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Just a little rant for you have one!!??

hbell0428's picture

Last night SD14 goes upstairs and runs down (our bedroom, the boys room & our bathroom upstairs).....DH asked SD what she was doing or what she took. SD looks right at him and says....I didn't take anything!
this morning I get up and go in to get my hairspray......gone; I ask BD if she took it.....nope.... I hear SD say...I got it!! She comes out w/ her hair all done up and hands me back my EMPTY bottle of hairspray!!

I was so mad!! I said... don't touch my hairspray - I buy you your own; leave mine alone!! That is the first time in 2 years I have really ever been pissy w/ her in front of DH; FELT GOOD!!
**The realy issue was that she looked right at DH and lied!!

liks's picture

And thats all you said.....shit....I would have given her a lecture that possibly would have lasted 5 mins....

Newstep's picture

That would piss me off!!! I have a rule that no one is allowed in our bedroom. When my kids were little that was my rule. Now that SD is the only one at home (My BS17 comes home on weekends)I want to re-establish my rule. We have two bathrooms but the main one is used by everyone. If we had a master bath that would be off limits. I feel like we should all have our own private space without having to worry about someone snooping around or taking stuff.

SD reports back to BM everything that goes on in our house it is so annoying. Like how many perfume bottles I have or how much makeup I own it is ridiculous!! She was home sick on Friday and when I got home she told me she was in our bedroom looking for nail polish remover!! I told her our bedroom is off limits. If she needs something she has to wait untill I get home. My personal things are just that my personal things!! Sorry I just went off on a rant LOL this has been bugging me!!!