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At what age does "over-affection" become innapropriate?

tofurkey's picture

I have read a lot of posts on here in regards to this subject. It seems to be more rampant with fathers/daughters (but I'm sure it happens with some mothers/sons too.) I read time and time again about how the father and daughter are being affectionate in a way that is not appropriate or disturbing. Daughter sitting on father's lap, "snuggling up" together, sweet talking, things like this --- at what age in your opinion do these things become innapropriate??


caregiver1127's picture

I know once I got my period at 12 that I no longer felt comfortable sitting on my father's lap - that was my time to start being a young woman and not Daddy's little girl anymore - it is different for everyone - but I do think in this day and age that the whole dynamic of father/daughters is way different then when I was 12 - 31 years ago - I never did sweet talking or snuggling up - but back then Father's had their own chairs and did not sit on the couch or floor with us. I never ever full out laid prone on my father at any age but then again I have never seen my father without a t-shirt, underwear and either pj's or fully clothed - I never saw him without a shirt ever! So I was raised a lot differently than most kids today! There should be boundaries and limits set so as not to confuse these girls - if you as a SM feel funny watching your DH and SD interact then there probably is something not right!

tofurkey's picture

Idk, I guess because my father died when I was only a couple years old, I do not understand so much the super affectionate relationships I see on here and in public between fathers and daughters. But, I've always been kind of irked out with some things that I see between some mothers and sons too....

LizzieA's picture

Yesterday I was at a friend's dinner and there was a family with their 17 yo daughter. She and her dad spent the whole time together, even sitting on the coach snuggled up while mom did the dishes, etc. for her MIL. I can see some affection but this was constant. The man barely interacted with anyone else although he seemed nice enough. But he treated the girl like she was a baby.