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:( shut up

honey0's picture

SD got back home from shopping,and now she's showing FDH what she got. tshirts, jeans, a dress, new sneakers, a jacket, golden earrings (dear god WHAT THE..),loads of make up and she does not NEED any of that! She has so many things already. But she's now showing it to her father,who's absolutely thrilled to dedicate to her showing him her new make up,and even though he can't make a difference between eyeliner and lipgloss,he's happy to listen to her go on and on about it. i tried to actually talk to him during this,nah. princess is here and i'm invisible. :sick:


honey0's picture

She's 14.

I can't. FDH would get terribly angry at me,and then in all future problems with her, I'd be to blame.
Also I can't take pleasure in that because she either wouldn't care (she certainly does not care about my opinion,she's got enough confirmation of her taste at school and outside, to her I don't have taste), or she'd do something to me or my daughter as revenge.

And anyways if I said that to her FDH would be insulted more than she would.

kjagla's picture

This is a horrible way to handle it! To degrade the girl? There is no way to do this cleanly. You have to be honest with the dad, tell the dad the kid is being spoiled and you dont see how thats teaching her any life lessons. THEN talk to the daughter, dont be a witch about it. Just tell her how you feel. Ask her to volunteer with you and do something nice for someone else. Doing for others makes you feel more grateful for what you do have. Coming from a STEP CHILD AND STEP PARENT.

tweetybird74's picture

Wow so petty of you. Sounds like you are a wee bit jealous of the attention your DH is giving HIS daughter?

emmaj's picture

i think a little grwing up is i order.... his daughter was there before you get over it.................

oldone's picture

FDH would get terribly angry at me

I think a lot of the problems that arise here are from women who live totally in fear of making their DH mad. I certainly like pleasing my DH, and I will not do something just to piss him off.

But when it comes to respecting myself and not being a doormat I wouldn't give a damn if that made DH mad.

purpledaisies's picture

Sorry but its normal for a girl to want to shiw iff her new things. I know i would.

But i think this is more to do with how she is being raised. Her aunt and ger dh is spouling her. It us up to them to correct it but if they dont want to and ir might be too late.

She is was excited about her new things. Who wouldnt?

As i said its how she is being raised.