why cant i stand my 3yr sd
Ok so I can't vent on fb anymore lol so I found this site and hope it will help... Ok here's my story been w my bf since Feb last yr his daughter was 18 mos n now we have a 4 month old son together but even in the beginning I didn't really bring my self to liking his daughter she is TERRIBLE and throughout my pregnancy I devolped a hate for her, her name her voice just the thought of us getting her for the week! I know its selfish and idk why I'm like this I get along w everyone else's kids but her I can't stand she is always crying for her dad like she has horrible seperation anxiety from him she's 3 and always says "I da baby" and always screams bloody murder for her dad to hold her jumping up and down following him I literally want to knock het over (so mean I know) she never listens to me especially when her dad is around and she knows what she's not suposed to do when I have her or in general! But she purposely plays w things she not supposed to or acts out.. we can't even take her to the store or out to eat cuz she runs a muck like seriously I've brought up the topic if she's adhd idk what to do anymore! I sometimes feel like leaving my bf bc I can't handle his daughter not to mentioned our stupid fights combined I actually invision just me n my son in our own little clean house since my bf n SD are ridiculous messy and I have minor ocd! O just think is be much happier but I do definatley love my bf? Please help? Opinions? Don't sugar coat them lol
- vmjp8812's blog
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Sorry, but your bf is the
Sorry, but your bf is the definition of a Disney Dad and isn't likely to change soon. If you already feel hatred towards her and resentment towards your bf over it, it will only get more intense with time. If you think the relationships are worth saving, talk to a therapist about ways to cope with your feelings. But if you think it's going to be detrimental to you and your son in the long run, you might want to just get out now, live seperately but continue seeing him, or insist he see his daughter outside of the home you share and refuse to be around her.
Ya he's been good at going w
Ya he's been good at going w the rules I make but sometimes its like ur the mean one u need to be more nice and care and interact which I do but I a also am constantly telling her "no, don't touch that, get out of their" and this all has been going on about 6 + months! Idk if she acts out cuz her mom also has a daughter 1 1/2 yrs old and has always paid attn to her n now she has a 4 month old liitle brother w me and idk if she's jealous but I even asked my Dr for mess to calm me I've been prescribed cilexa n its helped a little but not when she's here I just want to lock her in her room for the week!
Is there something I'm not
Is there something I'm not reading here?....How does the kid screaming for her dad, not listening when SM is around and her jumping up and down wanting him to hold her make him a Disney Dad? I didnt read anything about how he responds to it or if he caters to his daughters every wish or not. Maybe he does, but I dont know.
I agree with evaluating if this situation is something you want to be in or not. However, insisting that he only see his daughter outside of the home you share is wrong if you want to stay together. I believe it will only build resentment on both ends. If wanting him to see his daughter outside the life of you and him together, then I think that is indicitive of the fact you may not want to be in this situation or that it won't work well for you. If I told my DH I wanted that, he would tell me to F off and vice versa.
If the feelings are bad now, they will most likely only get stronger and worse with time unless you can find a way to deal/cope and have it work out as best as can be.
What is his take on it all? How does he feel? Does he know how you feel? What is his reaction to how you feel?
He usually caters to her
He usually caters to her she's his boss! On most occasions... He doesn't exactly know how I feel but he definatley gets a bad vine he know I make plans to be out of the house when she's here or I take her to my gmas and she watches her ot ill take her to her cousins... He gets irritated w me and sometimes will tell me leave but we love eachother and I want to believe were stronger than letting his child get between us... I'm not one who always goes to church but my bf family is and lately i been asking god to help me get through this but I'm not sure if that will happen .... She was horrible all day yesterday and then we took her to stay w her cousins and me n my bf have been fine since she's out of the picture but I'm dreading getting her today...