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How to Stop Worrying?

TheOtherMom's picture

So I am about to deploy for 1 year and I am so worried. Originally, I was worried about the skids and DH losing his temper and lashing out at them. NOW, I know they will be okay because I have some trust in DH (and his medication) and besides, he is going through a custody battle with BM so that would be stupid ... long story.

I am worried about DH. I am worried about US being able to sustain our marriage. A year is a long time, I don't care what anyone says.

Our deployments used to be 6 months and that was perfect. Gone long enough to take a break from your family but short enough not to grow distant.

I am worried about DH being a single dad again. When I met him, he was doing fine as a single dad and it has been a long time so I don't know if he can handle that now?

I have taken the "post it" notes idea from a previous suggestion but at the end of the day, how do I stop worrying about DH? It is such a waste of energy!


Newbie2's picture

Definitely a waste of energy hun. But i understand. Piece of advice though, just don't worry. Do your best to talk to him and prepare you both for the deployment....but worrying now & later will not help you! You got to face the facts and make the best of them. The fact is, you WILL be gone a year, he WILL to be a single dad for a year, he HAS done it before, and last but not have to have FAITH in a good result of this year of deployment. But worrying is only hurting you and your family. Just my opinion and I hope it can help. There isn't really a secret to stop worrying, you just have to choose not to...when you start to get worrying thoughts, you have to stop yourself...i do it daily lol