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DH still not getting it

The_Upgrade's picture

A bit of an update. So we’ll start with the silver lining. DH is in therapy (which is a huge thing for him to go as he’s finally accepted he has a problem). I think he’s landed a good therapist. The first few sessions she just let DH talk so she could get an idea on the history. Recent session she asked him to think about what he says and what he expects people to hear with those words vs. what they actually hear. Which hits the nail straight on the point that DH hates conflict so he’ll say what he thinks will make you less upset with him right then and there - but you’ll get more upset with him later. It could come out as “misunderstandings” where he hasn’t said anything against which gives me the impression he agrees. And he keeps quiet and lets me think he’s on the same track as me then quietly does his own thing. And if I catch him he’ll say “but I never said....”

I think this is a behaviour that he’s learnt from longterm exposure to BM. She’s 1000x worse and aggressive about it but as an example BM says “abc”. You don’t like hearing “abc” and tell her that. She’s sorry if hearing that upsets you (which is a non-apology) because when she said “abc” you took it the wrong way and she was only meant to say “xyz”. Well - why not straight up start with “xyz”?! She does it to get a rise out of you, he does it because he doesn’t want his head bitten off.

Which brings us back to the previous fiasco of relapsing and chasing after SD.  After the birthday present dropoff I told DH to leave it alone. How about from now until the end of sept just don’t send her anything. He says ok because he sees I’m getting upset watching this trainwreck. Then I find two messages of the usual “thinking of you, hope you’re well, hope to catch up soon” ugh... and here’s my gripe: if you say you’ll do something, do it. Or don’t agree in the first place. DH says he’s spoken to his therapist and she doesn’t see anything wrong with him contacting his daughter, it was only two messages and he wasn’t planning to send any more. He never promised....Completely sidestepping the issue as what his therapist thinks is acceptable has got nothing to do with the fact that HE agreed not to contact SD. Two times is two times more than zero. Agreeing is as good as a promise isn’t it? or do we have to do some pinkie promise spit in our palms and shake ritual every time we want it to stick?!

So we’re going through the familiar ritual of DH to the doghouse, he’s sorry, he’s trying, etc. And here I am back of ST blogging to vent....


Aniki-Moderator's picture

I was in a relationship with a man like that - called him The Chameleon. His entire family is toxic. He hated conflict of any kind, which is difficult because his family thrives on conflict. They are so miserable, that they find 'happiness' in making others miserable. The Chameleon went through life doing exactly what your DH is doing. 

It's not surprising that the therapist is going to side with him staying in contact with his daughter. Do you think the therapist has any idea what the issues are? Or do you think it more likely your DH has mentioned little to nothing? 

Your frustration is understandable. {{hugs}}

The_Upgrade's picture

He’s actually called himself that. I’ve been introduced to quite a few old school friends and I noticed they all interacted with him but not each other. Like 3 girls were part of the attractive cool girls group, 2 guys from the super sporty, 3 from the nerdy group, 3 class clowns, etc. Whereas my high school experience was the misfit  group and that was it. And he said it was because he was a chameleon so he always was welcome no matter which group he wanted to hang around with. But for all his numerous friends, there isn’t a best friend that he’s ever unloaded everything on. Just multiple shallow surface friendlies.  

Aniki-Moderator's picture

My ex bf has NO friends from school. His love/hate relationship with his family is all-consuming. To compound that, he's an alcoholic. Coworkers become temporary friends, but then he gets fired so the friendships end. Then there are his bar friendships, but they are mostly women, so that 'friendship' ends when the woman a) tires of his alcoholic ways or, b) realizes he's a liar/faker and dumps him.

He is compulsive about trying to 'conform' to what he believes other people want him to be. Want to go out to eat? The Chameleon can't make that decision because his choice might make the other person unhappy. His go-to answer is "I don't know/care". After we split up, he called me aaaaaall the time saying, "You're the only person who understands me!" That's because he lies to everyone and I am the only person who saw through the facade and took the time to find out who he really was. 

I wonder if your DH doesn't 'unload' because he's afraid he will drive someone away if he does. A shallow friendship is easier to maintain. No depth; less chance of exposing his true self.

The_Upgrade's picture

Thankfully DH doesn't sound that bad. He's really good at social networking which helps tremendously with our business. It's just that conversations are limited to work, sports, fishing, news and politics. Whereas with my girlfriends we share private details like frustration with family, relationship upsets, venting, etc. DH just bottles his personal thoughts up. 

The_Upgrade's picture

I'll need more time to see how honest and completely forthcoming he is to his therapist. The reason why I insisted on therapy was because he did exactly as you described with his friends - picks and chooses which part of the story he wants to share and skews the portrait to paint him in the best light. Truth, but not the whole truth which can also be labelled as lying by omission. And if he's not able to be completely honest with a non judgement person unrelated to his life and there solely to help him better himself then there's no hope. It's personal counselling not marriage counselling so the therapist isn't there to play referee. And he does acknowledge that he has issues that he wants to address and change. It's just whether or not he's capable.