hospitals (most) take people who are uninsured. What I don't want is people who sit on their asses all day and do shit raking in all the free benefits their greedy, lazy hearts desire while I bust my ass to give my kids a decent living (not rich or extravagant by any means) and pay higher and higher taxes that give those people everything that everyone thinks THEY deserve!! I am not against helping people, I am not against welfare or national healthcare. But do people realize that I pay an extra $18 a month in federal taxes on my cell phone and my land line phone so that people get FREE CELL PHONES!!! That is bullshit! I understand giving low income people a land line for emergencies, but that is not what they are getting! See my point?
Just wait until all the
Just wait until all the millions of illegal voters... errrr I mean "immigrants" flood the system when granted "amnesty."
I cannot imagine living in a
I cannot imagine living in a country where seriously sick or injured people could remain untreated, when the tools to treat them are there, just because they don't have insurance.
I guess I have never seen this happen ONE time in my 46 years.
We already have insurance for
We already have insurance for the poorest in the nation. It's called Medicaid all poor people have it.
Now you don't even have to be
Now you don't even have to be poor to have it just lazy!
The OP was asking what the
The OP was asking what the opinion of the US is OUTSIDE of the US - of course you all have a better understanding of your systems than we do, we are just going by how things are reported to us.
And the way your health system is perceived outside of the US is that you don't actually treat people no matter what if they don't have the right insurance - that is the perception outside of the US.
We don't see the signs in your ER's - all we can go on is how you are represented by the media - and I have to say - it isn't good.
Do agenda's come into play with that representation? Of course. But we can still only go on what info we have.
So - it does seem to be that it is being reported that the US citizens are up in arms at having a national health system that would benefit the poor and disadvantaged. You all are saying you already have this? We are NOT hearing that, and TBH I guess I care to do my own research on the US about as much as most US citizens appear to care about knowing anything about the rest of the world..... like for example that Australia is a separate country and NOT in fact Another word for Austria..... yep - have heard that one from a US citizen LOL
But I think the young and
But I think the young and healthy SHOULD pay for medical care for those that are not. Remember NONE of us will be young and healthy forever, at some point we will all grow ill or old (or both) and need medical help. This is life.
And I don't for one minute agree with supporting lazy good-for-nothing spongers, in fact I would be the first to kick their collective arses out to work in a second. But care for the sick? Hell yes. Care for the elderly, who in many cases paved the way for the decent lifestyle many of us enjoy today? Hell yes.
So many lies being thrown
So many lies being thrown around by BOTH sides of the political aisle. And unfortunately, we don't have a clue. We know what we are told but what is the TRUTH?
I am not a well person. I have a few different chronic conditions that require numerous doctor visits as well as extremely expensive prescriptions every month. You'd think that this would be GREAT for someone like ME, right??! WRONG! Not only is my insurance premiums going up, I also cannot put as much money towards Flexible Benefits as I used to be able to. Last year, the cap was $3500. We went through that in just our after-insurance prescription costs! And that is without either of us going in to get eye exams and glasses (that we both wear). This year the cap is $1000 LESS AND we are both needing new glasses!
A poor person can get medicaid.
An old person can get medicare.
Maybe there are some who slip through the cracks and I would like to help them out. I am all for it. But when so much of my check is being taken ALREADY by taxes for crap that I HAVE NO USE FOR because of all the pork they add on to everything....WE CANNOT AFFORD IT WITHOUT SERIOUS CUTS BEING MADE TO THE CURRENT GOVERNMENT.
It's like saying that everyone in the entire country should make a minimum of $50,000 a year. People who make more wouldn't care one way or the other (until THEIR money was taken to subsidize the low wage earners). People who make less would think that was a GREAT plan. But where is the money coming from? It is NOT a sustainable thing and definitely not something to jump into with both feet when we are already trillions in debt. We cannot raise taxes too much. People already talk about how much better they would be to leech off the government teat (instead of WORK) like plenty already do.
