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Another great visit at MILs'....

tofurkey's picture

Another great visit at MIL's to see skid. It's the same old tired crap every time we go.

Got there...As soon as we did, before DH's brother says hi to either of us, he starts talking about skid and play by play of what happened that day (not even anything relevent, just the same story 80 times).

We go inside and skid is acting like a tyrant. Of course this is because she "isn't feeling well again, didn't get a nap, etc etc."

Eat lunch. Not even a half hour after we had gotten there, BM calls. OF COURSE MIL puts her on speaker phone "Ohhhh hiiiii honey. Yep, okay. Yeah if she wants to go home tonight that's up to her (skid) Skid, do you want to go home tonight? No, she wants to stay here. Okay, talk to you later sweetheart mhmmmm bye bye." *gag*

Skid asking DH if "daaaa daaaa can youuu butter my bread? daaaa daaaaa can you cut my meat? this cup is tooooo heavy daaaa daaaa i neeeddd a straaaaww" Then Skid starts throwing tantrum because she didn't finish her lunch but wanted desert.

Finish lunch, go out to have a cig. Skid comes running out and is upset that she can't cling onto DH's leg because he is smoking. Crying, stomping feet, whining, etc....

Go inside while DH carves pumpkin with skid. She gets pissed because it's taking to long to scoop the guts of the pumpkin out. Starts whining, screaming, pouting, etc.

Sit there for what seems like eternity listen to MIL spit out the same stories I heard from DH's brother when we got there. Plus a few others from last visit. Look at the same pictures....try not to make a disgusted face when they coddle skid and praise her shitty behavior.

Go outside for another cig with DH before we leave....MIL comes out 5 min later saying BM called and is coming to get skid in a couple hours and did DH give her the support for Nov? Uhmmmm yeah STUPID last fucking time we were here we gave support for Oct. I'll be damned if she gets her Nov support in Oct? WTF?

Go to leave. Skid flings herself on DH and starts whining it's not fair we had to leave....well we hadto go get work done. skid screaming "ittt'sss nottttt faiiirrrr . whaaaaaaaa"

Ugh...Can't wait until the next visit....It's such a great way to spend every other weekend...


tofurkey's picture

yeah it's so frustrating....this kid is a freaking tyrant wherever though, she doesn't descriminate by location or person.

iwannagoback's picture

Do you have the option of staying home & skipping visit to MIL??

If I could, I would live somewhere else 50% of the time - that is when SS5 is here!!!!

There is nothing worse than a WHINER!!!!

tofurkey's picture

I wish I could, but then I would deal with an almost equally annoying guilt trip that I didn't go. Every other weekend serves as a kind of two for one where we get the visit with skid and seeing MIL out of the way. So when I don't go it's just a huge headache...when I do go it's a huge headache. lol. i'm damned if i do, damned if i don't

starfish's picture

i, too, was a victim of feeling the need to go to mil's for whatever reason... and i did diligently for years... now, it fucking hardly ever happens... dh is awesome, he tells them of my migraines.. or the work i had to do for US to be able to pay the bills, or the eye infection, or the sinus problems..

i wish i could remember how the transition occured, to guide you, but i don't. however, i do know a killer blow job does solve tons of problems.

tofurkey's picture

hahahaha, you are too funny. lol, and i bet it sure does! Wink

I do skip out from time to time when "i'm not feeling well" but 95% of the time i am right there. But the times when I havn't gone he has been very understanding about it and is anxious to get home to me.

tofurkey's picture thing is that not only does MIL think that if you have a headache you are going to have a heart attack and die, she was also a nurse in her younger years so she completely turns into nurse betty mode whenever something is wrong. She will ask you 500 million times if you are okay, grill you on how long you havn't been feeling well, dote on you to make sure you aren't going to have a stroke and keep on checking on you and just ugh bugging you lol. So, for that reason, it makes it difficult to fake sickness.