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SW2613's Blog


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We found out yesterday that BM is 8wks along. Another poor child will be brought into this world with a shitty mom. Very sad. We hae mixed emotions about it. The way she is, this will most likely make her forget about SS. We went to court yesterday(it was a nightmare that I will blog about when I have the time), she told dh that she wants to settle and will agree to anything to do so. I don't want this to make SS develop an attachment to her as he so badly wants us to have a baby. This will make Bm's druggy violent bf be more of a permanent figure now.


SW2613's picture

Dh took SS to the law school clinic that represents him, so he could visit BM for 2 hours supervised by one of the law student practitioners since we have a 2 day cub scout camping trip this weekend. While one of the practitioners supervised BM and SS, the other 2 met with Dh. They gave him the third degree on all kinds of dumb shit that we had thoroughly addressed in several different documents. They also start asking about when they separated and divorced and when did we get together. What f'n difference does that make?!

I just don't know how I feel about SS anymore, making excuses and feeling sorry for him can only last so long...

SW2613's picture

I’m so f’n tired of this stupid, f’d up life!! Dh had to work late, so I had to pick up SS from school. As is now customary, I had to see what f’d up thing he did at school today. Before I even looked in the folder, he tried to give some crack pot story about pinching a girl (he always attacks girls). He took me on this long lie-filled journey of what happened. When we got home, I looked in the folder and discovered that he hit the girl and tore up his lunch card.

I Just Don't Know What To Think Anymore

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Friday we met with our attorney to discuss the hearing officer conference that occurred almost 3 weeks ago (atty couldn't find the time to tell us until then). She basically said that during the conference, BM's atty threw around Parental Alienation. However, she never wrote it in any of the pleadings and never asked for it to be considered as or with the bullshit contempt charges they are already trying to sell. Hearing Officer asshole just ate it all up and wants Dh to serve jail time for it.

So Angry! Keep Getting Screwed! Need to Vent!!!!!!!

SW2613's picture

We spoke with our attorney today and she said that the Hearing Officer wants Dh to go to jail, because he believes we have PAS'd him against BM. She said that based on letters she has received from SS7's G.A.L.s, they seem to be against him already. We have only had one meeting with them and they are coming this weekend for a home visit. Our attorney called the G.A.L.'s supervising attorney, as they are 3 law school students, and told her that she feels Dh is not getting a fair shake as he is the good parent and they are falling into BM's lying and manipulative trap.

SS gets sad if I use the word "step"

SW2613's picture

I was discussing with my husband how much I love this site and how helpful it has been. SS7 overheard us talking and said with a sad face "Why do you keep saying 'step-mom'? I thought I was your son?" This isn't the first time that he hasn't gotten sad. One day in Wal-mart the cashier asked if he was my little brother, because I look like I'm 15 lol. I said no and that he was my step-son so that she knew that I didn't get pregnant with when I was in high school or something. Once again he said "I thought I was your son."

BM cancels yet another visit with the son she "loves so dearly"

SW2613's picture

Since this new visitation order has been in place. BM has had the opportunity to have 8 visits. Of those 8 possible visits, she has cancelled half of them as well as spoke with DH about reducing the time from 5 to 3 hours because "SS gets bored." Oh what a caring and loving mother! I had the pleasure of sitting in a doctor's office waiting room with SS yesterday for over an hour and half with only a cheap McDonald's happy meal toy and conversation with me to occupy him and he never once was bored.

Why are the courts as corrupt as BM is?

SW2613's picture

We just got a letter in the mail today from our attorney with a copy of a fax she received from SS's Law Student Practitioners appointed to represent him. It states that at the last hearing officer conference last week it was discussed "statements were made regarding misrepresentations that were made to the evaluator of non-filed documents purporting to be court documents. Has the evaluator been informed of these misrepresentations?"
