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SS9 Has Broken Me To Pieces

TheOtherMom's picture

It could be hormones because even though I am on Prozac, I get super sensitive at thistime of the month or it could be I am genuinely hurt.

SS9 has been "emotionally distant" since he got back last week.
He doesn't hug me. Doesn't tell me he loves me. Doesn't make eye contact.
I refuse to push him on this subject.
Before he went away this summer, he was sweet, affectionate etc.
And he is fine with DH.
He is laughing and giggling at everything like usual.
He has also questioned every single thing I tell him or do for him.

I know he made peace with his mother this summer and am wondering if Peace meant compromising our relationship?

Now the not so healthy part. I can't stay sad for long. As I type this I am getting angrier.

This woman didn't want this child. NOW, because she knows he is the one who has any evidence against her past behavior etc. she has started to kiss up to him? Come on! And I am not inferring from anything. She sent a text to DH last night that said "you don't have a case, SS9 is my baby now and he knows it."

He is her baby NOW. Wasn't for the past 9 years?

So. Steptalkers have great advice but right now, I don't think anyone can say anything to keep me rational. And all I can think of is how screwed up in the head SS9 is going to be.

PS - SS11 is doing great Smile


SteppingUp's picture

Poor SS9 sounds like he's being a victim of some major manipulation. It is sad for everyone involved. Sometimes my stepson seems suddenly distant as well. I think it's almost a test for seems he's almost skeptical, somehow trying to balance his opinions of me and BM. Remember that young kids don't always have the emotional maturity to realize that they can love two people who share similar roles in their lives the same. He may be feeling guilty that in the past he has shown you more love and is now confused. I know you weren't really looking for advice, but I always remind myself in certain situations that people will often just think what they want about me (BM in your situation). But if I never give them a reason to think those things, eventually their opinions will change...or at least their opinions won't be pushed onto how others feel about me (your step son). Might not be today or tomorrow, but if you continue to be loving and caring -- don't shut down because of feelings of hurt -- then he will open up again.