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No way BM lied!!

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

BM and her ex had court today. Unfortunately for BM she was unaware that vindictive SM and SOs mother were helping her exBF. Because what better way to to say FU to a woman who has made SOs life a living hell other than to make sure she is made to look like a complete a$$ in court. 

The list of lies:

ExBF beat her, the kids and the dog.

SM provided texts between SM and YSD where she admits to assaulting exBF and her general disdain for his existence. 

SKs have never acted out or disrespected any adult other than exBF.

2 police reports from SM, one from grandma and pics if injuries grandpa suffered at the hands of SKs. A CPS report and a report SKs are receiving intensive community mental health treatment services due to their behavior.

BM has shared custody with SO who has SKs half the time.

Proof BM has intentionally violated the court order and SI has not had contact with SKs. 

Add in attendance records, report cards and pics of the outrageous things SKs have done. 

Basically BM lied so severely her lawyer was completely dumbfounded, caught off guard and the law guardian and judge were disgusted with her as they had already had the proof and reviewed it before her appearance. 

They are granting exBF custody, she gets every other weekend and every other week in the summer. She is not to have the little one alone with SKs at any time. 

Poor BM what is she going to do. She will only get tax returns for two kids now and she will have to pay back the stimulus she is collecting on the little one. There goes her Christmas club.


JRI's picture

Revenge is sweet.  Poor little girl but I'm glad her dad got custody.

SteppedOut's picture

Happy for the little girl. Perhaps she will turn out "normal".

I noticed crazy bm can never have the younger daughter alone with crazy SDs. Are they not living with her full-time? Where will SDs go so bm can have visitation? Or does that mean an addition person/adult has to be in the home?

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

BM has to keep driving the little one to her Neices house on days she has to work. Which is a 20 minute drive each way.. 

One of the most enjoyable parts of this in addition to BM getting the sh$t end of the stick, is BM is without a weapon in which to torment, manipulative and control exBF. Which I am sure she is more upset about. If I know BM her plan was just foiled to try and force exBF back into a relationship with her by withholding the child from him as punishment for abandoning her. 

Unfortunately all it would take is one time leaving her alone with SKs and the poor kid would probably get hurt the way they fist fight and throw things at each other all day. That's how Thier grandfather got hurt. 

TheAccidentalSM's picture

With this BM, I bet she decides that rules are for other people and tries to leave the LO with the ferals and scare/bribe LO into not telling anyone.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

He expects her to do whatever she wants that's why I suggested he get the gizmo pal watch it has a gps tracker in it that syncs with your cell phone so he can check to make sure she is at the sitters.

I had one for my son when he was little because I worried about his father supervising him. 

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Maybe a nice successful custody hearing gift?  *diablo*

The_Upgrade's picture

Ah sweet sweet justice. Let’s hope the exBF has a good support system in place for the little one. She may not be under BM’s complete tender loving care but her BM does have access to her. Sometimes if kids are too sheltered from the truth of their parent they fall for the poor little me act that parent heaps on them in the limited time available. 

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Thank goodness she didn't get custody.  But The_Upgrade is right.  BM is going to love bomb the child to PAS her.

The_Upgrade's picture

It’s rare for me to wish a child was taken away from its mother but imagine the benefits if exBF managed to move out of state with LO and BM has her hands tied up managing her ferals to mount a proper court case.