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BM talks the talk in court, but doesn't walk the walk

SW2613's picture

BM is given 5 hours visitation at the sheriff's office one weekend day a week. This weekend she told my SS to tell us that "[her first name] said she will call you about making it 3 hours". BM called my husband and told him that SS gets bored. The have tons of board games, movies, toys, outdoor b-ball court, plus she brought him his b-day presents from her that day(His b-day was August 11) and can bring in whatever she wants. She also cancelled the weekend before last, because she had "a job interview". What job interviews on a Sunday? What job interview can you not reschedule? She is unemployed due to her own fault (not the economy) and can literally interviewed Monday-Saturday.

BM is allowed to call on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 6-7:30p.m. Last night, she didn't call or even text since she just got a cell phone after not having one since 2010. She has not called on several occasions claiming "I had things to do." You have no job and only 2 opportunities to talk to you son and you chose those times to do your errands that you could have done all throughout the week when everyone else is working. Obviously from this recent stuff and everything over the years, she really and truly does not care about him. She only fights out of spite for us and for appearances. She gets a free attorney and her and her attorney have been defrauding the court by filing without paying racking up close to $1000 in filing fees. The hearing officer sees her fighting as her caring for him, but really it is just her continuing her abuse of my husband and now me. I wish/hope/pray that she would just finally give up and give us a chance at a happy life and give SS a chance at becoming a descent person.


Doubletakex3's picture

I'm with ya sister. Exact same thing here. I started keeping a calendar of each time she has the kids and each time she's suppose to have them but doesn't. It's color coded with highlighters. I also have a spreadsheet tally by kid that compares the number of days of visitation versus actual visitation by month. Last time we were in court over CS (she was trying to get out of paying) she pulled her usual crap in an attempt to get CS lowered, "But your honor, I have my children more now.". Our attorney whipped out the calendar & spreadsheet and presented it to the judge. Surprisingly, the judge read every entry for every month going back an entire year! He questioned her on at least 4-5 of the entries and she fumbled with lame answers. She looked like the lying lame POS mother that she is.

He ordered that the CS be calculated based on FDH having sole custody due to her failure to meet the required number of days of visitation for shared custody!!! We were doing the happy dance.

However, now she does stupid crap just to get credit for one more day of having the kids so there has been a bit of downside.

If you're not already keeping track, I'd highly recommend it,

SW2613's picture

For over 2 years I kept a very detailed daily account of everything. SS's behavior, sleep patterns, BM's call time and length of call, SS's response to even the phone ringing and the call itself, and even wrote it in third person as it is a true account of facts and not my story. I've passed around this calendar to every lawyer, evaluator, SS's new law students appointed to represent him, SS's therapists, etc. and I don't think anyone has given it a serious look. If they did, they would understand how little she gives a shit. I would absolutely love if they brought it up and called her on her lies. The only reason she's calls is to just be able to prove that she did in fact call, because it is literally 40secs to 2minutes long. "How are you? How was school? What did you do at school? What did you have for lunch? Ok, Mommy loves you and misses you and can't wait to see you. Bye" That's it!

The bitch just sent my husband a text saying that she ran out of minutes on her cell and that's why she didn't call and could she call now. That is this biggest load of bullshit! She just got the damn thing. She has been calling from a house phone all this year and now since she has a cell phone she can't use the house phone any more. Please! She has her allotted time and that is it. SS's routine shouldn't get F'd up tonight as it does on T/Th, because she didn't call for whatever the reason may be. Ugh! Infuriating!!