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Finding ways to keep busy...

unbelieveable's picture

So I have two weeks of school left - which will get rid of some stress. And I am starting a CAREER soon - no more part-time jobs. My wonderful parents sat me down and basically told me they don't know where their daughter went. They want me to get out of that house as well as FH. They told me FMIL is creating a very unhealthy enviroment for me and I am not good at handling stress - it physcially takes a toll on me - like I will lose 20 pounds and then gain 30 back...if anyone looks at me the wrong way - I burst into tears. my anxiety is so bad I want to hide in a corner. they are right. We need out. So...they surprised us with an apartment key - this apartment needs fixed up but my dad thinks he can have us in there at the beginning of the new year. He is going to help us with rent until we get back on our feet - we cannot save a penny living with FMIL. FH goes for his first hearing in five years to hopefully get his CS reduced. It's been that long since an adjustment was made and the EX was not working at all then - she is now - and did I mention she will be walking into that hearing 8 months preggers with the boyfriends baby? Great. We also have the kids EVERY weekend. Maybe this will make the man in the picture that pays chid support look like not such a bad guy for a change. I do have some questions I need some advice on since this will be his first time in there:

1. Are jeans, dress shoes, and a nice shirt okay for this? He was going to wear a suit but I told him he is not going before a judge - he just needs to stay away from his normal jeans, tshirt, and sneakers style. Or should he go dressed like a poor person since he can barely afford to support himself?

2. It was not listed on the order BUT should he take all of the receipts with him we have saved from school shopping, groceries, activities, wintercoats, etc. with him? Just in case she would try to say he does not provide for them? Because WE actually do. I help out financially ALOT. I just bought them winter jackets and fall jackets, and new jeans and boots. Did I mention the new sneakers I just bought them two months ago for school are so nasty its not even funny? the kids told us their mom would not let them put their play shoes on - she wanted them to wear their new shoes to the playground - theyd be needing new pairs anyway? - I believe them.

Lastly, any tips for him? Anything that could help him?


sweethoney's picture

Bring receipts it can actually count into the child support he is already paying, or at least I know it does in our state. As for everything else I'm not really sure