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Are you kidding me?!

tofurkey's picture

Done with skid visit at MIL's, YAY! But I have to say that it was another hideous one to say the least....

For anyone who has read any of my blogs before, it was all of the normal b.s. This time, one of the in-laws decided to show us as always 20 pictures of SD. As she was going through the pics, she passed one she had just taken of SD and BM together. Really? BM has a camera, why are you taking these pictures with her?

Maybe 5 min after we get to MIL's, SD looks at DH and says in a baby voice "dadddyyy I can't get my chairrrr out". After she said that the second time, I told her "try pulling it out, I bet that works." Well what do you know? It did! Go figure....

Anyways...SD was acting like her typical attention-hoarding, clingy, bratty self. So, MIL is going on about one of the "stories" she tells about SD. Apparently SD asked MIL to "go inside and get her silly bandz for her" then when MIL was going to retrieve them SD then said "oh, nevermind. it's my responsibility, i'll get them." So this little statement was what lead MIL to say "Can you believe she said that?! How mature of her! She is just so smart! She's what, almost 7 and saying things like that?! She's like 6 going on 30!"

Are you kidding me? Six going on thirty? Ummmmm you are saying this while the kid is sitting in a high chair eating with a baby spoon?! SERIOUSLY? How about more like 6 going on 3? THAT would be more accurate. I seriously had to hold back from throwing up. Take off the blinders people!!!! :sick:


Tx mommy of 3's picture

Ha ha!!! You should've asked mil if sd knew what the word meant. Now that she apparently knows what that means you can keep throwing it in their faces.

Sd- daddy help me cut my food
you- no, sd, that is your responsibility.

Sd- grandma, help me with my bath
you- no, sd that is your responsibility.

See...every opportunity you get, turn it back to it being her responsibility since she is going on 30 and all...

tofurkey's picture

Lol, that is an EXCELLENT idea! I will deff try it next time!

Yeah this kid doesn't know anything about responsibility. And last time I checked, a 30 year old didn't need to be ushered and accompanied to the bathroom!

StepmomB19's picture

Well atleast she's only 6, try dealing with this when she's 17, like I have to! talk about puke city...I have a 17 year old SS that acts like he's Huey to the max..hopefully she outgrows this but it's been my experience it only gets worse as they get older so fasten your seatbelt..

tofurkey's picture

Ugh, yes that is my fear. I do not see this getting any better when she gets older. It has been like this the whole time I have been with DH. I can only imagine what kind of teenager she will be!