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So, so glad I asked them to leave!

Thiskidwilldrivemecrazy's picture

Just about 2 months ago, I asked my boyfriend and his now 13 yr old (ADHD/oppositional defiant)son to find another place to live. The moved occurred on July 15 and although it was a major stress relief to have them gone, it became even MORE apparent last week that I had made the right decision. BF went to court last Friday only to have his ex state that she no longer wanted to have custody anymore (it was previously shared custody). OMG, if this had happened while they were living with me then he would have been here 100% of the time and I would have gone INSANE (he was already driving me crazy).

Thank goodness he is out of my hair!


Brady_Bunch_plus_some's picture

I was wondering how you were doing. You and your bf broke up completely right? You totally dodged a bullet on this. That kid was awful based on your posts!