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Have You Ever Lost It With A SKID?

tired...'s picture

After getting hit again by SS11, called a bitch, whore, etc by him with DW sitting not more than 3 feet away, I LOST IT.

SS11's actions were unprovoked by the way and DW said NOTHING to him.

No, I didn't hit him, never crossed my mind. Though, I have had friends tell me I should bust his behind. It isn't my place and DW isn't really into discipline either it seems.

I gave DW a moment to decide if she wanted to be a perent and she just kind of shrugged.

Sooo I lost it.

I called him a little punk and told him that he was going to fool around and hit or cuss out the wrong person and end up dead or in prison. I also told him with his attitude he would never keep a job if he ever managed to land one. Oh, and when he was homeless and on the street to get a shopping cart from Target to carry his stuff.

He then had the balls to tell me that this was HIS house and he didn't want me there and I could leave.

I laughed and told him to have fun paying the bills.

I left for the night and went out and had fun. DW called me to come back so we could "work things out". Ha.

BM came and picked up the SKIDS and apparently SS has been crying and wants to "talk to someone". I think he couldn't handle the the dose of reality.

DW's ex has decided to not allow SKIDS to come over at all for a while because of my words. It has been a peaceful two weeks.

I don't feel especially proud of myself for telling the kid off but enough is enough. I'm tired of her kids hitting and cussing me. Just because someone is under the age of 18, does that mean their words or hitting hurt any less?

I'm leaving DW, it is going to be while she is at work. I have also started therapy and was diagnosed with anxiety and major depression, most likely triggered by abuse.


Maxwell09's picture

Your wife really needs to step up and be a parent. She can't keep letting her kid treat you this way AND expect you to be okay with it.

tired...'s picture

I'm done. That day was the day I had enough. I feel a little sad that SS is being pretty much encouraged down what is going to be a bad road for him. DW just can't see the big picture, she is too afraid of hurting her children's feelings and turning them against her. It's not my fight anymore. Hopefully, I will never see my SKIDS again, but I have already told her that any more hitting is going to end up to a call being put in to the sheriffs department.

I just hope he learns before it is too late.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

From my first blog last summer. Click on my bookmarks and read the first one from July. The excerpt below is from 7.7.14.

"She was done with her talk with Dad and I went back and knocked on her door. I called her father and put him on speaker phone so he could join the conversation. Not so nice this time. I asked her if she washed her hair? YES. No you didn't, it looks the same as before you got in there and it doesn't dry that fast. She screams at me, I scream at her, she says that she's going to have to hurt someone if this doesn't stop. I yelled back that she would end up in Juvie (Juvenile Det Ctr) if she hurt anyone. I yelled at her to SIT DOWN, and she planted her ass on the floor and then got up. Sit down, blah blah you get the idea, but it was a full-on pissing match with this kid!!!"

Oh such wonderful times we are in.....

~ Moon

BarkAtTheMoon's picture


SD19 is a piece of work. YSD13 mentioned above is regressing into a baby. Always acting cute but is completely clueless, with some serious hygiene issues.


oneoffour's picture

tired... you are not giving in to the child or his mother. You are claiming to live in an environment that is not fraught with abuse or tension or threats. Which is what anyone is entitled to. This boy-child will find out that life wasn't so bad with you contributing to the money pit. And DW will try to make you feel guilty and want you back.

But please do not go back. This family is dysfunctional and a breeding ground for future Jerry Springer shows. Work on healing your body and mind and learn to watch out for those red flags. And one day find a nice childless partner in the future. Wink

tired...'s picture

Yeah, this environment is 50 shades of fucked up. I simply walked by him, looking for my keys when he unloaded on me. I'm not really sure what had upset him, but it wasn't me. This home is so unhealthy.

The sad part is that the kid asked for therapy himself, but his mother will not take him because she is afraid CPS will get involved.

Even when I leave, I will be happy to pay for his therapy, if it will help.

I don't think CPS would be such a bad thing honestly. Might open DW's eyes.

tired...'s picture

If I ever date anyone with kids again, we will date for a long time before it gets serious.

DW used to discipline her kids at first. It didn't last long.

It took time to get to this point.

Shaman29's picture

I'm glad you're leaving your DW. I know that sounds awful but she is using you as a scapegoat.

Your SS is a little shit and responsible for his words, however your DW allows him to treat you that way. Had she been shutting him down from the start, then you wouldn't have a problem.

I wish you all the best.

fedupskiddad's picture

Man I feel for you. I left last fall then came back after meeting with my wife and pastor(more like being guilted) into coming back. My SS12 has attacked me physicaly 4 times and commited credit card fraud on his grandma and myself. Just yesterday he was " sick" and wanted to stay home and I said no. The kid was pouting and infront of the family(staying with MIL while we buy a house) wife stormes out and says "hes sick he can stY here" , I looked at her and said "no he cant because no one wants him here because hes a mouthy asshole and they dont want him here. Not one person said a word because its fucking true. I have a court date for my BIO 3 yr old son at the end of april for full custody due to his bio mom turning to meth head whos in jail. To be honest I dont want to get a house with her two gross whiny lying boys. Just yesterday ss11 was upset but not crying about something I said and the minute mommy walks into the room the waterfall tears start which causes her to lay into me and the minute she walks away they stop. Im just buying time till court then house or not im gone also. I tell u this stuff because unless a miracle happens it WILL NOT CHANGE. Hang in there. The calmest and most relaxed I have been in two years is when I lefy for a week and stayed at my sisters with my son. Not one arguments no insults norhing. Jyst work and my son and I.