"We already have insurance
"We already have insurance for the poorest in the nation. It's called Medicaid all poor people have it." Whoa hold it there cowboy, NO not ALL poor people get medicaid. In fact if your male and don't have full custody of your kids even though you are in the poverty level of income or completely unemployed you DO NOT get medicaid. In fact a woman with no kids same income status and no disabled will NOT get medicaid. I work I have ALWAYS worked medicaid saved my and my families asses on medical care cost when we have had it. I've been that poor, hell worse, and when sick prior to kids making minimum wage under the poverty level income, I couldn't afford the 60$ to go to a clinic to get treated for the pneumonia and sinus infection I had I didn't have 60$ I nearly died because I refused to go to the hospital and end up with THAT bill, luckily loving friends came up with 60$ for the clinic and 120$ for the meds I then needed. All could of been avoided with the ACA. I pay taxes and I get medicaid, I still get it under the ACA and I pay my freaking taxes! In a year if I get the job I'm after I will for the first time ever have health care for myself and family that gets us real medical care and not refused left and right for things our docs say we NEED and medicaid says nope. Our problem is health care for people who REFUSE to get jobs, get off their lazy entitled asses and grow up, not all poor people are lazy.
Please note I didn't mean to
Please note I didn't mean to offend anyone with my comment! I remember watching something on US healthcare some time ago, seeing people stitch up their own really nasty cuts that needed hospital attention because they couldn't afford to pay and didn't have insurance really stuck in my mind. I've read a few things since then that would seem to corroborate the lack of universal healthcare, but I do realise that the info available outside of the country may not accurately reflect the reality within, so if I was off the mark then I apologise.
Don't stress on it - the OP
Don't stress on it - the OP was ASKING what WE outside of the US was hearing or understanding about what is happening and about the attitudes towards and from the US in general, so you told it how you understand it - I agree - whatever the actual case may be WE don't know. Is the info we receive accurate - who knows but it's all we have to base our opinions on, and all we are doing is stating opinions as asked for by the OP.
I for one am still confused the arguments on here still appear to be opposing each other, some say the health system already treats anyone who needs it regardless of insurance status and some are saying it doesn't.
I am making an educated guess that just as in our health system here there are grey areas. My daughter requires medication that is rare and not on our PBS (pharmaceutical benefits scheme) These meds cost me quite a substantial amount each month, but regardless of if I was on benefits or not I would never be able to get them subsidised (if you are on benefits or very low income here you get subsidised meds) So I am guessing that there are a lot of fuzzy areas in your current health system and will be in the new one as well. I think it's never going to be perfect no matter how hard they try, and no matter how good they get it people will never be happy.
I have been very poor and
I have been very poor and Medicaid helped me also, and my three children, when they were young. You are right all poor people don't get it but when my oldest daughter was 4 she had a lump under her left ear. I worked - 40 hours a week; we went to have it checked. I paid cash and we were really poor I was a single mother to three children under the ages 5 making minumum wage. When they told me it may be cancer I of course really got scared. I did not have any insurance at the time so I went to the medicaid office to see if I could get emergency help as I could not afford a biopsy or surgery. I was denied but my family and friends found the money to help me with the surgery for my child. When I was in the walfare office there were people there with gold rings and teeth, and very nice cars. I didn't have any of that I drove a 20 year old car that I had to push start. Now if you go to the office the poverty level has been raised now you can make a good living and still get it - I know my youngest step daughter gets it and her mother makes ok money but she lies so she can get everything for free. When the first parts of the ACA went into affect I lost all my insurance everything I work for a small company now none of my kids or myself are covered we have nothing! I went to the web site and put in my info to see how much it would be and I can not afford it period. I pay taxes also and in the years after I left my kids dad - I was really poor I understand poor. I don't understand able body people with good jobs getting medicaid I can't afford to cover my family any more and we still don't make much. I'm sorry if I offended you but in this day with the ACA you can get medicaid in all those cases single men and women. I can't afford to pay for myself and my family but I guess I can afford everyone elses insurance I mean why not right, it's not like children are going uninsured - OH yea mine are!!!
My premiums went from $157 to
My premiums went from $157 to over $800 a month next year... I thought I was going to die. Thank GOD DH just got a new job with insurance benefits, so we'll be covered next year but I can't imagine what it is like for some of my friends who are sobbing on the phone to me telling me that their insurance rates quadrupled and they have no idea how to pay for it or that their job is no longer offering health insurance or is cutting their hours (YES! People are being forced to work LESS hours because of this bill so that they don't have to be covered by their company for health insurance. This is doing so much good! They now have to buy their own insurance AND they are making less money). This is sick and wrong...
