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After 3 is time I came back.

unbelieveable's picture

I took everyone's advice I had received on here. Everyone has been amazing. I took time to find myself and work out my own issues. So many things have happened.

1. His mother and I are on much better terms and I have learned to "respectivly" stick up for myself.

2. BM is pregnant. (and is teaching her girls they are allowed to have babies when they have "Good boyfriends.") I made it clear to them that popping out kids to make someone stay with you is NOT the way it's done and if either of them come home BEFORE they graduate college pregnant they will NOT be welcomed in my home. There is NO way in hell I will be footing the bills for them to follow in their loser of a mother's footsteps.

3. FH has finally stood up to BM and told her there will be no more contact UNLESS it is about the kids. If it does not involve the kids - she may NOT call him. She may NOT visit his house.

4. I have disengaged from fsd7. She does not respect me. She is a brat. I don't like her. I have tried time and time again for 3 years. What is amazing about this disengaging thing is that she has been amazing the last few weeks (knock on wood.) She has been respectful - she has been listening.

5. the relationship between BM and FMIL - they can have it. It gets her out of my hair and I am better than both of them combined. I have been exercising and getting facials and getting my nails done. I am taking care of myself now. I don't care what anyone else does.

BM and I have however- butted heads. And I have a feeling it will get worse before it gets better.

She appeared with random pictures of my FH a couple of weeks ago. The phone calls and texts have been coming in harder (which he put a stop to and so far things have been quiet.) Last Friday at preschool graduate - she insisted on taking pictures of FH and I together? Is that weird? Why the hell would she want those? Things are just getting weirder.


lastchance's picture

That is very strange. I could see wanting pictures for SD, if SD wanted pictures of you guys when she's at BM's house with her. My SD was originally supposed to come stay with us for a greater portion of the summer. When she was going to be here, I was going to put up one or two pictures of SD with her siblings and SD's mom in her room, just so she had something of her mom. Even though I hate that b!tch with a passion, I know she's SD's mom and SD would miss her.

unbelieveable's picture

...yeah - she said it was for her scrapbook or something. I made the comment we could make our own scrapbooks. The girls are at the point now where they have no memory of their mother and father ever being together. They know their schedule for when they come to the house. - They know we take pictures of them and us togehter at our house to make our own memories. However - we don't exchange pics or anything from house to house - their mother is just a nutbag - she will be posting crap all over facebook like an 18 year old gossip girl.

lastchance's picture

ha ha...our bm is the same way. she's 23 but acts like she is still 15. i think that is when her maturing stopped and incidentally is when she got knocked up with her first kid!

i think our situation may be slightly different from yours. i was thinking of putting up pictures for SD because SD and her mom live 1200 miles away from us. i figured seeing pictures of her mom may make it less hard for her to be away from her mother, although after a couple days it probably wouldn't even phase her. not like her mom pays any attention to her anyways.

KTL's picture

She wanted the pic so she could show her friends what you looked like because she think so highly of herself she wants to confirm it. (realy shes looking at who is now controling her life) she is in disbelief. She knows she has lost some ground.