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vmjp8812's Blog

the demon goes home!!!

vmjp8812's picture

Omg!!! Thank baby jesus! Finally a week n a half alone w my bs... Seriously this little girl (sd3) all she does is cry n whine when her dad is around for the most part she minds me but when daddy is around holy fuck!! I want to throw her against the wall like literally idk what to do me n my bf fight bc of her alll the time! N hell say it won't work if u can't accept her! But I have it'd just hard she's ridiculous I've even asked her bm how she acts at their house...

why cant i stand my 3yr sd

vmjp8812's picture

Ok so I can't vent on fb anymore lol so I found this site and hope it will help... Ok here's my story been w my bf since Feb last yr his daughter was 18 mos n now we have a 4 month old son together but even in the beginning I didn't really bring my self to liking his daughter she is TERRIBLE and throughout my pregnancy I devolped a hate for her, her name her voice just the thought of us getting her for the week!