I don't know. I went to the
I don't know. I went to the UK recently and heard some Britons speaking very favorably of us on the tube.
I think that those who think we as a nation are "barbaric" or opposing Obamacare are "barbaric" ought to take a look at what small businesses go through every day, and just how many people truly abuse the welfare system. They ought to take a look at the medical copays union employees pay vs. the copays people in the private sector pay. The number of people who abuse the welfare system is barbaric. What the small businesses deal with in terms of bureaucracy and lack of work these days is barbaric. The staggering difference between the copays of union members vs. those in the private sector is barbaric.
One of my friends is an RN. She suggested to me that instead of creating more bureaucracy, why not just put those who will be receiving Obamacare on Medicare or Medicaid?
I have insurance thru a union
I have insurance thru a union (My DH). It's not as "great" as some people envision. yes, unions are large so can negotiate much more lucrative benefit packages but let me tell you what we have:
$100 copay on ED visits
$25 copay on office visits
We are limited to FIVE office visits a year, then we pay 100% (considering there are SIX of us covered under this insurance, it gets interesting, especially when BM uses them all up for the SK's in the first 4 months of the year, then leaves us - DH, me, and my 2 kids - to have to pay 100% out of pocket)
80/20 on outpatient procedures
Actually I'll honestly say that when I worked for a healthcare facility, my benefits were WAY better than those I quoted above... and we weren't union.
I am from the UK, and work as
I am from the UK, and work as a nurse in the USA. All my friends laugh and say Americans cannot pull their collective head out of their ass. I am very defensive of America, as I love it here.
That said, I work in healthcare, at one of the biggest hospitals in the country. We treat the rich, on their insurance/wage and the poor, on medicaid/care. The middle ground is missing. The rich could not care less the cost, nor the poor. The people who make up the majority, who work for their money and have to budget, are the ones stressed by their hospital stay.
While I understand and witnessed the problems in the NHS (National Health Service) in the UK, the US system truly screws those who are not millionaires or poor. When I had my child the care here was substandard to that I saw friends have in the UK and I got a $10,000 bill and they never even considered a bill.
Additionally, I think most Americans are unaware of their hidden costs - car insurance here is ridiculous - I pay a month what I would pay in a year in the UK. Why? Because car insurance companies have to cover the cost of medical bills. In the UK that is a non-issue. So, in the UK, yes taxes are higher for the NHS, but in America they get you in ways you do not realize.
Overall for me I prefer the NHS, despite working as a nurse in the USA (because my kids dad is here). Funnily enough, I always believed the US had a better healthcare system, but when I was seriously ill last year EVERY doctor here told me to go home for better treatment (despite me having 100% insurance - so no cost issues) as they said I would be treated quicker and more effectively in the UK. I never imagined that!
I am really curious to see
I am really curious to see what you think I "did"....
I'm chiming in from Canada
I'm chiming in from Canada here. Some of the things I've heard:
Americans think they are the only people that count.
They think that as soon as they cross the border it should be winter, even though parts of our country are more south than they are.
They think your gun laws are ridiculous. Just because you have a gun doesn't necessarily mean it will save you. Often the other person has one too. Too many innocent people get killed accidentally.
We don't understand why you don't embrace universal health care. Here in Ontario, employers pay 1.95% of employee wages (after a company wide $400,000 exemption) to the Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan. This covers all doctor visits and hospitalization. There are no deductibles, co-pays, limits etc. Our problem, unfortunately is that to administer this, they had to put a cap on doctor's wages, which in turn has made it difficult for us to find doctors sometimes. As they cannot make an unlimited amount of cash, they have restricted the number of patients they will take on. Some of them will actually make you fill out a questionnaire to find out if you're healthy enough to be their patient.
I've also heard you're pretty pushy and loud too.....sorry.
I don't know many Americans, but our company does have a location in Texas, and I find the people there very nice. I've also been to New York - same thing.